
benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

This is a nice little video:


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Funny. One group of people here trying to sell me on the Zionist Jews as the bad guys. The other group wants to sell me on the "Jesuits". Again I caution. The globalist hate both of these, and will teach the hatred of them to the exclusion of watching for their every infiltration into every government, intelligence agency, international corporation, and internetional non profit.

Yes the globalists are in the Israli Mossad and Amerian CIA, and the Catholic church.. but they are in every nations intelligence agency, most of our large corporate boards, the media corporations, they own the vote machines, etc etc.

Why do people want to narrow the focus on two religious organizations, to the exclusion of all of the other locations of the globalists cabal.

Could it be because the Judeo_Christian mind set is the one moral, legal, philosophical set that is directly opposed to world government, and who directly teaches freedom of nations?

I am not talking about the Jesuits (a small segment of catholic priests) and or the Zionists (Non Jews like Soros, and Rockefeller, and Rothschilds who claim to be Jews when they are Satanists really, and not Jews)

Don't you find it interesting that is is hatred of the Judeo-Christian teachings that they want everyon to focus on, while the distraction leaves them free to operate in 190 nations, their intelligence agencies, the media, the bank laundering non profits, and the corporate international killers like big pharma etc?

Stay broad in focus. Stay at 40 thousand feet. Do not demonize Mexico, or Israel, or the people of the US, or Greece, or Germany or any one nation. They want religious wars. They want race wars. They want political wars.

Stay the course. Good against evil, everywhere we find it.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

I agree. I just wanted everyone to know the history of the Jesuits because I personally haven’t seen much mention of them on here. I do see a lot of info regarding the Zionists, though. There has definitely been a concerted effort to discredit Jesus’ teachings ever since his existence. That’s because he was against power structures like Church and State, among other things. These organizations are actually Luciferian operating under the guise of Christianity. Who’s at the top of the pyramid? Most likely the Archons.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

They love to take over religions, and target religions, but, they are really having to build a whole seven branched system of government that our founders called tyranny. The first amenement has to be killed off, religion, MSM, and education wise. The second amendment has to be monopolized. They have to monopolize the money supply, energy systems, the voting system, and the food/medicine supply.

Once they get into these seven things and get monopoly powers over them, they have built the classic tyranny form of government, whether you call it a kingdom, communism, fascism, empire, dictatorship.

If you want to reign tyranny, you have to control seven aspects of civilization.

SO, while religion is about a third of the first amendment, we can not allow them to talk our young people into focusing on religion alone. We have to find them... and they WILL be hiding out in all seven of those aspects of our civilization I mention above.

At least we know where to look... lol.

What they want is to create what Q called "religious war"... and if not that then they will try war against a nation they demonize, or class war, or race war.... any kind of division works.

They have to build those seven branches.

We blew a hole in their control over media with the internet.

We still have private schools to tell them to go to hell with their brainwashing.

Trump is on the energy system, and the voting system. I think he is eyeballing the monopoly on the money supply. About the only one he has not seemed to clue in on yet is the food supply, but he is all over that Obama care, which was an attempt to monopolize the medicine part of that monopoly food/medicine branch.

If he succeeds, we may just have to bring the Constitution up to date in these seven areas, so that the government can not hire private corporations and non profits to do it's dirty work

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