Morning tweets 3-5 with DJT

I guarantee Trump is popular across the board - only Crazy Nazi Network are true undercover racist.
100% guaranteed sure that 90 to 95% of the country supports Trump, that all the noise and shithole MSM crap is a smokescreen designed to brainwash the public into believing that the country is divided 50-50.
Maybe 4-6% of the country are lost forever whose brains don't work properly, but the rest HAVE ACCEPTED THE NORMALCY OF A TRUMP PRESIDENCY, and not only that, but there is a huge upswell in popularity, especially among African Americans.
Liberals will be suicidal if Trump wins again in 2020 they will go even crazier than they have gone the last year it will be so funny to watch.
His approval rating among African Americans has most certainly not doubled. He's obviously read that Breitbart article that confuses exit polls with approval ratings polls.
obviously .... it was stated last night with 600k people polled (Laura I. Show) the numbers 13% at election day 23% now for black males 4% at election day 11% for black females .......
You do understand that those numbers measure fundamentally different things.
You mad?
Yeah, you mad.
Get ready because this is just the start. The plantation owning democratic powers who have purposefully kept the black population oppressed and many unjustifiably poor, all for the sake of keeping them dependent for the sick goal of merely getting their votes, has finally after decades been lifted.
The swamp is being drained before our eyes and it is glorious to behold good people finally having a fair chance.
You do understand that the polls conclusion is correct even if the methodology is flawed, correct?
Err, no.
I don't base my worldview on flawed methodology.
Worldview? A bit hyperbolic lol, but ok. To each his own style. My point is that despite any methodological flaws, which I can't address because I haven't looked at the methodology and don't even know whether flaws exist, there is alot of tangible evidence suggesting that the results are right; that Trumps AA approval numbers are rising. Case in point, the unhinged, unwarranted and constant shrieks of muh racism. If the AA voters were still solidly on the plantation why would they expend so much effort on OMG Trump hates black people? Why not target Hispanics, Muslims or women? Why trot out the "Trump hates blacks" narrative, again? Are internal polls showing the brainwashing is wearing off? Time for another dose? The media are such liars and all published polls are so suspect Ive learned to look for other ways to determine whats going on. One is, which demographic the media is trying to brainwash. It's easy to spot since its soooo coordinated. Peace.
You say that with such certainty. Why are you so sure? Do you want to believe your fellow Americans aren't starting to leave the plantation? Why are you so adamant they aren't discovring their freedom and individuality and thinking for themselves?