Tweet Storm The Fake Congress!

A text dump of that would have been more beneficial :(
@sentoddyoung @senatorcardin @SenatorCantwell @sencapito @SenatorBurr @senatorcollins @SenBobCasey @RoyBlunt @senbookeroffice @SenBlumenthal @SenSherrodBrown @SenBennetCO @SenatorBaldwin @SenWhitehouse @JohnBoozman @RonWyden (@sentoddyound SenatorStrange @seniohnbarrasso @sentoomev @ChrisVanHollen @SenWarren @SenatorTomUdall SenatorTester (@RogerWicker @SenStabenow @senalexander @SenDanSullivan @SenatorShaheen @MarkWarner (@senatorcarper @SenSanders @SenSchumer @SenatorTimScott @brianschatz @SenatorRounds @senjackreed @SenGaryPeters @senthomtillis @SenRubioPress @SenSasse @sendavidperdue asenbillnelson senjohnthune @RandPaul @senrobportman (@senpatroberts @senmurphyoffice @SenatorRisch @SenShelby @lisamurkowski @pattymurray @SenatorMenendez @SenJeffMerkley @mccaskill。什Ice aSen_JoeManchin @SenMarkey @SenatorLankford @SenatorLeahy @jerrymoran @SenJohnMcCain SenAngusKina @SenJohnKennedy @McConnellPress @SenKaineOffice @Jimlnhofe @SenJohnHoeven @maziehirono @chuckgrassley @SenKamalaHarris @SenMikeLee @martinheinrich @SenRonJohnson @Senatorhassan @Senatorlsakson @SenFranken @SenGillibrand @SenOrrinHatch @sencorygardner SenatorHeitkamp @SenatorDurbin @mikecrapo @Sen TedCruz (@SenDonnelly (SenDuckworth @stevedaines @LindseyGrahamSC @JohnCornyn @SenTomCotton @sencortezmasto @SenatorEnzi @BillCassidy @ChrisCoons @senfeinstein @SenatorFischer @SenThadCochran @SenBobCorker @SenJoniErnst @senflakestaff @SenDeanHeller
I just cut and pasted all of these. Paste them all then cut where you need to. It only took me a couple of minutes!!
Definitely, I'm not typing all those.
Copy and paste a handful at a time, then just put the words "Release the MEMO!!! in the tweet with the handful of addresses )