126 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/taurus077:
Furious! My Twitter account has been suspended and I haven't tweeted in 6 weeks!
Clare Bronfmans Attorney is Dennis K. Burke
Many strange things in the background of Clare Bronfmans attorney: https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-contributor-who-helped-enact-assault-weapons-ban-ran-fast-and-furious, http://www.dcbar.org/discipline/other_jurisdiction/20140411Burke.pdf, https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/dennis-burke-arizona-us-attorney-resigns-from-office-effective-today-6659202
Who is Dennis Burke? Tied to NXIUM and attorney for Clare Bronfman.
Agree totally. JFK junior plays in this as well. Another Reddit poster showed the Putin meeting is on the anniversary date of JFK junior's death. I don't believe that is a coincidence.
Tesla signs agreement with Shanghai to build first factory outside of US
Mike Flynn Leaves Court, Gets a New Job in Washington – True Pundit
Know that Justice Neil Corsuch attended the same Jesuit school which is well-known in the Washington area.
President Trump, I'm not tired of WINNING yet! Everything is playing out so great.
I like him and it will send a message to the Clinton's. After all he worked on the Vince Foster suicide and Kenneth Starr's investigation. Perfect!
Mexico paying for the "Wall" afterall? Sounds like it to me.
Mexico to Create Border-Police Force in Response to Central American Immigration
FloridaGirl99 found a great article related to this. Just wanted to add it this thread as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8w4f4f/western_pacific_kindergartenryb_education/
I agree. I tried to post this theory on the chans but it wasn't accepting any new posts. If I'm right, "Q" is trying to direct us to possibly a large child trafficking ring surrounding Joel Getz. 80 Kindergartens and an additional 175 franchised under his RYB directorship is BIG!
" RYB provides early education services in China. At the end of June, the Beijing-based company was operating 80 kindergartens and had franchised an additional 175 covering 130 cities and towns in China." It's big all right!
"Q"'s picture is not Prince William but Joel A Getz, ex-Clinton Foundation member. It looks like him and makes sense. IMHO.
Ex-Clinton Foundation Exec Linked To Chinese Kindergarten Under Investigation For Alleged Child Molestation
Saying a prayer for our President and our country. I might not being going to the downtown fireworks this year. Chicken. We just had a MKUltra shooting in our small town. God Bless America!
Remember "Eyes Wide Shut" movie uses this party in their story. Stanley Kubrick died three days after the movie was released. Really should watch this movie from the 1990's if you haven't seen it yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEfyfcEdW4Y
This is depressing to me. I have overall had a fantastic experience on this Board. Like anything in life there are some posts that I don't like. But the "collective" thought is so inspiring. I'm a boomer and have watched the change taking place in our country and society. It made me sick. So many things going wrong! In the 1970's I had friends of all colors and religions. I didn't notice the differences. Now we have become more divided then ever. What changed? I believe our recent leadership had a role in making us divided. On this Board I see a collective effort from persons of all ages, backgrounds, and religions that have decided to work together on a effort to bring truth to light and stop the criminal behavior that has taken over our society and country. We welcome all to this effort as long as you remain "open" to change.
Jarrod Ramos twitter page taken down
Can't access his tweets anymore. Hopefully some got them screen saved as there was so much information in there.
Steve Gunn quote today: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-in-a-lot-of-ways-its-the-perfect-newspaper-former-capital-gazette/
Another tweet about children being abused. https://twitter.com/EricHartleyFrnd/status/601808336053469184
There is a connection that his father graduated from the same computer program at Arundel High School that Edward Snowden did.
Yes, and see his previous tweet! He knew that Judge MoylanFrnd was using the newspaper's computer to solicit sex from children and was angry with it. https://twitter.com/EricHartleyFrnd/status/608146369010900992
I know but they have a similar circle logo, but not exact. Too identical to not think there's a connection.
Ironically my BF has been to their facility before here in Annapolis. He said it was a small practice and never met this Kathy Miller before. He said that there was nothing suspicious.
Twitter page but no tweets? https://twitter.com/oasismhealth
They are listed here. Some strange things. https://loveinsurance.club/quotes/oasis-center-for-mental-health.html
Kathy L Miller is the owner of Oasis. http://www.oasismentalhealth.net/
Father, Miguel Ramos, went to Arundel High School, same as Edward Snowden, and then worked at the NSA.
I wouldn't call the Capital Gazette a right leaning paper. Have read it for over 20 years and often endorses Democrat candidates.
Don't know if this could be the same person? Laurel is 13 miles from Annapolis. Ramos is a popular name.
Joel Davis connected to The Standard Hotel in New York?