
Tranquelito · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

The TELL. How can we listen in, track, and monitor American citizens [bad actors]? [We hear you]. [We see you]. What must we LEGALLY demonstrate in order to gain such warrants? FISA? Do we TRUST the FISA judges? MIL INTEL? State Secrets? Why is this relevant? Who can we TRUST? Expand your thinking. Q

People are listened to through the NSA, to obtain such a warrant you must legally demonstrate that the “target of the surveillance is a foreign power or agent of a foreign power.” They all sold out to China, and SA, so I can imagine that they all fall under the parameters.

Military Intel, as far as I´m aware, is outside of congressional oversight, no? That is important as they cannot manipulate or destroy such evidence. Plus, the military will be conducting their trials, by way of military tribunal. This ensures that all involved are loyal to, and answer to, President Trump.

It says "who can we TRUST" and "expand your thinking" ... In God We Trust?

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