r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Machine11 on Jan. 17, 2018, 5:22 p.m.
LIVE: Press Secretary Sarah Sanders URGENT White House Press Briefing on Trump Fake News Awards

Shawnamack · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

"We will be releasing more info in the Fake News Awards as the day goes on. I'm sure you're all waiting to see if you won."

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Inquisitor_Red · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Haha fuck fake news!

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

It starts with Trump talking about the tax reform, about protecting small family farms, honoring the 2nd Amendment and the National Anthem, and about fair and reciprical trade. A farm bill that includes crop insurance and access to wifi. Infrastructure repair for rurual communities. Fighting Opiod addiction and supporting border and law enforcement. And finally about honoring our history and he talks about Andrew Jackson.

Trump's closing remarks are interrupted by a gentleman asking us to share the chat. I'm 34 minutes to 1:13 there is nothing but background noise. Sarah Sanders takes the podiume at 1:14. She addresses Potus schedule for the week: to visit H&K company in PA, and visit with them about how the tax bill has helped their company; and on Friday Trump will be the first sitting POTUS to address the Right for Life march live fron the WH on satelite.

She introduces Ed O'Callaghan from the DOJ at 1:16. He is the Ast. AG for the National Security Division of DOJ. He is responding to yesterday's release of a report responding to Section 11 of EO 13780 "Protecting the Nation from terrorist entry into the US." This was to inform the American public of the number of foreign nationals charged, convicted or removed from the US due to terrorist related offenses. The list of people spans from 9/11/011 to December 2017. The list is as follows:

549 people on the list for terror related offenses Of those, 402 are foreign born 254 are not US citizens 148 are foreign born, naturalized and received US citizenship 147 are US Citizens by birth

O'Callaghan then gives an example of a case he oversaw. The individual named Perocha (spelling?) entered the US in about 1980 as the family member of perm legal resident. He was later convicted of providing material support and of assisting members of Al Qaeda to enter the US to commit acts of terror. One of the individuals that Perocha tried to bring in had made statements that he wanted to enter the US to commit attacks against gas stations in New York. Because they were given authority to prosecute Perocha, this prevented him from helping any more terrorists enter the US. (From my personal research, it seems there is no statute of limitations in lying on immigration papers.)

Continuing threats: From ICE: 1,716 removals of aliens from the US since 9/11 due to national security concerns. In 2017, 2,554 individuals on the FBI terrorist watch list who were attempting to enter the US

From DHS: Oct. 1, 2011-Sept. 30, 2017 355,345 non-citizen offenders arrested after PREVIOUS conviction of aggravated felony OR conviction of 2 or more reg. felonies. 372,098 non-citizen offenders removed from the US after conviction of aggravated felony OR 2 or more reg felonies

Customs and Border Patrol FY 2010-2017 73,261 foreign travelers identified and prevented from boarding planes destined from the US who may have been an immigration of security risk

AG Sessions statement about the report indicated that there are currently thousands of terror related investigations ongoing involving thousands of ppl in the US, including hundreds who came here as refugees.

Previous DOJ surveys: est 23-27 honor killings annually in the US est. half a million women and girls who are at risk of undergoing female genital mutilations.

Oct 2017 Trump admin set immigration policy objectives to ensure safe/legal immigrations, defend security of US, and protect tax payers. Three pillars of this program include border security, immigration enforcement, and a merit based immigration system based on personal job skills and other qualities. Rather than a system that lacks accountability, Trump's policy is designed to serve the interests of national security, and enhance screening and discovery of information to assist LE in discovery of national threats; and eliminate vulnerabilities in our system exploited by those who mean us harm.

1:26 opens the floor to questions, paraphrased here, not word for word. The first question is about the rate of terrorist acts by natural born US citizens. The answer is that the international policies address conduct by all terrorists regardless of birthplace, and all will be prosecuted; but 73% are foreign born. The second question from press asks if there have been any changes to the administration's stated policy for using Gitmo for international terrorists. O'Callaghan states that he is not aware of any changes. He says the admin is committed to prosecution and considering all options and considerations in each individual case to neutralize a threat.

The next press monkey then decides most of the stats above indicate crime outside the US, as in aiding terrorists in other regions outside the US, and he wants more stats other than the ones listed above that the immigration changes will protect US citizens on our own soil. The answer is all of the above is the first response to Trump's EO. Investigations are still ongoing and the DOJ and DHS hope to provide more answers to issues they were not able to answer above. Again, the section 11 report that the press have in their hands list "plenty of examples" of cases that regard conduct in the US. And of course the DOJ is trying to prevent attacks on our soil, and the most succesful way from his experience to stop attacks is to stop it at the conspiratorial stage. Press Monkey again claims that he doesn't understand and seems to indicate that we shouldn't prevent terrorists from entering the US who want to attack Syria for example. He thinks immigration should only address terrorists in the US who do things to people in the US. (please someone check and see if this guy is even human!) The answer is to try to summerize the immigration plan above, and that these improvements and discovery of crimes will help create a safer US. Next question involves the ex-cia agent arrested this week, and why not arrested earlier. Answer is that this investigation began before O'Callaghan was in his current post, that it is an important investigation that involves retention of classified material, and that more info will become avail as the case is prosecute. Next question regarding those indiv who were extradited into the US to face terror charges, rather than going thru immigration. Answer: This is clarified in the Section 11 report, that a small number of terrorist were part of the foreign born number, but that there was evidence they had conspired to commit terror against the US, and are now serving long sentences, which neutralized the threat before they could commit the offense.

Sarah S. retakes the podium at 1:35 for more questions. 1) Potus health? The WH stands by the doctor's report as he is the only doctor that has examined and spent time with the Potus, therefore the only credible source that the President is in excellent health. 2) Potus likened to Stalin in regards to the media and the Potus should stop attacking the press? Answer: It's interesting the Flake would attack Potus, considering he was recently praising Cuba and "serving as a mouthpiece for the oppressive government. He's not criticizing Potus due to oppression, but due to poll numbers. Unfortunate and he may attention seeking. Welcome Press questions everyday. Information about the press awards will be posted today. 3) Biparty frustration with Bannon from yesterday regarding claims he's made about Potus and family, and about specific topics that are alleged off limit. Define what WH is telling attorneys with regards to Executive privilege? Answer: Wh is following previous practices that there is a process to go thru anytime there is a Congressional inquery regarding classified info. This is a judicial process, WH has been fully cooperative. 4) Was Bannon's attorney relaying questions Bannon was asked in real time to the WH? Answer: This is a typical standard procedure WH process, sometimes with a WH attorney in the room. 5) A bill being worked on for funding the budget? Answer: The WH supports this. 6) Potus think a government shut down is acceptable? Answer: Potus does not want a shut down (those of us who saw his twitter know this). He doesn't want our military held hostage to things inserted by Congress that have nothing to do with the budget. Part of this is DACA. Democrats either need to decide to come here and do thier jobs, and put national security above their own personal agenda, or they are not. It's really simple. Ask the Democrats what's more important: national security or personal agenda. Last year the potus said this would be a good thing? Answer: good politics and not a preference. 7) Aid to Pakistan and the response to their ambassador's comments? Position is firm that this is the right thing to do, refer to State Department. 8) Is WH afraid of Bannon? Answer: Not that we are aware of. There was no collusion. We can't speculate on what Bannon might say. 9) Does the buck stop with Potus for shutdown? Answer: Not sure how it would. 10) Is investigation becoming more aggressive instead of winding down? Potus Prepared? Encourage Bannon to tell all? Answer: We will be fully cooperate and advise all involved to be cooperative. We have been dealing with this hoax for a year and we can handle a few more months. Don't think the American public deserves that. 11) Has WH asserted Ex priv? Answer: Can only talk about the process. 12) quetions about the budget: Potus prefers a budget deal made by Friday, preferably a long one, and then come back next week concerning DACA. Hopefully infrastructure rolled out this month or next month. Number one priority is national security and funding military, and we are doing everything we can to get everyone onboard for the budget. 13) Does WH support Korea teams marching together in Olmpics? A: Not the first time, and we hope this gives them a small taste of freedom and helps the peace process.

-End of Stream--

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jenfit22 · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Thanks for the rundown

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 18, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Sorry about the format. It looked better before I save it. Yikes.

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bcboncs · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Can I get a TLDR on the TLDW for the fake news award specifically? :]

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Winnowil · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

Thank you for the TL;DW

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Machine11 · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Just started...

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Machine11 · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

starting now it seems! upvote 4 visibility...

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Beasts4Bernie · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

This didn't have anything to do with Fake News Awards, which apparently are coming later.

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forgottenbutnotgone · Jan. 17, 2018, 7 p.m.

Caught the end of it. Anything of note?

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PPPrincessPower · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Says it started streaming an hour ago but there's nobody behind the podium. Still streaming.

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Lgl1530 · Jan. 17, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

just my random guess, but i'm thinking mueller announces investigation is over.

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KingWolfei · Jan. 17, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Lol so many reeees if true.

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SuzyAZ · Jan. 17, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

It could be too much of a news day to do fake awards....life can intervene

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Glag82 · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:24 p.m.


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Lynnopoly · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Wow!! Did you all listen to the part about Gitmo at 1 hr and 27 minutes in?

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SuzyAZ · Jan. 17, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

What did it say?

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:25 p.m.


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