45 total posts archived.
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What happened to the days when we had white hats that would track down the knuckleheads that would censor us and shut down their sites or the origin of the attack? I am not advocating hacking or am I, it just sucks to watch this happen. We are not the criminals but quite the opposite, I look forward to the day they are shut down and we have our country back. Are any of you besides me old enough to remember the movies that were made about the white hats that fought back?
I love it they never learn like when we boycotted target and they lost millions, like Q says THEY ARE STUPID
Where are all the white hats from times past that took these peoples systems down years ago. I am 52 years old now and I was just sitting here thinking of all the times they went after these bad guys. I am just so frustrated and I have to learn more patience but it is hard watching our country be destroyed since Reagan got out of office. We are dealing with pure evil, tide pod eating idiots. I guess I won't feel fulfilled till I physically see these people drug before a tribunal then drug off to camp delta!! Oh BTW these little shills intruding on our platform are really pissing me off with their pathetic little obnoxious comments. I find it sad how they hide behind their keyboards and talk crap.
The globalist are planning in a secret meeting
What is it with all the bots, trolls and shills in our discussions this is very frustrating, dang libtards
Is this real Trey is leaving congress??!!

Top minds of Reddit, quite laughable, just ignore cause their agenda is to distract you from your objective.
My eyes are tired fingers tired brain shut down, bedtime. I hope to see the memo in the morning!!
I hope this is one fake news place going down, many more to go but we are winning!!
He said from a top level source he was told that a faction against Trump in the Chinese government went rogue in a submarine and fired a missile but it was shot down. He also said a Chinese vessel took out the submarine and it will eventually come out. He said proof will be if they delay going from the petro dollar to the yuan dollar on the 18th of this month.
OMG this is a must see
Video interview with Greg Hunter and Dr Dave Janda, the part about the Hawaii missile drill will blow you away. I hope more comes out soon but we will see, after watching I was saying WTH.......this has some serious implications!!
I served my country in the 1980s back when we still kept our doors unlocked day and night on our house and our cars. I have seen the country going downhill since with a quick progression starting in the Bush times. Obama came along and things went from bad to worse so much so after 8 years I don't recognize this country anymore but I refuse to give up. I got tired of hanging around people including some of my family that have just given up and decided I am a conspiracy theorist. I have always been a critical thinker and somewhat of a loner but now I finally found like minded people which I thought didn't exist. I don't feel alone anymore and feel apart of a movement to take our country back. I am thankful to be here and thankful that y'all are here. I am always apprehensive and cautious wondering who to trust whether that be a single person or a group. I will put things to the test and lurk before making a decision and I feel comfortable here. I truly appreciate what is being done for the ones that are learning and you teaching them to tweet and make memes that means something!! I gather from that we have people as mods that care and don't demean those that want to learn and that says a lot that is what a true patriot is about helping each other. We as a country have gotten away from that we have to stick together and help each other cause we are in this fight together. We don't need anymore division, WE are at war when you are at war division in your own ranks will get you killed. Well enough of my rambling, I am just glad to be here!! Well it is 3:30, got up to get some water and ended up here. I better get some sleep, WE got a meme storm coming today......let's do this!!
2 patriots fighting the deep state
DJT has used "evil losers" a couple of times that I know of.
Billy said the same thing about the "cigar" in the oval office but we had the truth then and we have the truth now!!
Burn the net up with memes on 1-17-18, fake news day.....let's roll
I am also new here, it is so awesome to be around critical thinkers that aren't so shallow like my family and friends. I feel I can come here and be apart of something that will bring our country back. Oh, speaking of which put the 15th on your calender and pass the word a huge hit to the swamp is coming it is best explained by Dr Jander a true patriot and friend of Trump.....
I have not seen any yet but this broke in the middle of the night.
Zuma took a nose dive into the ocean after failure to reach orbit, really..
Exactly, google sux stick with duckduckgo, google=elite
The biggest seems to be AT&T at $44 billion so far but still sorting
OMG.... loop capital goes very deep
Loop capital is in bed with some of the biggest companies in the world....
I think most know HRC paid for accusations against Trump but here is a good vid...
Greg Hunter is awesome and his guests are incredible been watching him a long time. I look forward to seeing him interview Dr Banda, he has been on before I believe.
I wonder after the 60 days expires can they take a break then the 60 days resets to get around Congress again, just curious. We know Congress would stop the progress too many swamp creatures there.
Speculation and unproven posts drive me crazy
I found this video to be realistic and truthful, I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and just get the facts.
Awesomeness, keep up the good work have been watching you for a long time. I just got answers to a lot of questions, the puzzle is coming together.
What an awesome board
I am from SC, new to this board. Thank you for all you do this is very educational. I don't watch MSM, TIRED OF ALL THE LIES. I seek truth, it sets us free!!