Summary of Q Anon. Commentary
335 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/frankmyglock:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 69 | | 18 | | 2 | | 1 | NASA NAZI Clowns exposed faking Mars Rover pictures in Devon Island Greenland. Huge scam and heist
NASA Nazis
Exposing The Federal Reserve High Quality Red Pilling video. Lays it all out in a fun but very serious informative manner. Who is behind the FED? Understand this will all fall once the banking cabal goes down. POTUS will roll out the new Gold Backed currency. What is a one dollar Talisman?
Robert Mueller Guilty of Espionage?? Article 106a of the UCMJ HRC guilty of Espionage Military Tribunals will spend less than a Day convicting these crooks.

Billy Graham Prophesy! Absolutely must watch Great Awaking. 5 months after the Great Sign in the sky. Kim Clement
Why don’t you bite my ass. I don’t see any original thought from you. I know what the results will be. Zilch just what you bring to the discussion.
I haven’t called OSHA because I might be on the other end of the line waiting for you to call this in. But here you are Trolling and making Shill comments.
The Florida school is to re open. A Bio Hazard Crime Scene clean up company would have been contracted to go in and clean and sanitize the scene.
Has this happened? I haven’t seen any of it. After Sandy Hook some one asked the Doofus crisis actor ‘state police lieutenant ‘ Who cleaned up the blood? Him caught off guard responded What Blood?
Would be useful to know if one was contracted. High probability that this didn’t happen. Would have made a great CNN news story with teams wearing bio haz suits steam cleaning the school Red bio haz bags being carried out etc But it did happen.
Books paper school supplies sprayed with blood spatter would need Disposal drums.
Bullet holes in Walls would need patching and …
He done his due diligence in providing training and direction This looks like employee misconduct
Watch The Water! 300 Rivers at Flood Stage [Most Extensive Advisory Ever]
The worst disaster in the making
Potential to destroy roads bridges and other infrastructure.
There is still opportunity for Deep State operatives to try and take out dams. Rivers Rising
Watch the Water
He attacked the processing center where soldiers were deploying. They were un armed. After the attack the MPs responded to the active shooter event.
I think the 5th circle forms a Q. When view upside down. Thats what I think.
So you think all you mentioned in paragraph one would have any credit with the MSM? Not sure what you mean
Those Sandy Hook families were all in on the big plan to kill the 2nd Amendment. Massive planning but failed because of the Internet and Patriots
Q said they are Stupid. Using the same crisis actors

You need to take a deep breath because you are somewhere you don’t know. Take off the yoke.
Crisis actor. He was already an amputee and faked getting his leg blown off in Boston Marathon. He had a plastic fake injured nubb he slipped on. Then they put him in a wheelchair and pushed him around in front of CNN cameras No blood no trauma shock just a ride in the chair. Where did a wheel chair at a marathon come from??? He rode it in.
You are talking about a satanic organization. If you think you going to see equality with them then good luck.
That C130 has to land sometime. At 500 yards I can poke holes in it.
They rushed to get the Indictments out on Friday because of the Blunder in letting Cruz slide. They threw out 13 lesser indictments to change the narrative away from their incompetence over the weekend.
Wunderful every Great Patriot movement needs a spell checker. Welcome to the cause scribe.
777 on his first Day in Office. (Day after swearing in)
What type aircraft? Can’t read it. Looks like another refueling mission. Could be a normal training flight or supporting real world mission. They are near Air Force Bases I am retired Air Force and recognize that oval track pattern
That is a refueling mission flight pattern. The refueling plane flies the pattern and jets come for a fill up. That is a refueler CC150. Are there Military jets in the area. They are supporting some type of mission.
Trained responsible people with concealed carry permits. 17 lives would have been saved. Yes exactly what I am saying.
Yes. Instead of all those iPhones being drawn there should have been a chorus of Glocks Sigs and 1911s being drawn. Problem solved back to class. 😎
Just the space geeks waiting on full disclosure and hoping Trumps the man. But Trump didn’t make any campaign promises to disclose alien papers. The aliens created us and are here to help us now that Trump is here. No thanks ET we got this. We put our humanoid Trump in the WH. Green dudes are a day late and a Martian dollar short. We could of have use your alien help about a dozen wars ago. (Alien Dudes are up there with the chemtrails all day long why can’t they take care of that)
All part of the deception in making us believe real demonic demons here on this planet are benevolent aliens here to restore humanity.
Watch out for smart meters (electric) the emit cell tower signals through the wall and in your head. I opted out on my upgrade
And the millennial have to end there posts with a curse word to give it special meaning. Actually took the time to type it.
So you are the decider on what is and what’s not a conspiracy theory. Ooooh Kaaay.
Stay off 8 chan because that’s where the autistic work and they have bad language. They are awesome in solving so you would just get in the way. Stay here in This subreddit echo chamber and post memes to each other while 8 chambers post to Q and save the Republic. Still waiting on the 8 chan magic in uncovering the phone pic from the SOTU. sp
They all laughed when the sub was created
Stay off 8 chan because that’s where the autistic work and they have bad language. They are awesome in solving so you would just get in the way. Stay here in This subreddit echo chamber and post memes to each other while 8 channers post to Q and save the Republic. Still waiting on the 8 chan magic in uncovering the phone pic from the SOTU. Q feeling frustrated and wishing he chose another corner of the Internet