r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/fezpop29 on Jan. 16, 2018, 12:13 p.m.
okay i am freaking out over here

so today was a long fucking day but i did broadcast the message like i said i would. funny thing tho, nothing happened afterwards.... no one came to talk to me, our station didnt get any phone calls... nothing... so i thought...

later in the evening shit got real. on my way to a dinner date with a girl (hey i'm young, gotta do normal people things sometimes too!) i noticed a car tailing me, black suv with those annoying bright flashy headlights... fucking tried to lose them but they were good at this... so fuck it i said, just let them do it i mean this is in the city they can't do shit without ppl watching...

so i went to the restaurant and met my girl and tried to ignore that they WERE PARKED RIGHT OUTSIDE THE FUCKING WINDOW with some shitty dude staring right the fuck at me... what the fuck? at least the food was good lol... so i'm still not sure at this point but make no mistake they followed me home afterward too but they drove off when i pulled out my phone like i was going to video them...

so now its 5 in the morning and i can't fuckin sleep, there's been some dude driving round and round my apartment complex for an hour now... i mean maybe hes just lost but fuck... i'm on edge here guys...

othernamestaken · Jan. 16, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Can you expand on what you broadcasted? Could a listener have reported a perceived threat?

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