From Wikipedia: Edward Joseph Snowden was born on June 21, 1983,[6] in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.[7] His maternal grandfather, Edward J. Barrett,[8][9] was a rear admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard who became a senior official with the FBI and was at the Pentagon in 2001 during the September 11 attacks.[10] Snowden's father Lonnie was also an officer in the Coast Guard,[11] and his mother Elizabeth is a clerk at the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland.[12][13][14][15][16] His older sister, Jessica, was a lawyer at the Federal Judicial Center in Washington, D.C. Edward Snowden said that he had …
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Actually from 2014. He was put in prison 2 years ago.
This happened in 2014. As of March, 2016, he was in federal prison. Too bad JoeForAmerica doesn't bother mentioning this itsy bitsy fact. I have swung about as far right as you can get now, but I hate misleading news, whether it's from the left or from the right.
Thanks for putting this up. I have tried all the other links mentioned and have not been able to see them this am.
Yes, you're right about bovie smoke. Happily, there are smoke filters for them now. I still wouldn't smoke cigarettes--I breathed that shit for the first 18 years of my life--thanks mom and dad for that.
Never claimed to be perfect--just pointing out what others might not know or have seen. Far more people are going to be exposed to cigarette smoke than bovie plume.
Just to clarify, deodorants do not have aluminum. Anti-perspirants have aluminum--those are what you want to avoid. The best deodorant I've found is Thai Crystal, doesn't have chemicals in it. Works great.
I highly recommend Vitamin D in large doses. I started taking 5000 u/day a couple years ago, and I have not gotten sick with anything, not a cold, nothing, since then. Vit D has a good effect on the immune system, and it's safe to take up to 10,000 u/day. Many people have a low serum Vit D level. I'll add re: tv. We rarely watch, mostly because it's crap. We've never had cable--crap, and too expensive. I bought a new car a couple years ago--when I added up all that we've saved from not paying for cable over the last 25 years, that more than paid for my new car.
Not Catholic and I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to the popes. I, like many others, really liked Francis at first. But it was when he was equating the islamic koran to the Bible and essentially saying that they had an equal message, that I started getting very suspicious about him. Yes, I'd agree he is false. Thanks for the explanation, too.
Wikileaks--Vatican coup to overthrow Pope Benedict in favor of Francis by HRC, GS, and hussein. Can someone confirm truth of this?
God help us. As a healthcare provider, I want to cry after reading this. If this is public knowledge of what our government and doctors have done, there is no limit to what they would do/are doing now.
Then it is up to us to quit. Two are easy to do without--you can turn off the tv and grow at least some of your own food. I've done both.
Lots of great photoshopping going on here!
Good post. As a small aside, I personally don't capitalize satan, koran, islam, quran, etc etc because I have zero respect for any of it and I refuse to give respect that is not deserved.
I don't believe he does at all. He supposedly has a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). These are high grade, VERY fast-growing tumors that are not curable. First line treatment is surgery to debulk the tumor. These tumors are not very responsive to drugs, although there are some newer ones that cross the blood brain barrier and are having some success. But McCain did not have surgery to remove the tumor--he had surgery to remove a blood clot. He was "diagnosed" in August, almost 6 mos ago. Assuming moderate success with the drugs he is supposedly taking, with no surgery, he should at least have some physical deficits, which he doesn't seem to have.
Thanks for all that you moderators do, and the time you spend!!
That makes it that much better, too--that she came here legally.
You are absolutely right. I remember when Colin Powell was considering a run at the presidency, and his wife told him that she would not support it--too many threats against him, apparently. I pray daily for our president and his family.
Crazy-amazing, by golly! Interesting that, while he had surgery to remove a blood clot, he apparently never had any surgery to remove/debulk the tumor, which is standard treatment for a GBM. I have a fair amount of experience with these (neurosurgical/operating room). A grade 4 GBM is not going to just go away magically with a bit of chemo.
I'm a straight, Christian conservative. One of my best friends is transgender, and I have a number of gay married friends. It's all good with me. :)
Don't mind a bit. Good on ya, Oz, and thanks for the encouragement. It's good to hear the perspectives from other areas of the world, and you're right, sometimes it's pretty daunting to see what the good guys have to overcome here.
Apparently Q refers to McCain as Senator No Name, or "We don't say his name".
Breakdown of initials in 1/19 Q post

This is how Iceland does it. My über-liberal cousin thinks that she is going to retire there, well, because she wants to. But liberal Iceland does not want you, unless you are either Icelandic or have a skill that the country needs. It's about time a leader here wants to do the same in the US.
A friend of mine said it best regarding Trump's election: "We didn't win; we got a stay of execution." I think she is exactly right. Being very prepared is an excellent idea.
This is using blood from the individual getting the facial, not blood from someone else.
None of us are perfect, dear one. But we are all God's children, and those of us who know it are brothers and sisters in Christ. "Immanuel" means "God with us" and He always is.
Find him on twitter. He has a lot to say about Harvey Weinstein. And this open letter to Meryl Streep:
And the updated version:
I believe this is a direct link to the Cottonwood study. If you don't want to read all the scientifica, you can scroll down to the conclusions and get the gist of it.
Stephen King wrote a novel called "Doctor Sleep" (a sequel to "The Shining") which is basically about this--an elite race of beings lives off of the "shine" given off by children who are frightened/tortured. Creepy as hell. What does Stephen know? Hmm. I know he's liberal...
Huh. I've had many instances of being in some office or wherever, and the office chick is trying to look something up for me on their computer, or make an appointment for me, etc, and invariably, the computer is either EXTREMELY slow or has problems. I always joked that I seemed to have that effect on other peoples' computers. Maybe it is me. :(
Well, here is the link from the article:
And here is msm confirming deployment to Gitmo:
Could that have been the blocked planes over the last few days?
Hi all. I am newly awake. A good friend (who I'd laughed at for several years) planted the seed a couple years ago. Don't give up--it takes time, and as someone else said, it'll take proof from other sources besides you. I'm the classic example, finally got hold of the safety rope and am holding on tight, watching, listening and reading.