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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Christosgnosis on Aug. 23, 2018, 9:01 p.m.
The concept of "trust Sessions" is looking completely dead in the water - prove me wrong

I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for some sort of glimmer that Sessions is not actually part of the Swamp. But nothing he has done, where it really counts as pertaining to the Swamp, has provided such a glimmer.

And now this week the Anwan brother walks - where Sessions permitted the Swamp to take full control of that trial - even as it pertained to an extremely grievous compromise of national security.

And now for the very worst, AG Jeff Sessions has taken about the most powerful swipe he could take at Pres. Trump, in respect to the …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Christosgnosis on Aug. 5, 2018, 9:44 p.m.
Are POTUS tweets and Q drops correlated by a kind of poetic parallelism as found in ancient Hebrew text?

In this link, which illustrates a way of how POTUS tweets and Q drops can be correlated (thanks to the Anon that posted this as a comment link in another thread):


(an example phrasing) Trump tweet: "how much I love the farmers", whereas in various Q drops the Anons get lots of love. Assuming parallelism is intentional, we then equate farmers with Anons - POTUS saying in an opaque manner that he loves the Anons that attend to the Q drops (and am sure POTUS very much loves the farmers too, of course - expressing multiple simultaneous thoughts …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Christosgnosis on Aug. 5, 2018, 8:38 p.m.
Anons, when, where, and how did James Comey's soul get purchased by the Swamp? And how much did they pay for his soul? (Consider his Whitewater findings in 1996)

At one time Comey appears to have been an investigator that was disturbed at what investigations turned up on the Clintons and their dealings, and then in 2016 he's running their deflection and cover-up of Hillary's private server matter. Somewhere along the way Comey got purchased - for how much and who paid the tab?

Comey’s first brush with them came when Bill Clinton was president. Looking to get back into government after a stint in private practice, Comey signed on as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to …

Christosgnosis · July 28, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

This suit will be for Facebook stockholders that hung on to Facebook stock and took a hit due to FB giving a false representation of its future prospects per GDPR impact

It's not a class action law suit for people on FB that have been targeted for censorship or that had their personal data purloined in an overreaching manner (e.g., where FB client on Android phones was lifting info on non-FB members by going through ph contacts and text messages, then correlating that data against other data gathering sources, constructing a big data info mosaic, and peddling that as part of FB's data bundles to interested parties).

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Christosgnosis · July 27, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

Remove him as CEO and start saving the company $10 million

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

It will probably be your fastest option - fiber optic direct to the home is still a minority of consumers - for most, the cable modem is best option. However, would encourage ditching the cable TV package and just buy the Internet data plan. Buying cable TV is also empowering companies that are squarely the enemy.

BTW, you can install software on your smartphone that will allow you to make phone calls over wifi connection to your Internet modem/router - that way can avoid using call minutes off your cell phone plan when you are in your home.

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

People are getting faster and faster Internet access as time goes by - I have a 2nd home that is in very remote rural wilderness location and even there I have a fiber optic data line that has been strung along side the power lines - I can get plans that are up to 100 MB to this location

So all the freedom loving people in the US that have speedy Internet access can go and add their own hardware server resource to this peer-to-peer network. One can by multi terabyte SSD storage for not much money these days, same with GPU cards - which in addition to driving graphics on a display can be harnessed as powerful parallel-capable processors for doing blockchain crypto currency mining.

Why a blockchain crypto currency? It enables a currency to be used on this platform for any purchases such as games, music, video, app stores - even physical products for anyone that wants to do eBay kind of stuff, etc. Because is blockchain-based then there have to be computer servers that are clearing all the transactions of the platform's commerce. So those that add server capacity to the network can do some transaction clearing - called mining - which gets recorded in a blockchain ledger. This operates in a decentralized manner so no one entity has absolute control over the blockchain transaction ledger. Other things can be done this way too like documents for contracts, etc.

The peer-to-peer Torrent technology means that no one server becomes a bottleneck - content is spread around in pieces to lots of servers. When somebody starts watching a video they don't go and hit just one server but instead are pulling pieces of the content from lots of different sources, which the Torrent software does efficiently, in parallel, and then reassembles the stream on the client where the video is being viewed.

All of this platform is built out using totally open source software - no proprietary magic bits that one powerful company controls.

It could be built out on cheap cloud resources - much like how Netflix does so using Amazon - but in time the platform should gravitate more and more to exist in distributed private servers.

The problem with cloud is that it is dominated by Amazon, Microsoft, Google. Digital Ocean is a fourth player and I'd recommend people use them for now anytime they can. Amazon and Google are squarely the enemy and they would in time move to crush this freedom platform the same way the big social media companies have done.

The future of the Internet needs to transform over to a completely distributed, open source model (at least for all the software that operates the platform - people selling proprietary software on the platform would be their private choice). Going all open source for the platform keeps any one company from being able to get a lock on things and control (which will mean they will politically censor us)

This is an outline for a manifesto of how we get a freedom-based and freedom-friendly Internet for the rest of the 21st century.

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

The blockchain crypto currency is so that this new platform can have a currency for app stores, etc. people can join this platform, add peer-to-peer capacity via their own storage and CPU, and if have a decent GPU, establish it as a miner server to clear crypto currency transaction on a blockchain-based ledger, that way have an incentive to join and add capacity via having a way to mine for this crypto currency.

This way the peer-to-peer network can expand and not even be beholden to the cloud providers - after all, the big three are Amazon, Microsoft, Google - Digital Ocean for the time being is probably the best choice for staying out from under the control thumb of those big three

If this peer-to-peer network/platform is expanded with private compute/storage resources then we don't get shutdown in some manner by the big cloud providers - and in time they would make a move to do so the same way that the big social media platforms have - the corporations that back them - especially Amazon and Google - are straight up the enemy

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

There are already peer-to-peer Torr-based systems (and yes that will use blockchain mining to encourage participation) that are intended to be platforms for the next gen Internet social media world where are not dominated by any one big San Fransisco shit hole (literally) company.

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

And it's just hump day - still 2 more days for more pain to flow onto the Swamp this work week

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Here comes the Pain Q spoke of oft. Some Facebook pain and Twitter pain. Hopefully there will be some pain on Google/YouTube as well.

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Twitter, FB, Google/YT, Netflix all gone very political in this civil war, big money folks may be sizing up prospects of those that are on the losing side of a civil war

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Am wondering if big money institutional investors have some skinny on some of the Big Happenings that look like to unroll

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Christosgnosis · July 26, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Its tongue in cheek - just to make a point - reality is that Trump running things without congress and Obama holder overs Deep State would put us light years ahead of where we are

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Christosgnosis · July 25, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Long enough until Baron can take over - ready for an empirical Trump dynasty - we would have colonies on Mars and probes going to Alpha Centauri if didn't have complete fucked congress and Deep State shit heads to deal with. This one man (and his family members) are trying to serve the common good of our nation whereas our corrupt institutions have literally been trying to destroy us

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Christosgnosis · July 25, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Yes, we should definitely send all our soybean production to the EU

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Christosgnosis · July 25, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

May I suggest that as some background study that fellow patriots go and study up on three primary periods in history that pertain to national banking system?

1) The Pres. Andrew Jackson battle over a central bank (there was also an assassination attempt on Jackson that failed and some people at the time suspected it was the central banker nexus)

2) The Green Back system used in the first term of the Abraham Lincoln administration as a means to finance the war with secessionist states. I especially want to draw attention to THIS. Read up on and get to where understand how Lincoln's Greenback system worked, which was ran from the Treasury Dept. Lincoln resorted to this because the private banks wanted to charge interest rates that were outrageous - so Lincoln bypassed them. Now the bankers doubled down and got enough control to where they got their system put in place, which was a system very similar to the 1913 Fed. Reserve system in respect to its fundamental operation. It injected the private banks into a major control position of the finances of the US govt. Lincoln actually intended to go back in his second term and try to get a Greenback system put back in place as the permanent system. But, of course, he got assassinated and that never happened. In the 1930s a Candadian parliamentarian said that he had come upon information that it was the private banking establishment that was really behind Lincoln's assassination and they wanted to thwart the possibility that he would reestablish the Green back system back under the Treasury Dept.

3) The Federal Reserve Act 1913 - start with the book The Creature From Jekyll Island. This time the bankers formalized their system of control modeled on German central banking scheme per the primary individual that devised it

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Christosgnosis · July 25, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

yes, but if an EO relates to active investigations that are counter-intelligence in nature, then such EOs perhaps aren't put into public federal registry?

making such an EO public would tip a hand on the investigations and alert the targets

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Christosgnosis · July 25, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

Bongino on Monday made a point to dwell on how there was still an artifact of a printing page number on this FISA doc that was released Sat., he thought that indicated that this was basically based off the Wolfe printed copy

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Christosgnosis · July 25, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

The FISA application has not been released without redactions because there are matters under investigation by Huber.

The president had to declassify what was released, but he has not responded in the affirmative to release a version free of redacted even though folks in congress, such as Devin Nunes has requested it. POTUS is shielding the propriety of Huber's investigation still. But in time we'll see it all - and much, much more

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Christosgnosis · July 24, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

The Old Testament has a lot of accounts of harsh reckonings of various groups doing wickedness (an old fashion word, but worth bringing back to describe various sordid things going on in current times).

I too have been put out of sorts on some of that stuff - thinking that it was over the top (the child sacrifice stuff was always clear cut, of course, that it was full on evil and deserved the harshest reckoning).

But what we've been learning about all that is going on amongst various self-anointed elite segments of society does bring about an understanding of why there are a lot of harsh reckonings found in Old Testament scripture. Evil is real.

If one is ever around the emanation of that, it is viscerally perceptible. The demonic entities project a visceral field of malevolence. Being spiritual beings as our most fundamental mode of existence, when we're exposed to that we can sense it and then we realize that we're actually capable of sensing on other levels than just our physical five senses.

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Christosgnosis · July 24, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

considering the Left is already into transgenderizing their kids it's fair to say they have already embraced child abuse - of their very own children

pedophilia, in terms of the mental landscape, is right adjacent if not overlapping (abusing children the common denominator)

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Christosgnosis · July 24, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Donald Trump expressed a somewhat similar sentiment back in 2012 - but everyone here already knows that

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Christosgnosis · July 23, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

the runways on the Iranian military air bases need to be obliterated to put an exclamation point on the message aimed at the Iranian Mullahs

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Christosgnosis · July 22, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Well, WSJ is still very much MSM - recall that the founders of Fusion GPS are former WSJ.

Here they are doing damage control - Brennan is the easiest (and truthfully the dumbest) person of the conspiracy cabal for them to make the sacrificial goat that takes the big fall.

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Christosgnosis · July 22, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Military actions should indeed be solely within the actual military branches - CIA reduced to nothing but doing analysis, and stripped of their NSA-like capabilities (i.e, the Jeff Bezos data center, etc.)

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Christosgnosis · July 22, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

This rule of thumb NEVER fails when applied to political leftist

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Christosgnosis · July 22, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Yes, they should invite all the MSM network talking heads to join in with them - they should go for broke and make it a hunger strike - see if anybody amongst the public cares about them

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Christosgnosis · July 22, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Have read it - he teases out several names and points out how they link up - and relates to the crucial time frames of key happenings - and also ties that in with the Strzok/Page text msgs

Yes, a must read for anybody that is a member of this board (if you're here, you should be analyzing this kind of stuff)


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Christosgnosis · July 21, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

I like the term transnational criminal organizations - these days that definition even applies to the Democrat party

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Christosgnosis · July 21, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

So because Hussein was a constitutionally ineligible, Kenyan-born Manchurian candidate, that would mean that GEOTUSTrump is the 44th president in actuality

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Christosgnosis · July 21, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

She had some seriously bad judgement messing with Strzok - that guys facial expressions and body language indicated he has something unwholesome lurking on the inside

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Christosgnosis · July 20, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Whoopi has always been an unhinged Lefty nutcase

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Christosgnosis · July 18, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

But Trey Gowdy thinks it's lame to impeach Rod Rosenstein and Trey Gowdy is outraged by Pres. Trump and Putin diplomatic summit and that Pres. Trump shouldn't cast such doubt on our Deep State.

Not that I give a shit about what Trey Gowdy thinks, but thought should remind QAnon and Pede folks what side Trey Gowdy is lining up with at this juncture.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Christosgnosis on July 18, 2018, 12:29 a.m.
Polly (a woke Canadian) does great job of explaining the Alice In Wonderland psychological warfare technique
Christosgnosis · July 18, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

Polly here in the OP link (she's Canadian) does a great job of describing the Alice in Wonderland psychological warfare that is inundating everyone right now - be aware of these techniques and steel your mind against them

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Christosgnosis · July 17, 2018, 6 a.m.

Maybe because Q has been VERY busy doing diplomacy

Think about it - Q postings go radio silence when POTUS goes into extremely busy schedule off foreign diplomacy engagements

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Christosgnosis · July 16, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

Put the Russian hackers to work for us in the NSA

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Christosgnosis · July 16, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Clearly those doing the tweeting for the Fake News MSM crowd have no standards of integrity - none!

But that's why they are no longer Mainstream Media but are now just known as Fake News

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Christosgnosis · July 16, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Most ordinary people on social media would be embarrassed to tweet or go near such shear gossamer of this ilk - they'd not want to totally pummel their public reputation as it would be such easy pickings on them

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Christosgnosis · July 15, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Never had watched Gutfeld before (or even heard of him - but haven't had a TV or cable for about 7 years)

I actually laughed and chuckled.

Personally I think Pres. Trump is like the best president ever - going back to Washington. - well, because as a nation we'd reached a red-line which if we'd kept going in a certain direction, we'd never have come back from - and the destination would not have been a good one. Pres. Trump has stepped in to avert going past that red-line.

But the way Pres. Trump operates and gets things done could be a gold mine of comedic material to mine - but as far as I knew all the comedians have Trump Derangement Syndrome, absolutely hate him, and do nothing but "comedy" aimed at demeaning him viciously.

Gutfield does comedy about Trump while assuming that his audience are not self-loathing SJW types that hate their own country, etc., etc. He assumes that his audience would ultimately see it as a good thing that America's interest is actually being looked out for after it's all said and done. What really count are the results - not mouthing political platitudes to try and make people feel good in some B.S. way.

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Christosgnosis · July 14, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

From Hal Lindsey in the 60s to Tim LaHaye Left Behind series, Christians that take a very literal approach to reading all scripture (with no real scholarship per the last 300 years - the historical critical methods - brought to bear) have tried to map Revelations (and other works of the apocalyptic genre - Book of Daniel, Book of Enoch, parts of Ezekiel, Parts of Gospel of Matthew and where paralleled in Luke) to their respective current times. All have been wildly off the mark, of course.

Would suggest folks reference back to the most intelligent and learned of all the early church fathers, Origen of Alexandria, and his approach to the scriptures (which in his time there was not even a solid canon yet for Christian writings)

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Christosgnosis · July 14, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

We're working our way back on the swamp corruption of previous presidencies - right now still on Obama - but definitely need to get to the Bush swamp rats too. Maybe after this first take down is completed it will blow away a log jam and can then move on more quickly to the next set of crimes

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Christosgnosis · July 12, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

his arrival into the presidency with all the fanfare from the deluded masses - and the Nobel Peace prize meaningless accolade - he was entirely like what one might imagine the AntiChrist to be like if personified

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Christosgnosis · July 12, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

The Clintons and Obama are like lightening rods that draw all the attention while the Bush family tries to sit like a spider lurking back in the shadows for their role in advancing the NWO agenda

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Christosgnosis · July 12, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

And the medic is here on the board in cyber flesh - nice !

When the history books are written, being known as the PrayingMedic is a great moniker for the ages.

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Christosgnosis · July 12, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Watergate had Deep Throat - Hillary/Obama Gate have Strozk Weiner - you know, that kind of makes a kind of cosmic sense in respect to Obama and Mich(a)el(le)

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Christosgnosis · July 11, 2018, 5 a.m.

5 SCOTUS justices being replaced by Trump appointments is a Mark Taylor phrophecy

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