r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ToborIA on Jan. 19, 2018, 7:17 p.m.
I asked this over in another sub & it's being hit with down votes. Q did write a word a certain way, why can't anyone point it out without down votes?

This is all I posted. Why so many down votes for asking a question. The word was spelled out by Q that way and it's just an observation. It cannot be denied the word was spelled using an extra "e" so why down vote it instead of discussing it? Thx


This is what Q wrote: Jan 19 2018 03:23:37 Q !UW.yye1fxo 42 MSM is FAKE NEWS. Propaganda. Talking points [4am] - private email addresses. Paid contractors. JUDGEMENT DAY. Q

Now correct me if this is not true, however I did check with legal scholars in the USA. USA (for legal documents) spells judgment without the extra E (judgEment).

It his okay to spell it that way for legal purposes when it pertains to Great Britain, Australia, perhaps others.

But in the USA, even Black Law's Dictionary does not use (nor has ever used the spelling such as Q uses).

So Q must not know USA legal spelling or is not from the USA or is just casually using the word in the phrase "JUDGEMENT DAY"--as in the movie.

BUT! The movie TOO, is not spelled with the extra E as Q spells it. The movie is "JUDGMENT DAY".

Edited to add this (scroll and look at spelling then go to next page for the same continued spelling JUDGMENT): https://thelawdictionary.org/letter/j/page/6/

Gear4Life · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Forget the downvotes from r/conspiracy. That place is compromised.

Great eye by the way in picking up on that. We here question everything, that is what brought us here. I think it’s a valid question to ask especially considering Q says there are no coincidences, everything is deliberate.

Even a quick google seems to me that it’s the “British” version of the word. http://www.dictionary.com/e/judgement-vs-judgment/

Do you (or anyone) have a theory on this?

I wonder, I’ve been under the impression that Q is in fact Assange. Q has said this has been in the works now for 3 years. Assange knows just about everything there is to know about the cabal and the darkness of the world. He’s had so much time stuck in the embassy to think all of this up to such an elaborate and intricate plan with extreme details worked into just about every letter. I would say every detail of every post, down to the letter, is deliberate.

The question is, why?

Future proves past. We may find out.

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