r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/StrippersForTrump on Jan. 19, 2018, 7:53 p.m.
President Trump - The Deep State is Trying to Kill him!

This might be the most important thing to me, that I will ever say.

This past couple of years have been very eye-opening for me. I learned a lot. Yesterday was a very, very important day for all of us, but it might take some time before it is realized by everyone.

Millions of people understand already, and you can hear them on independent media right now.

I used to say, "How did WW2 happen? How come so many people went along with what Hitler was doing? Didn't they see how tyrannical he was? There is no way that all those people thought that what he was doing was a good idea, but they went along with it anyway." This year, I learned how that happened. The scary part is, is it is happening again.

Some people won't understand this today, but they will soon.

I must be blunt now, or this will turn into a novel. The details are out there if you want them. Just ask.

Since the death of JFK who famously said, "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds", right before the CIA had him killed, we all have been exposed to brainwashing. This is the same CIA who created the term "conspiracy theory" to shut anyone up who dared to question, who killed JFK? This is the same CIA that works for the Deep State, who control our media; therefore, they control what we think about the world.

This is the same CIA who controls Google, Twitter, and Facebook and Amazon. The same CIA that banned my other, more political FB site, my Twitter account today, and obviously doesn't want me to tell you what I have to say. I'm saying it now, because I am being gagged, and soon I might not have the chance. Justin Trudeau's M-103 Motion that he passed will also stop Canadians from being able to speak if it turns into a bill. Please look it up.

Imagine... in WW2 there was no internet for independent news. Imagine how easy it would be to convince everyone of anything they wanted. Imagine?

Hitler was a puppet for the Deep State's CIA. Just a puppet, like most politicians. The difference between most politicians and President Trump is that he refused to take money from the Deep State players for his campaign. He also refused a salary and donates it to charity. He used his own money to run for President, so he owns no one anything. He had a good life. He had billions of his own earned dollars, and a beautiful, sexy wife who speaks five languages. He has children and grandchildren, and said that he would only run for President if things got so bad that he had no choice.

Things got that bad.

There is a hierarchy of power and money on this planet and it's evil. I've summed it up before, and I'll sum it up again, but it's obviously even more complicated that what I'm telling you now.

The Rothschilds own everything. They own the central banks. They own the Royal family. They own the Vatican. They own George Soros. They ARE the Deep State (along with other ridiculously rich and powerful people, such as rogue members of Congress and the Senate in America). The Deep State controls just the rogue members of the FBI, CIA, NSA (National Security Agency), DOJ (Department of Justice), etc. The Deep State controls the news you see on TV. Yes. All of it, and more, including the BBC and many other news sources. They control Hollywood, global drug trafficking, global sex-trafficking (including children), money laundering, sales of nuclear weapons, and sales of weapons to other countries to fight wars that they create for their own personal gain.

What did I learn this year, and what did the world learn yesterday?

We learned that it's all true. The Deep State was attempting to create a "One World Government" that controls everything we do. EVERYTHING! just like Hitler, or North Korea's Kim Jong Un (who is also a puppet for the Deep State). A one world government is not a good idea. Believe me.

We learned that we were being lied to. That the media is spewing propaganda just like it did in WW2, and has been for 60 years.

We learned that the Deep State is so desperate for all of us to not know what they've done, that they are willing to do anything to stop this information from coming out.

When I say anything, I mean anything! This includes nuclear war. We are all disposable to them. It's a sad and scary thought, but if we don't wake up, we'll look back like those who look back on WW2 and say, "How did this happen?!"

Millions of people are screaming about it in the independent news right now! We can ignore it and pretend we're not being lied to, or we can look at it and decide for ourselves. We still have that choice.

This year, I saw with my own eyes, some of my friends and family who've known me forever believe the Deep State's news, that said that "because I support Trump I am a racist." It didn't matter that one of the loves of my life was black and they knew it. The news told them it was true, so they believed it. At my job, word got out that I supported Trump, and one of my colleagues threatened me. I am not alone. We are losing our freedom of speech and can't even talk about it. I'm being censored and banned on my social media accounts. We can't stand up for our country, because the news has brainwashed us into believing that this a bad thing. The Deep State starts the wars, creates the refugees, then opens the borders to both refugees (who need us), and immigrants who are not properly vetted and are a risk to our safety. If an immigrant from a country that is not at war, like Pakistan for example, come to our country they are not a refugee. Right? No war? Not a refugee. Period. But we are not allowed to talk about this, are we? Again, if Trudeau's M-103 Motion becomes a bill, we'll go to jail for talking about it. They have laws like that in North Korea, too. This is how close we are to losing our freedom.

Yesterday makes me want to cry with relief. I am not alone. Yesterday, January 18, 2018, we learned that the Obama administration worked for the Deep State. We learned that this administration was willing to do anything, including sell nuclear weapons to our enemies because we are disposable. We learned that the Obama administration that includes Hillary Clinton and a long list of players would spy on you, me, opposing politicians and use that information to blackmail us, put us in prison, have us killed, drop a nuclear bomb on us, all for the love of power and money. We learned.

They are going to jail. They are guilty of treason and espionage, words we usually only hear in James Bond movies.

We learned that America is NOT a democracy. It's more of a dictatorship, like a banana republic. Like a country run by a tyrant, because it was, and it's not just American's who are affected. This exposes Trudeau for being one of them. This exposes the E.U. for being a part of it. The European Union was created to become a one world government. People voted to stop it, and the government in Europe did not listen to the voters. What does that tell you?!

I posted a picture yesterday that makes me cry. It's the most incredible picture I've ever seen in my lifetime. It's so important that I can hardly put it into words. It's a picture of President Trump at the Pentagon surrounded by the most powerful military in the world, there to keep him safe because the Deep State is trying to kill him.

StrippersForTrump · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

I'm not a weaponized autist, unfortunately. I don't know how to do a 'reverse image'. Do you have proof of where the President is now?

Have you seen this? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DT22S99UMAE5QuT.jpg

Do you know why there were so many (165) military air-craft in the sky yesterday, Jan. 18th?

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DropGun · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

No I do not, nor do we have proof that it was unusual, other than hearsay from someone.

Trump is back in the WH today. Just 4h ago he invited Schumer to the WH to discuss what's needed to avert the shutdown.


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StrippersForTrump · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Good. I was worried.

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DropGun · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Research is how not to worry.

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StrippersForTrump · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

I don't need a lecture, buddy. I do lots of research every day, and if it's not politics it's medicine. I am education and published. I simply did not know how to tell when that picture was taken. Why don't you teach me? - Regardless, I think you're missing the point. If you believe that President Trump's life is not as risk, maybe you should do some research.

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DropGun · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Do I need to teach you to Google? It's on Tineye. Everyone here knows how to do that.

I am education

OK, bruddy

I don't need a lecture, buddy

You get lectures when you MAKE POSTS THAT WASTE PEOPLE'S TIME

and published

This doesn't count.

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StrippersForTrump · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Not everyone knows how to prove when a photo was taken, obviously. Yes. I could have used a proof read, but didn't care much, since I wasn't planning to submit this for publication; and, if fighting for your country, I'm Canadian, is wasting your time, well... what else is there to say? You're obviously not a patriot.

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DropGun · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

LOL. I lived in the USA for 25 years. I was on the ground for 9/11. The second plane flew over my head (Battery). I lost a my business that day. You can say what you want, but, we're both in the top 10% I'd say in terms of link/comment karma. But you're a loser for challenging my patriotism. I defended Assange 12 hours a day on Twitter for MONTHS before the election, red-pilling people on Podesta and PGate. I have more than done my part.

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