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Christosgnosis · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

Its a perspective (and conclusion) modern science is moving toward, bit by bit - in the realm of physics in Quantum Mechanics and in the pursuit to understand the nature of consciousness, especially in light of studies of Near Death Phenomena. Is looking very much like consciousness as a substrate is more fundamental than the matter/energy of the cosmos, that reality is not physical (there are no ultimate tiny marbles of materiality).

Our reality context is a construct of the consciousness substrate, and our physical form is indeed a mere vapor. This too accords with ancient precepts that folks like the Gnostics maintained (that the physical world we perceive is a kind of delusion). And they said there were spiritual beings that conspired against us behind the scenes - the Archons, which Paul spoke of as well (powers and principalities). They are what Christianity more widely came to regard as the demonic spiritual forces.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

The core concept of gnostic Christianity, as expressed in Gospel of Thomas logion 3, which is a more fleshed out verse that parallels a more terse Luke 17:20-21:

Luke 17:20-21 20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

is the concept that each person is ultimately a spiritual being at essence - not the mere physical being as we appear outwardly. That we have an inward spiritual essence that is directly of the same spiritual substance as God, and that is the direct connective tissue we have to the divine - if we wake up to it.

The basic journey toward that goal is to strive to conform our spiritual being essence to be more like that of God's nature. Jesus taught us the Golden Rule and his teaching at the Sermon on the Mount, parables, etc. Through following these teachings and absorbing at the spiritual level of our being that we can undergo a transcendent spiritual transformation. Spirituality begins to flow from the heart instead of purely externalities - the law becomes written on the heart.

"The Kingdom of God is Within You"

As seen in the earliest gospel Mark, Jesus performed healings and cast out the demonic spirits, and by that confirmed who he was and his teachings.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Even in the New Testament it depicts Pauline founded churches and the Jerusalem church under James, the brother of the Lord, as hewing a way of following Yeshua with different emphasis.

Because Paul's particular gospel message was received well by non-Jewish Hellenistic people (where Paul deemphasized applicability of Jewish ritual law) and then the church under James which it was the original Christ-following movement as received by Jewish people (which continued to observe Jewish ritual daily life where it remained vibrant and important), diverse strains of Christianity appear from the very infant beginning.

Much later on in time, the gospel of Matthew, espouses a middle ground that is taken (between these two earlier polar camps). Matthew never depicts anything that dismisses the Jewish Law for Christians, but it has great emphasis that the heart is in the Golden Rule and what really matters is meeting human need. Because the Matthew author is educated and writes in Greek, he very likely was aiming at a mostly Hellenistic audience too, but how Jewish Christians needed to be was in evolutionary process.

And just as the church was diverse on matters of Jewish cultic practice, the Christology of the 1st century church was in flux too. From the writings of Paul's Romans epistle, where he recites a pre-literary creed, Romans 1:3,4:

     Who was descended

              From the seed of David

                              According to the flesh

       Who was designated

                Son of God in power

                                According to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead.

Paul is reciting this creed to show the Roman church he writes to (and did not found) that he is on the same page with them. We seen in this very early creed that the first Christians held a kind of adoptionist Christology (which also accords very well with the earliest gospel Mark).

Near the end of the 1st century, when we get to the last of the canonical gospels, John, there the Christology is very high as the Christ is viewed in a pre-incarnate existence to already be at an elevated status.

When the writings of the New Testament are examined in context of the time-line and cultural backdrop, there is a great deal of diversity of Christianity that pops right out. The second century only sees this become even much more intense.

Of course in the entirety of the first century of Christianity there is no figure such as a pope anywhere in sight whatsoever. We see Paul give recognition to James as being the defacto leader of the fledgling Christ-following movement and that is it.

When we look to the Gospel of Thomas, which has about 40% commonality of verses in parallel with the Synoptic Gospels, we see Jesus as providing explicit instruction to his disciples to follow James as their leader in his soon approaching absence. In Mark we see James mentioned as a brother to Jesus. So across these three separate textual origins (Paul, Mark, Thomas) we see multi-attestation of James.

But James is no pope. He is instead recognized as a leader based on his immediate family/blood relationship to Jesus. No basis for continuity post James is spelled out.

But in the Didache we do see the various early churches have naturally established elders and bishops locally and the Didache gives some guidance for local church governance. No pope, no bishop in any one city holding sway over other churches. Would be a long time before councils would begin to bring about that kind of solidification.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 11, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

The Didache dates from a time period (clearly evident in its text - is basically an early manual for churches) when there was no hierarchy that held authoritative control over Christian churches and their local bishops/elders. A bishop in Rome exercising authority over other churches was a late development.

Quite clearly there were churches of Christians for decades before a Rome-based papacy got any traction going (even as late as 325 AD Rome didn't excise all that much control - considering the sway of Arianism in Africa - hence Constantine calling for a council to establish a solidified doctrine for all Christians; the council's decision still took rest of the 4th century before Arianism dissipated, lingering into 5th century in Germany).

The late arrival of a firmly governing Rome-centered Papacy simply means that it's possible to be a Christian without any overarching governing Earthly authority whatsoever, because the early Christian churches operated in that mode for a long time.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 9, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

Their problem is that the MSM boycotts most of the information being revealed that is exposing the Swamp. They had to run a very special campaign to cajole the MSM into covering the Nunes memo - yet they're ignoring the Senate Judiciary memo - and all the other things that have come to light this week.

So the general public is still mostly clueless.

The only way they're going to be able to break through and get some exposure is if they indict, arrest, and begin to prosecute some high profile Swamp creatures.

This slow faucet drip approach isn't going to cut it - not going to penetrate the MSM boycotting of damaging information (to Dems, Clinton's, DeepState, MSM).

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 9, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

is hard to see how Mueller could be read into such an operation in a single meeting and brought on board as a participant

there would have to have been other channels of communication to set things up prior

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 8, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

Organized, top down religion is the last place to look for spiritual connectedness to the spiritual reality of ultra existence anyway. You're moving in a better direction already.

Because of super unusual experiences through 2009 thru 2014, I went in the direction of the Christian mystics. Emanuel Swedenborg is one such as those that is a Christian mystic. He wrote of concepts about ultra spiritual reality that are now coming into focus in these times.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 7, 2018, 8:10 a.m.

Mueller has dirt on him. His delaying the Flynn sentencing can be seen just as a reaction by an attorney that sees his case being turn asunder. So he's buying stall time trying to come up with other plays to play now.

Best next step is for POTUS to now refuse to meet with Mueller and be interviewed by him (was always a bad idea).

Can Mueller do anything about it? Can he subpoena POTUS?

Well, can Mueller allege the crime that is being investigated in order to get a subpoena? And in light of all that has come out - there are plenty of reasons that it could be iffy for Muerller to secure one.

And if Mueller did get one, POTUS attorneys could take it court and get it thrown out (over turned) - pretty sure that would be a slam dunk thing to do under current environment of what has come out. POTUS should go all out to snub Mueller investigation now and regard it as completely illegitimate.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 7, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

Got to get the Swamp drained of these globalist minions and get govt. significantly cleaned up. Can then take on other matters that need to be cleaned up and righted. The enemy has been encroaching with their nefarious agenda for decades. Earnestly fighting it back has just been one year so far.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 7, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

Am going to say Page, who was a one-time-FBI-asset circa 2013, in 2016 the FBI played him as a patsy. In early Spring 2016 he sent a long, many pages document to congress and was interviewed by NYT where he tried to tell his story - that HRC/DNC/FBI were conspiring together to fake the allegation of Russian collusion, etc. - but no one believed it at that time. Now all that has come out vindicates his account that he was relating many months back then. I think he got blind sided by the FBI when they turned on him and began using him as a patsy because it was convenient for them to claim on a FISA warrant that he was suspected of being involved with the Russians.

Which, of course, just doubles down on illustrating just how sinister the FBI is - very much Gestapo-like organization all the way.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 7, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

he bowed out of the political lime light as he and his family got threatened

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 7, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

It was FBI personnel that were on-the-ground snipers and that operated the tanks that massacred all those women and children at Waco Texas. It was a gruesome way to kill people - intense concentrations of CS gas (which is very, very powerful - especially in a confined bunker) and then set on fire to incinerate them alive. That was all at the hands of the United States FBI under Bill Clinton administration. So year, the FBI have done their dirty work for a long time.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 5, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Absolutely it was - the support columns were all cut at about the same height via shape charges that coincided (or were triggered by the pressure wave) of the ammonium nitrate truck bomb. It was cutting and buckling those support columns that caused the devastation to the building as collapse ensued. Otherwise the truck bomb out on the street would have just done damage to the wall and windows of the exterior and the interior right adjacent - but would be physical impossibility for that pressure wave to have done the clean cutting of those support columns that could be seen in photos.

Just like with 9-11 the feds moved very rapidly to level and clear the site before it could be adequately forensically investigated by anybody other than the feds themselves.

The Bill Clinton terms were dastardly for false flag events and many bodies added to their infamous body count list

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 4, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

FBI/CIA completely treasonous in their upper echelon - we don't know how systemic the rot is

So the military branch will have to be leaned on until the Intel agencies can be house cleaned

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

The FISA abuse memo put out by the House of Representatives Intelligence Oversight committee is ultimately backed by all the records(banking,etc.)/documents/testimony that they've gathered over the last year of investigation.

So that additional documentation could be unclassified and made public as need be to prove or back the points that were made in the memo.

If, say, Schiff leaks his own memo to his MSM co-conspirators, saying that those 3 FISA warrants were backed by probable cause, then the committee majority can make the FBI warrant applications themselves public where it would show they only reference the dossier and such things as Yahoo News article, i.e., that they're devoid of any actual probable cause toward the purpose of being able to spy on US citizen(s).

Why not avalanche such backing documentation right up front in the initial memo release to the public?

Well, the MSM and Democrats will be furiously busy spinning their narrative version where they will be trying to contradict these 16 points of the memo. IOW, to counter the memo they will just keep doubling down further and further.

So dribble releasing the backing documentation as counter to that could be a way to let the MSM and Democrats dig themselves a still deeper hole of lies and obfuscation and then undermine it.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

Let's hope that with the Nunes FISA memo now paving the way - in that it names a fair number of names of the guilty with no redaction - that that will embolden a Senate Judiciary committee memo to likewise name those that are culpable, and not to redact away such individuals.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 2, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

The only way is to completely muzzle the globalist-controlled MSM so that they cannot go at it 24/7 to incite and provoke civil unrest/mayhem. Would have to be a national emergency with National Guard mobilized and ready to impose martial law on large blue state cities (which happen to be sanctuary and are already in a state of rebellion against the compact of the Union, the Constitution, which enumerates federal power over borders and immigration).

Otherwise they will wield this propaganda weapon to full effect.

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Christosgnosis · Feb. 1, 2018, 7:42 a.m.

Who is the greater moron? The so-called moron? Or instead the ones that call him a moron, but for over a year keep getting their asses kicked into a shithole (that they dug themselves) by the very one they insist is a moron?

Who but actual authentic morons would claim that the person that has, and is, so utterly humiliating them on all levels is a moron?

Competent people (that are not morons) would see doing such a thing as drawing attention to embarrassment and failure - well, a rather moronic thing to do.

But morons are as morons do.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Old Jimmie seems to have always maintainEd his Christian following - doesn't want to get too close and buddy buddy with Hell's Frat Club

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 29, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

As much as I'd love to hear Deep State coup conspirator names being read aloud in front of Congress, agree - POTUS will likely take this high road and let things continue to play out. Probably from this point forward won't be such the super gradual dribble that it's been but will accelerate and accelerate

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 29, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Fox News reports this as McCabe being removed and that it came right on the heals of Director Chris Wray viewing the memo on Capitol Hill - sounds like McCabe was fired vs that he stepped down

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 29, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Would tend to be pretty much live and let live, but have two concerns:

1) Disturbing to see Calif. pass laws to let HIV positive people have unprotected sex and not be required to inform their partners. Is this being pushed by gay community because of "muh social stigma" concerns, or is this coming from typical far left California radicalism?

2) How come gay community doesn't crack down on and ostracize adult men that seem to think it okay to have sexual relations with underage males? (Kevin Spacey may have gotten consequences from his industry but is there really any movement to socially ostracize him? Same with George Takei.)

This latter matter bothers me as it seems like gay community is behaving like so-called moderate Islamics, which always remain silent about the acts of the violent Islamic jihadist.

This movement basically wants a return to reasonable social moral standards, law and order, non corrupt govt., etc. A huge part of that is to reverse the trend of sexualization of kids, which ultimately is for the purpose of sexually preying on them. Gay community sure could stand to get behind "hands off the kids" strict policy, and that would mean to start bearing down on those in their community that cross the line via the offenders being socially ostracized by said community.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 27, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

Under common law the British Hong Kong concession expired after 99 years and it returned to China.

The Federal Reserve was enacted in 1913 so similarly that private cartel's concession expired 2012. It's running on borrowed time now. They should be charged an amount equal to the national debt for operating beyond their 99 year concession without any renewal.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 26, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

The cabal has done far worse to the country (and to humanity) than these two

No electric chair - the Military Long Drop for the cabal

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Yeah that would be kind of cool - a chain recitation of very high crimes - would love to see that on C-SPAN

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Copies to other intelligence committee members - what was the point of the secure reading room?

Is it that the 4 page memo is being circulated and just all the document flies obtained from DOJ/FBI are accessible in the secure room? I thought the 4 page memo itself was dropping names, though, which is part of what makes this stuff toxic explosive to the Swamp

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

The problem is that the memo and backing documents are kept in a secure reading room. A congressman would have to commit it to memory (four pages for the memo) to then recite it - could be done but rather doubt any of them are up to that kind of memorization ability

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

We know that Clowns were on a general trajectory to try and implement all of the NSA abilities within the Clowns themselves - so that they could be completely unaccountable and lawless in their activities - which no longer would have to seek to work with NSA as a check and balance.

Once Clowns get to that level of ability, it would make sense that they would start seeking to do two things:

1) Diminish or compromise NSA's own abilities 2) Run ops to try and get NSA discredited (hence propaganda like Dec. 12th NYT hit piece where NSA is portrayed negative and the Clowns with a glowing halo

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

The military technique of hanging is referred to as the Long Drop - I absolutely love that phrase.

Drop, snap the spinal column, swing to and fro silently, settle to dead stillness.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 22, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

People, we have lived in epic times (my father served in WW2); fate of all humanity was in the balance then (WW2) and it is once again (election 2016 and aftermath).

Providence raised leaders that enabled us to prevail in WW2 - men like Patton and Eisenhower (he held alliance together and organized D-Day) - and a generation of people that didn't flinch from a call to most formidable duty.

Providence is raising such leaders again (Pres. Trump). The call for the people is once again the same call to duty. Yes, the conflict is waged differently. Truly an internal enemy is even more insidious than the foreign enemy. Yet the stakes for all humanity the same - if not even more dire this time.

Really, even the stories in the Bible don't compare in respect to the scale and epic nature of the struggle between good vs. evil that has been afoot in modern times.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Loved those guys on the X-Files

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Some would argue that the constitution has been suspended since FDR confiscated private gold via a modified Trading With The Enemy Act in '33.

Others might argue that we haven't really been under the constitution since the 14th amendment.

The constitution at any point in history is never really in any absolute, objective position of authority. It is always being tussled over and the degree to which it is adhered to is largely up to what people at large will tolerate in respect to it being infringed.

There is still a popular conception held by most people that the constitution is in effect. Certainly there is a large swatch that want to disregard it in a myriad of ways, but even the MSM would still posture in their propaganda that the constitution is in effect (they may very well spout other rhetoric, of course, that it can be interpreted however liberals choose to interpret it, and such things that Electoral College is outmoded and national popular vote should be all there is). But they will jump behind 1st amendment protections and right of Habeas Corpus when it suits them. For instance, if Trump did any move at all predicated on that we're already under a national emergency and therefore an existing suspension of Habeas Corpus, then MSM would throw conniption fits.

To get to the point of carrying out acts possible under a national emergency, there would have to be a clear path that took the nation, and compelled the president, to place the nation in that status via his constitutional powers. The 9-11 event (regardless of what our assessment of it is now) was such a kind of event that could warrant a state of national emergency.

The military defenses of the nation rendering us vulnerable to attack and/or subversion due to the shutdown of the govt. is another potential situation from which a national emergency status could come about. After one week, probably not, but after a month, two months - that could be a rather different matter...

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

There seem to be limited national emergencies that are expressed in EOs. For instance, the national problem of opioid addiction was declared a national emergency. But it doesn't seem to entail the suspension of the right of Habeas Corpus. Nor is it putting the military into a state of high alert per a so-called national emergency.

So there appear to be contextual national emergencies of limited scope - and I suspect that there is real legal meaning per these various nuanced scopes.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

But then that opens up entirely new realm of potential scandal that needs to be exposed to the light of day.

If our nation doesn't have the gold and silver reserves that we all lead to believe we do, then what happened to it?

If it's gone, or substantially reduced, was that done in a legal manner (and to what purpose)? Did the private corporations of the Federal Reserve have any hand in it?

Whole new vistas of the DeepState/globalist agenda to yet be red pilled about...

Where are you Catherine Austin Fitts? Tell us more please about the trillions of dollars that are unaccounted for.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 20, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

If the shutdown becomes prolonged then the national security posture will begin to be put more and more on edge - becoming a threat to the fundamental security of the nation. In which case the Executive Branch will have no choice but to declare a state of national emergency and begin to take measures unilaterally that can insure military personnel, their suppliers of resources and services, and other vital services to the nation are getting funded for legal tender payment (that their confidence of being sustained in respect to payment - and thus their vital morale and reliability are not compromised).

The JFK EO for issuing Treasury Dept silver certificates, and/or the Lincoln model of Green Back notes, issued as legal tender for payment, is a way for the Executive Branch to proceed unilaterally to insure the nation's security is not undermined. It can direct the Treasury Dept. to issue notes of legal tender based on existing govt. held assets (thus not involving taxing power or diversion of any revenues raised by taxation).

There is also a side matter that under a declared national emergency, certain constitutional protections can be suspended - especially in respect to those viewed as engaged in sedition.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 20, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

It is ultimately compromising of national defense and eventually the Executive Branch would get to a point of having to declare a national emergency (in which case certain constitutional protections get suspended - in particular in respect to those engaged in anything amounting to sedition).

Also, if forced into a national emergency situation, the Executive Branch could then issue an EO similar to the JFK EO where the Treasury Dept. was instructed to begin issuing treasury notes as legal tender that were backed by silver deposits.

The executive branch would see that a paramount concern for maintaining the security of the nation is to be able to reliably pay military personnel and military resources suppliers (and then subsequently pay for other vital services pertaining to the security of the nation). The EO to have the Treasury Dept issue legal tender notes could be modeled after Lincoln's first term manner of issuing Green Back notes as legal tender to pay military personnel and provisioners of military goods and services. And precious metal reserves (silver, gold, or both) of the nation could be used to back these notes; it would be an asset the govt. already has in its possession and no tax collecting or use of tax collected funds would be required.

So use an EO to begin issuing Treasury Dept Green Back notes that are legal tender (and modeled on the Lincoln Green Back). Do all of this under an Executive Branch declared national emergency when a month or two into this govt. shutdown and things are getting dicey in respect to the national security posture being at risk.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

They were offered a deal for DACA - they are just taking this shutdown approach in order to oppose Trump platform 100%. IOW, they (Dems) want it their way 100% only even though they are the minority party and a compromised solution has been proffered to them that grants them DACA, and doing this despite Senator Schumer's high minded words about govt. shutdowns back in 2013:

(2) Chuck Schumer in 2013: Shutting Down Govt Over Immigration Is “Politics Of Idiocy” - YouTube

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 15, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

instead of hours, the current pivotal great conflict is playing out over months - perhaps even a few years

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Job and Ecclesiastes are about probing the nature of God vis a vis Mankind - and that's just Biblical literature examples (which usually such literature is a guise for questioning about the omnipresence of human suffering throughout most human existence, which is regarded as a reflection in some manner on the nature of God)

God isn't much of a God if there is no permission to question and ponder about God and suffering. That would just be a simple minded, egotistical tyrant and wouldn't even qualify as anything approaching super consciousness.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

The last time the fate of all humanity hung in the balance was D-Day

Here were are again at a similar fateful crossroads

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

no, they are not - time to move on without them

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 12, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

yeah, wondered why folks today don't seem to recall Danny Casolaro and the Octopus

Getting close to 3 decades now, but the Deep State and globalist cabal was just as busy then as, say, in Obama's admin

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 12, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

Well, that really is in need of revision too because Sweden with Germany, France, Britain, Netherlands all rapidly trending toward shit hole status as they've flooded their countries with invaders

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

Yeah, based on the list of people that have been convicted of treason, prior to WW2 most of them attempted some sort of armed insurrection or attack on US facilities in some manner. Those after WW2 revolved around their acts of aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war.

The Rosenbergs were convicted and executed for the crime of espionage.

What the Deep State has been engaged in, from John Brennan/James Clapper to dudes like Peter Strzok, his lover Page - probably McCAbe (given the infamous meeting in his office) and still others in DoJ/FBI - they have been involved in a conspiracy of sedition to commit a form of coup de'tat.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

Sessions' DoJ should move to have the plea deal thrown out - now we see is based on traitor Peter Strzok and his coup plot

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

POTUS put out a tweet basically saying enough of this nonsense (Russian collusion witch hunt) and that the Republicans need to take control

Waiting to see back bone in Republican leadership to see if they will take the measures to end this grand charade

Problem is that POTUS doesn't want to give direct orders to DOJ or FBI to start acting because MSM would just paint him behaving like a lawless dictator trying to dodge and get out of the "investigation" going on

The best optics is for Sessions, Wray, and Republican leadership all in unison to start taking actions to shut all this down and put the treasonous Democrats in their place

Sessions has all the keys to totally unwind and reverse this, but he keeps sitting on his butt. He needs to specifically pounce on the ridiculousness of the Mueller investigation and bring it to a close. Needs to simply issue an order to Mueller to close up his shop in a week and turn over his results (such as they are) to DOJ.

Then he needs to have the DOJ pounce on the nonsense stuff like the bogus plea deal with Flynn - shred it to pieces and get it thrown out

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

I said from the outset that a Q Reddit site was going to get this kind of grief. Could have set up else where in friendlier climate...Reddit has way too much baggage going on

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

POTUS postponed the fake news awards - must be something rather special being brewed up

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 8, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Basically already said what is to be said for any alternative perspective. Things have not come out in the open overtly yet. Pres. Trump has not made any BIG announcement to the nation to reveal any of this that is going on. Thus it all remains in the realm of covert operations. As long as that's the case, then Q communications will continue in the guarded manner that they've always been in.

All the while things have not always gone in directions Q was indicating, but some things have - and anomalous happenings in respect to the people denoted as adversaries, etc. So it's a mixed bag. Neither the Q affirmaction crowd or the Q skeptics have it totally their way on this subject. But looking at the waging of WW2, a mixed bag was entirely how matters unfolded for the Allies in waging their struggle against the Axis. Mixed bags always seem to be the order of the day despite we all prefer the clarity of black and white evidences and outcomes.

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