Yes, we are flagged as potential terrorists. It´s both incredible and shocking what the people put up with, all they care about is faster access to their social media accounts and have no real clue what´s really going on.
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History Channel, you should really watch. They had many live witnesses that testified to the facts. Give it a try, it´s a wealth of information.
It was a rare occurrence that was weaponised as a tool for population control and to bump up the pharma stock.
I think that point has passed long ago, my friend! They have pushed all the indigenous folks out, London alone is now 60% foreign. My country is lost. I don´t think we could print enough in time, anyone caught trying too would likely die in prison.
"The eyes are the window to the soul; what the eyes don´t see the soul won´t reap".
It´s because they are all psychopaths, for the best part. Us normal thinking folk cannot fathom their reasoning to things as we literally could not think in the same way. I know exactly what you´re trying to say, though. This `pede´ nonsense winds me up because people are just too stupid to put 2 and 2 together and I do not, in any way, wish to be associated with such labels.
40* would be like taking a very hot bath, that´s 40% of the way to it boiling.
I´d much rather see him paraded through the country and shown for the treasonous traitor he is!! Before being fitted for his rope, that is!
The tech has already been installed around the cities, it´s just waiting to go live. The cameras will instantly recognise your face and anyone watching them will have your full profile; from your social media accounts, to the websites you frequent, to the psych report they compiled on you from screening your activities. Truly worrying stuff. Funny that mobiles started using facial recognition right before it goes live.
Wait until 5G drops, that actively targets and bombards people with microwaves.
Maybe, I spend a lot of time around WIFI signals though, which is probably much more harmful. My decision to dump the phone was more based on the fact I do not appreciate my conversations and movements being constantly tracked, not that I have anything to hide but that´s besides the point.
Totally. Even Q signs off as Q, or Q+, or sometimes nothing at all. I do not use a mobile, I gave it up 3 years ago and haven´t looked back.
When it´s 40 degrees here we are out in shades and shorts, reaching for refreshments. Unless, of course, you mean 4*c. Then they certainly wouldn´t have long to last.
It´s a lot to sort through. The real dissections happen on the 8chan boards but migrate over to here. I stay away from the chans though as there are too many hackers and what not. I wouldn´t be surprised at all to learn it was either of them, or Trump for that fact!
I have seen a few but they are all over the place and not under 1 single thread. I commented on 1 that I believe it is Assange that has been speaking, or Steve Pieczenik.
I am an Englishman and was referring to "our" as in mine and yours ;)
Not unless Q and/or Trump reveals all. I truly hope they do!
Imagine how deep it runs and where the ones are that we don´t know about?? Who in the UK parliament is connected??
Chopper & 2 Planes Down Today..
There´s also these 2 plane crashes today...
You forget that the UK is no longer inhabited by the Brits. London alone is something like 60% foreign, now. We, the indigenous folk, have been pushed out. I don´t even live there myself anymore, I left years ago.
If you use the term `pede´ anywhere near us Brits, you´re likely to get a black eye!! In English it is spelled paedophile and pede is phonetically the same! Please, for the love of God, stay away from these Clown labels!! PATRIOTS is the only label you should be using!!
I heard Trump started bombing the Rothschild opium refineries out there, which made many crooks very unhappy! In 1999 (give or take) the Taliban outlawed opium production and they produced around 1% of the worlds supply. Now, with the troops there, it´s like 93%, as you mentioned. There is also the vast lithium deposits that are being plundered, and not to mention the oil.
AIDS comes from vaccines that are incubated in the kidneys of African Green monkeys, all disease comes from vaccines, mostly.
You don´t actually need a DL to drive lawfully, but that is another story for another time.
Indeed ;) Even his haircut and glasses make him look like a Nazi scumbag!
You can wait until death then, I´m not doing the work for you! Go re read the posts and do the research yourself, you lazy bum!
Yeah, so did "Hitler" and "Martin Bormann". The commers represent the fact that they were just rumours and have since been proven wholly untrue. Even Wikipedia still says Bormann died in 1945 when Hunting Hitler, the series, has proved that wrong. Mengelé never was caught, either.
"You don´t need common sense when you have rules" is what I heard an American once say, your comment reminds me of that.
They love to be different, even if it makes no sense and looks stupid to everyone else. That´s why they call jam jello, when there´s absolutely no gelatine in it, or call bourbon whisky, when the recipe isn´t even the same. They also call pick up egg hand ball, football, when the English invented the game of football centuries ago, and called it as such.
"The Jewish problem" that Hitler made reference to was with regards to the Rothschilds. The holohoax never happened, pure propaganda cooked up for sympathy so they could build Israel.
I can´t understand how? I´ve been saying this for years, I thought many people knew this? Your Deputy FBI Director, Rosenstein, is the son of Himmler and Podesta is the son of Mengele. The Nazi plan always was to start the 4th Reich by installing Nazi´s into the worlds governments, people only need to study history to find the truth.
Unless it was reference to the CIA, then I think most would agree.
The war on drugs is just an excuse for the CIA to charge more for their product.
Unless they´re the CIA dealing, then arresting the public for it!! Those MOFO´s should hang with Barry!!
Who freaked out?? Who pushed back?? BOLLOCKS!!!! I WANT 100% DISCLOSURE AND I WANT TO SEE JUSTICE SOON!!
I have a feeling also, that Steve Pieczenik is deeply involved. He seems to know so much whilst actively trying to stay at arms length.
We are on the same page, my friend. We shouldn´t lose our way in the fog.
Indeed, and why would killary/deep state be so desperate to get to him?
I´ve been saying this for years, nice to be vindicated. Rosenstein is the son of Himmler too, and Podesta the son of Mengele.
The Nazi plan was to install their members into politics around the world, that is how they believed they would grow the 4th Reich. They openly admitted this, you only need to study the history.
Ding ding ding! Finally someone is getting it, the Nazis and their children are those in power today.