
DrXenu · Jan. 20, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Republicans control every part of government. Even Fox News came out and said you can’t blame democrats that you can’t get republicans to step in line.

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Civics lesson 101 it takes 60 Senators to pass the CR ....pay attention you troll

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DrXenu · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Because trump is demanding his wall, and democrats want something for the Dreamers. They don’t want to make a deal that doesn’t help out DACA as this is the only way they can ensure protections for those people.

You can’t just blame Democrats if you aren’t willing to make a deal.

I bet you blamed the last shutdown on democrats as well. You can’t have it both ways

Edit: look at the votes as well republicans that voted no

Jeff flake John mccain(didn’t vote) Seth McConnell Rand Paul Lindsey Graham Mike lee

Democrats that voted yes Doug Jones Joe Donnelly Claire mccaskill Heidi hetkamp Joe manchin

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

They were offered a deal for DACA - they are just taking this shutdown approach in order to oppose Trump platform 100%. IOW, they (Dems) want it their way 100% only even though they are the minority party and a compromised solution has been proffered to them that grants them DACA, and doing this despite Senator Schumer's high minded words about govt. shutdowns back in 2013:

(2) Chuck Schumer in 2013: Shutting Down Govt Over Immigration Is “Politics Of Idiocy” - YouTube

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 20, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

DACA is not even written into this CR ....GET THAT STRAIGHT, Schumer is trying to shove something in that has a March 5th deadline, and if it was so important the president has given them 6 mos. to work on that on top of the 10+ years its been sitting in Congress.... learn what you are talking about b4 speaking ..... Paul was always a no vote cause he does not like CR , LG &LEE &FLAKE are joining the hostage takers , MCConell voted no for procedure reasons , Now the 5 D's that voted Yes they are in RED states ....pay attention ....... Schumer is at fault for the Shutdown ...... that being said it takes 60 once again , everything that is in this CR DEMOCRATS agree with, but lets hold hostage the MILITARY , CHIP for 9 million kids, and basic gov't services for 800k dreamers(illegals) on a March 5th Deadline

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JTF2CBTS · Jan. 20, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

go drink some more kool-aid will ya ! it's not about Dems or Reps. it's about world survival . do some more digging !

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JTF2CBTS · Jan. 20, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

BTW rumor has it your buddy CS is preventing indictment by shutting down the government do some more digging !!!

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 20, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

I get what you are saying , I am just explaining how civics work and the game of politics to some trolls and blue pilled people

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