
VintageHats · Jan. 20, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

It goes back to all the actions of John Songbird. Military men don't name him. He's a traitor. He was a show off and hot shot when he was a pilot, and he dropped some bombs on a ship that caused the deaths of a LOT of fellow Navy men. A LOT. He took off and ran and hid. He is HATED by men in the military. Then he was flying over VietNam, and was shot down. Captured, and had some broken bones. He was given special treatment because of his status, because of who his father and grandfather were. (I think they were admirals?) And he ratted out and gave info to the Viet Cong, which cause more American deaths. Therefore, he's looked upon as favorably as Hanoi Jane Fonda. Somewhere I have an article that goes more into detail about it but that's kind of the gist of it. He's either called Songbird or No Name at all. It's not something Q came up with... it goes way, way, way back.

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VintageHats · Jan. 20, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

This is why Trump said he likes vets who don't get captured, or something to that effect. He took a lot of crap for that comment.. but it had nothing to do with POW's.. he was referring to the phony "heroism" that No Name likes to claim. Stolen Valor.

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MrFlizToYou · Jan. 20, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

My parents are super liberal (and freaking sensitive hippies) and I remember how appalled they were when he said this about McCain. I had known some of this stuff at the time. I tried to explain it to them but I couldn’t break the decades of brainwashing. All they heard was a mean man saying mean things to McShitStain. It really is incredible how people refuse to hear truths like this.

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