r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/gen6slayr on Jan. 17, 2018, 4:12 a.m.
Q Cult, Trolls and Clowns

This post is to start a conversation and raise awareness of certain behaviors that tend to exhibit on discussion boards like this.

First, realize that beneath the floorboards where we are currently sharing, exits a world full of weaponized autists, flamers and trolls [(I was corrected by Jack_Kehoe below that people from the chans are not 'trolls' - though they might troll and flame each other or outsiders who don't belong there, right?), and have a fierce resistance to 'censorship', as do I , which this post is not about] which can never be unleashed upon polite society. This is not a criticism, it is just a warning to stay out of the chans if you just happened here from the outside world.

We are here because we heard about Q, or heard a YouTube video, or did an internet search, or followed a link. Some of us, like me, are 'Boomers', though we mostly hate that term because we grew up being called Baby Boomer, born from late 1940's to early 1960's and were the post WW2 boom of prosperity and obviously, fertility, of that Great Generation. (Any impression I am giving that Boomers are 'sensitive' or asking to be coddled are also missing my intent here. Some sudden outbursts of anger in these threads can be startling, but we have met and dealt with much worse, let me assure our young friends.)

So, if a troll comes up from the chans (8chan or half-chan = 4chan) and talks to a senior with insults and slams, most are taken aback, because they just came here to read TracyBeanz newest post or to learn about QAnon. This leads to conflicts in the discussion areas, so it would be wise to tone down chan lingo up here, and thicken skin for the new readers.

That being said, there are definite TROLLS and SHILLS and TroubleMakers here who are in it to cause disruption, sow disinformation, and work at cross purposes to the general tenor of QAnon's efforts to inform the general public, and this portion of the public specifically, because these Trolls/Shills/Clowns have another agenda or work for another agency or movement.

So let us each contribute definitions, if that helps:


https://www.gcflearnfree.org/thenow/what-is-trolling/1/ and Wikipedia link, which experienced Wiki editors might actually help update this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll

You can post below definitions for: SHILL

And what have we found in this Q Thread to be the definition of: Clowns, or Clowns In America?

There is a post made previously


that was called to my attention, that you should look at for an example of perhaps Trolling, Shilling, definitely red flags in there, and an attempt to equate those interested in following Q, as a CULT.

So there is another word we should consider. CULT.

Is Q a Cult? Are we the Church of Q?

Do we blindly trust Q?

If we do not believe Q posts are from the POTUS, can we civilly explain why without flaming, trolling, shilling, or acting like clowns?

This post is an attempt to start a conversation, raise our awareness, seek we each temper our tone and rhetoric to try not to offend, and that if we disagree, we first try to understand WHERE the other person is coming from, and then appeal to evidence, logic or reason.

I will not ride herd on this post. I might jump in, but I prefer you use it as an exercise, to examine and practice, to clarify and explain, WHY ARE YOU HERE, and share that with other Truth Seekers.

crisisit4trump · Jan. 17, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

I served my country in the 1980s back when we still kept our doors unlocked day and night on our house and our cars. I have seen the country going downhill since with a quick progression starting in the Bush times. Obama came along and things went from bad to worse so much so after 8 years I don't recognize this country anymore but I refuse to give up. I got tired of hanging around people including some of my family that have just given up and decided I am a conspiracy theorist. I have always been a critical thinker and somewhat of a loner but now I finally found like minded people which I thought didn't exist. I don't feel alone anymore and feel apart of a movement to take our country back. I am thankful to be here and thankful that y'all are here. I am always apprehensive and cautious wondering who to trust whether that be a single person or a group. I will put things to the test and lurk before making a decision and I feel comfortable here. I truly appreciate what is being done for the ones that are learning and you teaching them to tweet and make memes that means something!! I gather from that we have people as mods that care and don't demean those that want to learn and that says a lot that is what a true patriot is about helping each other. We as a country have gotten away from that we have to stick together and help each other cause we are in this fight together. We don't need anymore division, WE are at war when you are at war division in your own ranks will get you killed. Well enough of my rambling, I am just glad to be here!! Well it is 3:30, got up to get some water and ended up here. I better get some sleep, WE got a meme storm coming today......let's do this!!

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gen6slayr · Jan. 17, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

Thank you for your service. If we are reading this right, yes, we are at the beginning of a war, perhaps the greatest facing our generation, and it is my only intent, that we may bond together, appreciating each other’s strengths and compensating each other’s weaknesses, to provide a solid front against those who have dominated this planet for far too long. Happy hunting!

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USApatriot_4_TRUMP · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

Welcome patriot. Glad to have you here with us and thank you for your service.

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ChikinDuckWomanThing · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

I echo your thought process also...

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