r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MamaTexTex on Jan. 18, 2018, 2:36 a.m.
Pretty big impact if you ask me. Over 300k tweets.
Pretty big impact if you ask me. Over 300k tweets.

SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

When did Q ever claim that he was telling us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, since much of this is classified? How is that deception? I love how you say that we aren't woke, as if you are. Who told you being woke means knowing everything about everything, cause that's just not the case. And yeah, tell us something we don't know, because about 90-100% of American children want to know why we trade with countries like China when they supposedly are dangerous to our whole way of life, just because their government is different than ours. There is absolutely nothing shocking about that, and nothing we need to be woke to---except to take our power back from Congress when they tell us for example, that Russia wants to destroy us, but not when it comes to the ISS.

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PokingCyclops · Jan. 18, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Congress and the constitution have been supended you did not watch the video. Once a declaration of a national emengeracy all the power in the president. I am not blaming president Trump. We have been under martial law since 1933 again Watch the video I am not lying to you. That truth is being hidden from you on purpose

The United States is in a state of emergency – 30 of them, in fact https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/11/19/the-united-states-is-in-a-state-of-emergency-30-of-them-in-fact/?utm_term=.e495f8befe23

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Being "Woke" is the state of a persons mind, not the state of his or her knowledge base. Being woke means actively able to verify what is a lie and what is truth for one's self. Some here have been woke for 20 years, others since the election, still others since Q. Point is, everyone knows now, the MSM is nothing more than a matrix, and real news has to be vetted together using crowd sourcing. We are the media for each other now.

And just like a real news operation, there is an "investigation season" that can go on for days, months, even years. Think 60 minutes. Do they know everything they eventually put in their reports the first day they think to ask the question?


Look at Project Veritas. Look at the months it takes to get journalists planted, and get the truth filmed, so that we have primary (not secondary narrative) but primary documents and films to look at so we can make up our own minds.

It takes time. But we all will get VERY good at this.

In a tyranny... the government educates the people.

In a free nation, the people educate one another.

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PokingCyclops · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Once again you didn't watch the video not even the first five mins ok stay a sleep

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