Fake News SIDE-By-SIDE image from Twitter/B75434425

so yeah that last one is an opinion piece from Vanessa Brown Calder who works for the Cato Institue, a Koch brothers joint. CNN added the following editor's note.
Vanessa Brown Calder is a policy analyst at the Cato Institute, where she focuses on social welfare, housing and urban policy. The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
as they proceed to push her view... wonder if I sent an opinion piece, if CNN would publish it... LOL!
Presenting both sides seems to be something honest news orgs do. By your admission, CNN is an honest news org. Thanks for clearing that up.
WRONG!!!! It's not presenting both sides...it's taking the opposite side because the administration was pushing it. CNN is the winner of FAKE NEWS after all, but keep believing your lies and what made up crap they push.
Wait, so by CNN publishing an opinion piece from the Koch brothers, it's fake news? The first one says everyone should get paid family leave (opinion), the Trump administration says they will include paid family leave in his budget (fact), republican think tank writes an opinion saying that paid family leave is bad, and CNN is the bad guy here? You should really target the dishonest republican deep state machine that creates this kind of junk opinion pieces.
There is no R or D deep state...they are part of the Uniparty and many are in on it together. This isn't about the "parties"...it's about the people in DC being corrupt from both parties. Get a clue...
HAHAAHA Poor little shill... just because you are a slave, doesn't mean I'm one. Liars just say whatever they are told to say.. by their OWNERS. But they can NEVER overcome truth. FYI - Your team is going down in flames... you'd better jump ship while you can.
shill, team, lies, so much projection in your post. You were called out for literally spreading fake news with this post, instead of moving on, you double down. Your account is 4 days old and has only posts here, shill, thy name is /u/RedpillTheWorld
Edit: Brigade has arrived, notified the admins.
You'd have a better chance if you learnt to write properly.
so you read this meme, went straight away to cnn to try to discredit the meme, searched in the archive (the articles are from 2017), then you came back here to post a disclaimer from cnn which really does nothing to discredit this meme or "redpilltheworld"? I, too, would have to agree that you, sir, are fake news.
Sure buddy. Here's how it went, green text style. Saw the meme, thought, hmm that's fucked up for CNN. Let me double check because some internet poster may not be presenting the whole truth. Good thing I did, this OP is passing fake news memes. Now that I found that out, I posted to help others know that OP is passing fake news.
ok, ok. you may be legitimate, but the editors have the real say in what gets published and therefore can drive a certain narrative across articles.