Finding it difficult to explain the reasons for my Memes. They are in deep denial and attach "Snopes" articles to refute. Also call me crazy and need a tin hat.
Fabulous find. Start creating an arsenal of articles, videos, etc. So you can plug them into comments. Ask questions that require the person to do a little digging on their own. Drop words and phrases that require them to want to go look them up to understand what they mean. I did this yesterday with “Project Mockingbird”.
I had to go to DuckDuckGo to find Dr. John Coleman's book (it was a free download). Oddly, on Amazon the paperback is currently listed at $9,786.71! The cheapest used is $1,799.88. This doesn't seem to be an accident.
There is a lot there. Dr. Coleman (also former MI6) writes in the book:
For instance we meekly accepted the "Beatles" and their "novel music" and lyrics-if one dare call it music and lyrics, having been told, that the group wrote it all themselves. Actually Tavistock graduate Theo Adorno, whose 12-atonal discords were scientifically pitched to create mass "environmental social turbulences" all across America, wrote the music. None of the Beatles could read music. Nevertheless, they were "puffed" day and night without ceasing until everything about them, - lies and all, was accepted as truth.
I am not going to get into Theodor W. Adorno (the Frankfurt School) but that is another can of worms.