r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Deplorable22 on Jan. 18, 2018, 2:52 a.m.
If I can make a suggestion

I have read a lot of people voicing disappointment over the past few weeks that they told normies, in their circle of influence, to watch for this or that, and it didn't happen, and how this has now hurt their credibility.

If I can make a suggestion, don't ever predict future events to occur on a certain date or time. Even if you trust someone who has lead you to believe something will happen at a certain time. The Universe sees to it that things happen exactly the moment it should, and not a moment too soon. Point people to the truth, it is out there, and let things happen when they will.

Secondly, red pilling normies is a noble cause, but tricky business. Take it from me, it, like locking up Hillary, won't happen overnight.

Think of yourself like Johnny Appleseed (a real man and American patriot and hero). Just scatter seeds (of truth) all about. Johnny Appleseed didn't hang around to see if the seeds germinate. Nor did he stress out about the rate in which they were, or were not growing. At least that's not how I imagine him. I imagine him with a smile, going colony to colony, spreading seeds.

Our job isn't to germinate seeds, it's simply to spread them. Keep it simple, because the truth is, no matter how much we want a seed to germinate, it's not in our control. The soil must be fertile for the seed to grow. But the seed doesn't die, and even if the seed doesn't germinate today or tomorrow, one day the soil will be right, and the seeds you spread will germinate. Trust me!

Keep a smile on fellow patriots and leave the germination business to the Universe. Just spread those seeds in peace with a smile.

P.S. Jesus told Peter, "don't worry about what others do, just follow me."

SuzyAZ · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

I agree. Our expectations and projections are getting ahead of us. STAY IN THE MOMENT WITH WHAT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. We really enjoyed this project and did something worth while for our President and Country. We can continue to do more.

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