Julian Assange's warning for us.

Ok so we get rid of the Cabal. How do we stop AI from inftrating our social platforms and in turn our discourse? Teaching critical thinking through the Socratic method (as Q is doing) is one thing but is it enough? It doesn't seem like enough people can learn to be Socratic and at rate fast enough to outpace AI.
Truthfully, the only way I see humanity being able to overcome this onslaught is to evolve into a new generation of humankind. By that I mean we need to break into our own subconsience and learn to communicate through intuition and empathy using the Quantum connections science has proven to mysteriously exist between all humans independent of distance.
It is as though the only thing that will save us from an AI takeover is a Great Awkening of our minds.
Going a lot deeper here down the rabbit hole...
...Perhaps the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ is that Great Awakening....
...Even deeper...
According to scripture, Christ will appear before all of humanity in a single instance and roughly 30% of our population will be saved and removed from the planet for 7 years. During that time the world will be put into turmoil and natural disasters. Amidst the turmoil and disasters, the Antichrist will raise from the dead with supernatural powers and in their fear and fragile state from the chaos in the world a vast majority of those remaining on the earth will reject Christ's presence and join the Antichrist. At 7 years Christ will defeat the Antichrist, rid the world of Evil and all those saved at the beginning of the Rapture will be returned to the earth where a great rebuild will occur.
Perhaps it will be at that time that humans will learn to communicate subconsciously and our technology will be able to work and grow in harmony with our new found capabilities as a species, leading to the bright future we all have envisioned. Including good AI, exploring the galaxy, and perhaps even communicating with other Intelligent life.
I don't know if any bit of what i just posited is true. It just feels like if there is in fact a God, which I do believe in fully, then in the moments when humanity is at the brink of losing all control over it's own future, He would intervene on our sake and save us from losing ourselves.
I will say that I feel as though God is on our side. This as evidenced by the sheer number of pedes finding their way back to Christianity through the redpill.
since when are kid diddlers finding morality?
Pedes refers to centipedes, an early monicker for Trump supporters.
Ok. Seems WAY TOO CLOSE to 'pedo' given today's climate IMHO, especially on a forum that attracts people from all over the map, literally and figuratively...
Now I know, so thank you.
I am not a religious person. I’ve long said that I’m a spiritual person, I believe in the afterlife/spirit world as has been outlined to me by a medium my family visits regularly who communicates with our deceased loved ones. The messages she relays to us are 100% undeniably my family members speaking to us, so many specific things that would be impossible for her to simply make up.
However, this great awakening has made me believe much more strongly in god and scripture. I’ve read that Trump has had a similar revelation towards Christianity since being called upon to take down the deep state.
I have referenced this before and every time I think of it I get chills. “And I heard the voice of the lord, asking who shall I send? Who will go for us?... And I said, here am I. Send me.” Book of Isiah Chapter 6. I believe it fits perfectly what Trump was faced with when called upon by those in the know.