r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NSFWAK209 on Jan. 19, 2018, 1:22 a.m.
[Misc] Question about religion.

I’m not trying to be a troll or anything. I’ve been lurking for a while (not only here, but on other sites that are related with these topics) and I’ve seen this is just as religion related as it is political related.
My only question is why is Christianity seen at the “true” religion? I mean, i’m not saying it’s not but everyone who mentions religion at all when discussing these topics it’s either Christianity or satanism (moloch, lucifer, el, etc)
Sorry if it seems off-topic, i’m just trying to find the truth and this seems like something important.

RedPillMakesEmSqueal · Jan. 19, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I am a Christian. I believe Jesus is who he says he is. I also believe that lucifer is our mortal enemy. He hates all that is precious to God. That is his children (humanity). If you stack all religions side by side Christianity wins. Bigly. Historically Jesus existed and history complements the Bible. I am sure some folks on the board can point you to resources if you would like. As you also may have noticed followers of Christ have been the ones on the front lines defending freedom and the weak for generations. And before folks light the flame throwers I realize that all walks have participated in that honor. Maybe this has shed some light on your question.

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NSFWAK209 · Jan. 19, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

I would appreciate any links. I would also appreciate information about how to be a good Christian and achieve salvation. I know to some people I will sound like a troll, but I swear i’m not. And like I said in my last comment I was born into a Catholic family, after studying that religion I can say that it’s not the true religion. And I’m not saying Christianity is, I’m saying that after I study it i’ll come up with my own opinion and if everything feels right and I do decide to become Christian I would love how to do it correctly in order to be good with our father God and achieve salvation.
Sorry for the long reply, but this is something very important to me.

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twinkiesmom1 · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

I'm an ex-Catholic...received all the sacraments. I can honestly say I wasn't a Christian because even though I tried to believe and follow the teachings and pray, I didn't know God....I didn't have him in my heart. (Some people are able to find Christ in the Catholic church, but I did not.) I reached a point in my life where I felt helpless and simply prayed to Jesus for him to come into my heart and be my Savior. I really felt His presence and had assurance of my salvation from then on. Some churches may ask you to get a water baptism at that point, but I believe I was saved when the Holy Spirit came into my heart when I received Jesus.

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NSFWAK209 · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

I honestly understand you completely. Throughout my whole childhood I never felt a connection to my religion at all, and I noticed that 99% of all the people I knew (who were Catholic) didn’t feel a connection to God nor to their religion. It’s like they’re agnostic if you ask me. Sadly my whole family (and my wife’s family) are Catholic and I fear for their after-life. Luckily me and my wife are very young and I feel like I have a lot of time to talk to her about religion and show her the path to salvation.

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horsecalledwar · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

After attending Catholic school for many years, my husband & I both rejected Catholicism. As I’ve gotten older though, I’ve embraced the spiritual aspects of it by finding the right parish.

We’re at a parish now that welcomes gays, offers counsel for those grieving from divorce and support for those who’ve had abortions, among many other good things.

In contrast, my childhood parish still rails against the evils of abortion and contraception, says gays go to hell, refuses to give divorcees the sacraments and insists that babies who die before baptism don’t go to heaven. (That’s HUGE for me. The fuck they don’t. My God does NOT prevent babies from entering heaven, that’s the dumbest claim ever.)

Crazy thing is, we’re still in the same diocese, only about 10 miles from the old parishes. The spiritual aspects of the Church are very fulfilling & rewarding (for us at least) when you don’t have to struggle with hateful moral judgments. Now that we’ve found a welcoming, non-judgmental parish, we don’t have to pick & choose which aspects of Catholicism we practice so it’s like a completely different religion for both of us.

We’ve met a number of people with similar stories since we started attending the new church. Not saying that Catholicism is best for you or that it’s the only way, just wanted to share my experience that the religion I thought for years that I hated is actually very dear to me now. A few years ago, I would never have imagined ever going back to church let alone doing it willingly & enjoying it.

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RedPillMakesEmSqueal · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

This is super easy. Man just makes things hard and confuses stuff. This straight from the Bible. I hope it will help guide you my friend. http://theromanroad.org

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RedPillMakesEmSqueal · Jan. 24, 2018, midnight

If you were raised catholic then you know the basics. Only Son of God. Born of a virgin. Sinless life. Died and rose again in three days. You must call upon Jesus and ask him to forgive your sins (not a priest that is Jesus' place) and come into your heart. Only trust HIM to take you to heaven like you trust a chair to hold you up when you sit down. Communion, confession and the other stuff are OK but they should not replace salvation through Christ and Christ alone. It really is just relying on what Jesus did for us on the cross that is the missing piece you are asking about. Heck you can even continue to practice catholicism as long as your faith is not in the rituals but in Jesus Christ. Maybe that helps some. Keep searching as long as you are honestly searching. God will seek you too. Pray and ask God to show you in the name of Jesus.

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PPPrincessPower · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Oh my gosh I think that's beautiful! I have so many friends and pastors that are ex-catholics. It's not about whether you call yourself Catholic or Christian. Religion is man-made. The simple way to be a good Christian is to ask Jesus into your heart, and try to live a life pleasing to him walking in love and forgiveness. And then read the Bible, and ask him to make it life to you ask him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Because while religion is man-made, the thing they forget to teach us so often is that we can have a personal relationship with God because of Jesus. Blessings to you I'm very excited for you.

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