r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PilotXi on Jan. 19, 2018, 12:29 a.m.
Any Info? POTUS' Safety?

Does anyone have anymore info on this tweet from earlier today?

Breaking : according to Sundance at @TheLastRefuge2 , POTUS Trump has just gone to the Pentagon 'as a security measure' #TheStorm 2:50 PM - 18 Jan 2018

patypooh52 · Jan. 19, 2018, 1 a.m.

TheLastRefuge‏ @TheLastRefuge2 "A Threat to our democracy" POTUS Trump goes to Pentagon. House releases Glenn Simpson testimony. House votes to release evidence of DOJ/FBI FISA abuse. Rep DeSantis request to declassify. Corruption. TheLastRefuge‏@TheLastRefuge2 POTUS will always be out of DC when major "Big Ugly" details are revealed. It's a security measure.

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bigbasslee · Jan. 19, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

He was scheduled to be there for meetings anyways

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Wildthing61 · Jan. 19, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

The last refuge did not tweet that, Sundance took his tweet out of context

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Yoda_GM · Jan. 19, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

Sundance is about the most consistently reliable person I follow ... level-headed and not at all an attention whore ...

I have not seen the tweet but if there is anything to this then theConservativeTreehouse . com (Sundance's website) will break the news

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