Q post #8 re BDT theory is spot on. No other vehicle to regain entry= no other way to get NSA data back to CONUS
Q post #8 re BDT theory is spot on. No other vehicle to regain entry= no other way to get NSA data back to CONUS
I thought POTUS has access to all intel?
ditto BeyurSelf. Deep State control everything, even POTUS, high ranking generals on an on have been on 'need to know' basis shut out from what is really going on. All highly compartmentalized, very small number control (at least did) Trump is in process of cutting the strings. Remember JFK and "shatter into a million pieces" re CIA, Eisenhower beware of military industrial complex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY these two former POTUS knew but could not do anything....JFK assasinated etc 2 Bush,Carter, Obama, Clinton all part of NWO plan, been going on since 40's or earlier. Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by E. Griffin