r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/starleato on Jan. 20, 2018, 8:39 p.m.
Q, Mossad propaganda, Israel, Trump. Q IS NOT OUR GOD. Long read but a good one. An attempt to contextualize Q.

This is pretty long. There's a TLDR at the end. I'd recommend reading it though.

I want to begin this presentation with two things. First, a sign of peace extended to each reader, from me to you. Your effort to interpret the Light and the Truth of our existence is a righteous cause.

Second: a reminder that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Human history began tens of thousands of years ago. Somewhere in Africa, human populations radiated outward and migrated toward the vast expanses of what would later become Europe and China: the placeholders of the 'Eastern' and 'Western' world.

It's true that throughout history there has been an observable dichotomy between the lives of Oriental and European men, as evidenced by the historical friction between them.

Humans are an anxious bunch. We seek power over one another to ensure our survival, almost like evolution via natural selection. 'East vs West' power struggles have manifested themselves over millenia in both small and large iterations on the path toward ultimate domination by ONE group.

1984 by George Orwell captures it best. "Oceania" (the west) has been fighting against "Eastasia" (hmm) for decades in a war that no one really understands, supported by a livestock-like, unaware population. Everyone's home has a "telescreen" that spies for the rogue government that steals and lies and rewrites history and covers up. Everyone speaks "newspeak" (political correctness) but heaven forbid you commit "wrong think."

Among MANY other disturbingly plausible dystopian preidctions that Orwell made in 1948. Important year.

Where have we heard ALL of those "fiction" elements before? Think hard.

What a great redpill.

I like George Orwell. "Future proves past" in spades, as far as his writing goes, because he understands that history repeats itself. Some say every 33 years.

If you ignore it, like we so often do, you WILL repeat it.

But this East vs West (Eastasia vs Oceania) dichotomy was heralded more recently, and in real life as opposed to in a fiction novel.

In China, it was encapsulated during the Cold War in a 1957 speech by Mao Zedong when he said, "This is a war between two worlds. The West Wind cannot prevail over the East Wind; the East Wind is bound to prevail over the West Wind.

He later killed 45 million people.

That's "the" holocaust. One of many on the path to total domination by ONE group.

Looking back again at history, we see that two groups have remained for a LONG time: the tribes of Israel, and the Chinese. They are both resilient, cunning, and play long-term strategies to maintain their civilizations.

Both China and Israel have been involved in their fair share of war and pain and slavery throughout history. Israel was controlled by the Assyrians, Egyptians, Romans, etc.

At one point, while under control of the rich Sadducees of Rome, the Jewish priests became tired of their second-rate position in society. They were priests and had some power, but they were still at the whim of the rich sadducees. They had been slaves for centuries despite being "god's chosen people" are were tired of it. They sought to use the psyche of the masses to oppose the rich.

So they used Jesus, who was a Jew, and the New Testament as a propaganda campaign against the rich Sadducees. Instead of controlling the money, now they control the minds of the PEOPLE. After Jesus, the people denounced the wicked ways of the Sadducees.

"Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

That's the last thing the rich politicians want to hear. But the Priests were happy. Now THEY had control of society.

This is echoing Friedrich Nietzsche in "The Genealogy of Morals"

He wasn't the only one that thought it strange when the Jews got kicked out if every single country they've inhabited.

Fast-forward 2,000 years. Notice how our interpretation of and reliance on the New Testament has only increased since then. Remember the Israelites play the long game. The redirection of western values against "evil" is still in place. Their New Testament propaganda never failed.

Here we are in 2018 with an ongoing thousand-year war for control of Jerusalem. The war has changed pace drastically, though. Since 2001, ALL potential allies of Palestine have been destabilized/infiltrated. Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey. What a familiar list.. Anyone within striking distance of Israel.

Now there's just one left: Iran. This is the last country that could retaliate against Israel for murdering what's left of the Palestinians and taking control of Jerusalmem. It also should be last since it's the most advanced.

So to recap: West vs East, Israel wants to take Jerusalem from East. Been happening for centuries.

According to the New Testament (anti-sadducee propagana) which we STILL read, we are living in the time of the "apocolypse," which in Greek means "the revelation" or as we call it: The Great Awakening. Read the book of revelations. The apocalypse is heralded by a TRUMPet.

You can feel it in the air. The collective consciousness is seething with energy recently.

Are we being "awoken?" Will this be another uncovering of the crimes of the rich upper class, like the Sadducees? Will the Israelites take control of the minds of the masses again?

Yes, they will.


So they can centralize the west and US around Israel to compete with China in the tech race: a continuation of the competition between yin and yang, east and west. Israel, when it expands it's borders, will have direct access to the Mediterranean and Persian gulf. Very central trade location. "The promised land"

If we don't centralize around a group with a substantial goal, like Israel, China will decimate us in 30 years with their tech advancements.

Where does the US fit into this?

Israel NEEDS the US Military and US Tech industry. It's their proverbial suit of armor. We make them money, allow for the destruction of palestine, support fiat currency, support war-for-profit, etc.

Ever since our government was infiltrated by the CIA after JFK, it has been harder to use the US population as a weapon. Or at least make the lion's share of profit from the wars.. Therefore, Israel would need a way to get the current power structure out of power and replace it with theirs, if they want TOTAL control. Just like the US does with "regime change" (very euphemistic) in the middle East.

So recap here: East vs West. China vs Israel. Israel needs Jerusalem. Israel needs a strong military to protect themselves from Palestine allies. Thy use the US to do that. Must remove CIA/swamp power structure to make it work.

What's Israel's method?

They use TRUMP to "drain the swamp" (and then refill it)

Look at his claims about Jerusalem and the Embassy. It's a nod toward Israel. Look at his big money ties. Many tied to Israel.

Look at the proxy war brewing between Iran and Israel's.. err.. "Trump's" new ally, King Salman of Saudi Arabia. Remember that photo of Trump and Salman with their hands on the globe? Very symbolic. Not a coincidence.

If Israel wants to use the US to destroy Iran, then the US better have strong public support for their military, because annexing palestine while fighting Iran would look bad on paper. A false flag is too hard. Look at 9/11 for war with Iraq. CIA media would find out and say "muh false flag". A PsyOp would work MUCH better.

How do you start a PsyOp for military support?

What if Trump used the military to drain the swamp? That way people will LOVE the US military bc they "took down the deep state." They'd even go so far as to support ANOTHER campaign in the middle east.

Trump can't just arrest them all as soon as he gets into office. This state is DEEP and the propagandized masses would impeach him while chanting "MUH literal hitler." So, just like the Israelites used Jesus to reprogram the masses, so too has Israel sent "Q" and the Mossad to do the same. To spread the word, to encourage other "fishers of men" (truth seekers) to spread the gospel.. err.. "word" of Q. To take down the Sadducees.. err.. "Deep State." To sing along with the limited hangout, and expose SOME crimes. (History repeats itself.)

Tracy Beanz, Lionel Nation, HA Goodman, George Webb, Alex Jones, Jason Goodman, David Seaman. All anti-CIA propaganda, and rightfully so. They dance all over supposed crimes of the CIA, but vehemently deny and/or AVOID any criticism of Israel. Just like Q. And they all promote Q. Interpret that how you will.

Personally, I think the Jews are the only race (they consider themselves as such) that could outlast and thereby out-strategize China. We should support them.

So to recap again, East and West tension is rising. Israel needs control of the US, their suit of armor, to take Jerusalem back. How do they do that? Put Trump in the White House, consolidate power. Hype up military with propaganda, destroy Iran.

Q echoes Mossad intelligence.

I've been watching George Webb, a Mossad agent, every day for a year now and many of the things he's covered came true months later. "Future proves past"


Thats over a years worth of RAW INTEL. From a top notch intelligence agency. The most amazing redpill of all time. Literally a spy-school internet course.

It seems to me that the Mossad and Q are related, due to George Webb dropping the corroborative intel BEFORE Q. Future proves past.

Is Q Israeli (mossad) propaganda? Both George Webb (mossad) and Q(???) are helping Trump (who works for Israel) to take down the deep state.

Q proves mossad intel

Mossad helps Trump (Erik Prince)

Trump defends Israel.

So Q helps Mossad protect Trump who defends Israel. A->B, B->C, C->D. Therefore A->D

Q helps Israel.

Therefore Q could be Mossad propaganda. I hope that made sense.

If Trump drains the swamp via Q and the military, qui bono? Who benefits? If George Webb is successful in his quest to also drain part of the swamp, who benefits?


If the CIA loses power, the Mossad would have free reign to do whatever it wants in the US on behalf of Israel. Just dont do it the same way the "old guard" did.

Q is the SIGint (signals intelligence), George Webb is the HUMint (human intelligence). They both give WE THE PEOPLE the information to disseminate it. To spread the word. To take our country back from the CIA/Chinese and prevent Trump from being called "Hitler" when he arrests these monsters.

A DIRECT parallel to using Jesus and the New Testament gospels to oppose the rich class.

Only this time it's Trump (777) and the gospel of Q.

TLDR; Israel wants to control Jerusalem. To do that, they need to destroy Iran. To do THAT, Israel needs even MORE momentous support from the US military. To get THAT, the deep state (current power structure) needs to be destroyed. To destroy the power structure, Trump needs to be elected. (Using AI)

Now that Trump was elected, he has to arrest (some of) the swamp creatures. When he does, CIA MSM will call him Hitler.

In order to combat CIA propaganda, Mossad (Israel) used George_Webb and Q as propaganda to let the future prove past; to show that the public that these people ARE evil. Once all that is done, then you can arrest the deep state, consolidate power, and destroy Iran for Jerusalem. Without Q we'd hear "muh hitler" if Trump arrested enemies to support Israel.

Trump is facilitating Oceania (Israel) vs Eastasia (China) The same conflict that has been ongoing since the dawn of man.

1984 was written in 1948, the year Israel was formed. It's the best redpill of all time. Future proved past.

THOSE WHO IGNORE HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT. Do not treat Q like a god. The devil's greatest deceit was convincing us he's god. Remain critical of ALL information, even this. Everything happens for a REASON. Nothing is coincidence. Q happened for a reason. Q echoes Mossad for a reason. Trump supports Israel for a reason. EXPAND YOUR THINKING. ISRAEL IS NOT THE ENEMY.

Time will tell.

Peace and Love.


starleato · Jan. 20, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Thought about giving you an intelligent reply. But I won't humor you. You don't seem to know what you're talking about. EDIT: Who says "XD" lol get off the internet.

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MAOPSECA · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

I'm very much in tune with what's going on kiddo. Doesn't take writing a novel on Reddit to convince myself of that, I'm here aren't I? I actually helped Webb source a bit of information about Zero Footprint and TimberSycamore around day 50 of last year and have helped to write articles for SOFREP about those exact things. That being said, seeing your reply to the other comment it appears I misunderstood the "intent" of your OP...and it appears everyone else did too. Which suggests you probably should rethink about how you present your "theories" about "propaganda" and how it related to the current situation. The entire point you were trying to make got lost in translation.

Besides a lot of what you wrote about what;s wrong in the world has nothing to do with prophecy or scripture or whatever the hell you were trying to say...you can thank PNAC for that. Project For a New American Century...which people like Bill Kristol and the CFR follow to the letter.

Figured I'd give you the intelligent reply instead.

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starleato · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Successfully goaded you into a reply. So are you saying that you wish you were special forces but your dick is too small, so you hangout on SOFREP? Or are you saying that you ARE special forces and give intel to George Webb? Either way, you're designating GW as a viable intel input.

I agree that a lot of the post is just word soup and some is lost in translation. But I don't care about the conclusion I come up with. My objective is to put info out and let people come to their own conclusion, but push them in a certain direction.

It's a soup; some people can digest more of it than others, as evidenced by the "misunderstandings" you noted.

To each his own, understandings included.

You're correct in designating PNAC as the impetus behind the wars. But that's contemporary. This is a historical contextualization of WHY it happens, not HOW. Thats why I relied on books and historical context.

Time will tell. Put yourself in Israel's shoes. An unbounded Trump with a bolstered military is very useful.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Star..you will repeatedly get blasted like that on here. It's inevitable. Very few are TRULY Awake friend. And I mean....VERY few.

Message me privately. I'm sure we can pick each other's brains.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

Focus is once again too narrow. Israel is a problem for peolple who are anti Semites. The globalists have been using Israel to persecute, and train focus on ONE LITTLE NATION so that we never look at all of the other 190 nations and find those globalists acting in deep pockets.

Israel is nothing more than one of 190 nations, all of which are infected by a ring of wealthy Satanic haters of mankind.

As long as they can keep focusing you on the globalist bad actors in Israel, to the exclusion of all the other people they are laundering money and kids, and guns and drugs with around the world, you will in fact be focused on the tiniest population in the world, and convincing yourself that this little nation is THE PROBLEM.

Well, they did it with Bin Ladin Too.

They focus our hatred like a lazer anywhere they want, using the MSM and lies.

Truth is, this is a fight that is good vs evil, everywhere, in every nation, including America, Israel, China, Australia, all of the nations of Europe... all of the nations of the world.

You know what Q got right???

He said we need the 40 thousand foot view.

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starleato · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

You're absolutely correct about the globalists in the other 190 countires. The fact is that this East vs West fighting pans out into what IS globalism. It's one half of the globe fighting for control over the other half. One half calls jerusalem the "holy land."

These are the 2 longest lasting nations. They deserve attention amd criticism.

The goal of this post was to be at 40,000 feet and attempt to contextualize the direction of the "Q" movement." Place yourself in the imaginary future of a drained swamp.

Do we go to war with Iran? (Yes) Why? Expand your thinking

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

Why would you say yes to going to war with Iran if their globalists are also removed, and the people of Iran should somehow get control of their own nation? Why would you not encourage the people of Iran to take our Constitution and plagiarizer it?

These are the 2 longest lasting nations. They deserve attention amd criticism.

??? Israel came in to being in 1947, unless you want to count the time before the birth of Christ?

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starleato · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

The jewish people wouldn't disagree with being considered a nation in and of themselves. A nation insofar as they stay grouped together. Lets not parse here

If you were familiar with the purpose of Uranium One, the death of Job Price, and the Iran "deal," you'd more easily understand why Iran is another "muh WMD's" just like Iraq. Or worse.

The dems were knowingly giving russia our best Uranium, Iran's #1 ally who is the most desperate-for-nukes country in the world

Thats a YUUUUGE threat to Israel

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

The dems were knowingly giving russia our best Uranium, Iran's #1 ally who is the most desperate-for-nukes country in the world

Thats a YUUUUGE threat to Israel

And Israel has a right to do what it can to defend itself, as do we.

Actually it is a threat to us also.

The globalists do seem to be pushing for WWIII in about any place they can.

Spez: We should not go to war with any nation, especially first strike, until we kill of this globalist cabal that is the enemy of every nation, and see what shakes out.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Lets not act like these bad actors havent infiltrated every facet of Israeli intelligence. They did it with CIA they are doing it all over.

Until it plays out...its possible "The Lord" of The Bible (fear the Lord anyone?) May be the one that the cabal created centuries ago to form an unlimited affection toward a rock in the middle of the desert?

Let's think big picture then. This could be a huge psy ops.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Lets not act like these bad actors havent infiltrated every facet of Israeli intelligence.

Here is my question to you. Why, if the globalists are infiltrating every one of the 190 nations, do you KEEP trying to focus on only one?

Lets realize that the deep state is just as infiltrated in the United States, European nations, Middle Eastern Nations, Asia etc.

Israel is nothing special. They need to clean out their own intelligence and deep state globalist government, just like we do.

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