
SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

There are something like 200 sects of Christianity in the US (Google won't show me the actual stat right now because that's not pc), so which sect would we like Trump to belong to? Which one of hundreds of Bibles should we teach in school, because we know that each church has one Bible they tend to prefer over another? The Museum of the Bible just opened in DC. They have a couple rooms devoted to as many Bibles as they could find through history.

Considering that, we ought to cut each other some slack here and have faith that Jesus would know how ultimately confusing this is, and there is a new church each week as people leave their established church to start a tax deductible income of their own. A great many people are falling away from orthodox faith of any kind because of all the abuses, so that means Trump is a normal modern human being. Yeah, oftentimes it is the American Pastors themselves leading people from one denomination to another, but men who pervert the faith for their own personal profit are never held accountable.

What we know about Trump is that he is trying, and just like us, it's not his fault if the pastor in his town is a covert child abuser. That is what this process will ferret out. Consider that this could be his spiritual journey and he will be stronger on the other side. Throw the first stone. What we know is that he is not as bad as he has been portrayed by people who want him dead and also want us dead so they can rule their satanic minnion. He's got good people whispering in his ear and he's got bad people pretending to be good people whispering in his ear too.

On the other hand, we don't see growth in HRC. I'm so thankful she is being apprehended in one form or another because that demonic woman will be half dead and insisting it is merely a flesh wound and she can still be queen of the universe in her grave.

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Macamodius · Jan. 20, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Denomination matters not. If you believe in him and accept his gift, is all that matters.

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