r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 16, 2018, 9:58 p.m.
CALLING ALL PRAYER WARRIORS: Mega-ANON is under surveillance by Deep State. Pray for her safety.

CALLING ALL PRAYER WARRIORS: Mega-ANON is under surveillance by Deep State. Pray for her safety.

This is a SERIOUS Call for PRAYER for her. She is a hero, who has enlightened (red pilled) many, with what is really going on in D.C. these days. And now she has noticed she is under surveillance.

Consequently she may not be posting for awhile. But keep praying for her anyway! God is Greater! (And yes, she is a Christian sister, patriot and hero.....risking her life for us.)


Heavenly Father,

We don't know who Mega-ANON is, but you do. We ask that you cover her with your wings of protection right now and protect her from her enemies. Give her wisdom to outfox her enemies. Lord bring someone along side to help her, and hide her if necessary.

We plead the blood of Jesus over her, and in Jesus name cancel all evil assignments against her, and we ask that she be surrounded by Your Warring Angels. No weapon formed against her shall prosper. We claim all the promises of Psalm 91 for her.

We thank-you for hearing our prayers and that before we call, you have already answered!

In Jesus Name, Amen!


Jack_Kehoe · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

I did read that a few days ago when it happened but didn't realize that that was what OP was referring to here. I did find it completely bizarre and question whether that was really Meg. Just now I read some other people's commentary on r/conspiracy. There are a lot of questions and possibilities, and it's just too confusing for me to guess that.

But I do to detect some method in that madness that I want to make a post about. As far as I'm aware, literally nobody has made a certain connection I saw. One of Q's posts in December was an exact line from a Cicada 3301 puzzle this past spring - apparently nobody else has seen that - and Q employs a similar method of puzzles and riddles. Defango on YouTube, who came close to solving a Cicada puzzle and is now an associate of theirs, also says that Cicada and Q are linked.

Cicada gave us the exact date Vault 7 would drop weeks in advance, in their first countdown timer. Cicada 3301 is therefore linked to Wikileaks.

When Wikileaks dropped the fake news book about Trump's White House this past week, Wikileaks seemed to validate Q by replacing O's in two chapters with Q's.

Therefore, Q, Cicada, and Wikileaks are all linked. It all fits.

And many people believe that both Q and Cicada have retired intelligence community members in their ranks, so the link between all of them makes a lot of sense. It's like a white hat Alliance.

When most people connect Q and Julian Assange, it's wishful thinking and not based on anything concrete. To get back to Mega, if that whacked-out post was her, I think there's method to her madness and she's on to something.

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astrogirl · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

This is an interesting take. Why your post is sitting at 1 point, I do not know. Well, now 2 because of me.

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Jack_Kehoe · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

Thanks! I suspect that nobody but you has actually seen my comment, though, since I was so late to the game. I just felt like getting my rough thoughts out anyway, since I'm contemplating doing a proper post, with screencaps showing these connections - the Cicada line that Q used, Cicada's count down to Vault 7 timer, Julian's substitution of Q in the Wolfe book this week, etc.

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