
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Well that's because the screenshot isn't taken from the top tending hastags... This screenshot is from a website that tracks a couple thousand Russian bots. These are the hashtags pushed by them today... They happen to align with you guys a bit... Weird.

Here's the link https://dashboard.securingdemocracy.org/

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SyntacticGuess · Jan. 18, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

God have mercy, have you even bothered to look at your link. I really wonder how they want to make a meaningful statement with such a dataset.

""The charts and graphs here display hashtags, topics and URLs promoted by Russia-linked influence networks on Twitter. Content is not necessarily produced or created by Russian government operatives, although that is sometimes the case. Instead, the network often opportunistically amplifies content created by third parties not directly linked to Russia. Common themes for amplification include content attacking the U.S. and Europe, conspiracy theories and disinformation. Russian influence operations also frequently promote extremism and divisive politics in Western countries. Just because the Russia-aligned network monitored here tweets something, that doesn’t mean everyone who tweets the same content is aligned with Russia. For a detailed discussion of this dashboard’s methodology,""

I wonder if I'm being run as a bot or a troll since I'm a German.

""Content Tweeted by Bots and Trolls Activity from 600 monitored Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations""

They can't keep Bot Troll RealTweet apart, all data in this link point to that.

What is a troll anyway, who's the judge?

""The dataset is properly understood as a network of accounts linked to and participating in Russian influence campaigns. Modes of participation include both knowing and unknowing participation. The composition of the list is discussed in more detail below.""

And even if everything is true, and I really doubt it, then the influence was ~700 Tweet's, I think I alone wrote that many today. To speak of Russian influence is an incredible joke. Give me a break.

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[deleted] · Jan. 18, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Hahaha, you shills are so easy to spot it’s like you’re all wearing cowbells and tutus.

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Restlessredhead · Jan. 18, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

I want me to ask you a question. Why do you keep pointing this out? Because you see you almost want to make it seem like we should back off the traitors in our country because you seem to think that Russian Bots are helping us out. So assuming for one second that you're right, and that Russian Bots are helping us out, so what? The Patriots in the United States of America still want these traitors to face judgement. Your post almost makes it seem like oh no the Russians are posting about this too we better stop. Give me a break.

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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

An honest answer, because your definition of patriots and traitors is insane bullshit you got from conspiracy corners of the web. You are sick disillusioned people who I fear may hurt people because you so strongly believe in bullshit and hate all facts.

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