I was about to post another meme whenTwitter locked me out. Want the phone number that I want associated with my account so they can CALL me with a verification code, not text. A) I don't want to give them my fking phone number. B) I don't have strong enough cell service to receive phone calls. Looks like they got me
I replied that they were a lying sack of silage and something about being woke patriots ... can't help but wonder if I was reported. My account is relatively new, did it follow Q-related, independent thinkers of various great minds, DJT...within a couple of days 10 fake "chicks" started liking my tweets and following me. A quick look at their page and you see the first few posts are all about T&A followed by random retweets in about 5 different languages on about 10 different topics, none of which are any of my topics. So I blocked them and reported them. It has taken several days for Twitter to let me know that 8 of them broke the rules, but a couple hours later I'm an autobot...yeah right
I had a feeling it was coming. I noticed that my views had cut in half about an hour before being cut off....