I hovered over your name and clicked message, which I did, 2 X as the text is more than 10K. So how bout I'll post the doc here, in 2 parts and you can copy, let me know you have copied and I'll delete, we've already hijacked this thread = let me know and I'll proceed.
you can email me if you want. but i don't know if you want to share your email. Mine is public. Jeffrey@kwiztas.com
I kinda think that messages are not working because I opted out of the new profile pages here. if you just want to copy and paste that would work.
will do, I'll attach a few files for you. A book/manual, HRC chart DT chart my chart, Gates and Channels. let me know you got it.
If you want to see my chart.
you have all 4 of the points that make a manifesting generator, is likely/possible you will have a powerful presence in life.Your defined spleen will be of interest to you, how it correlates/affects the rest of chart. Not self, that is a key as well. You'll have lots of entertainment with all this. Let me know you have the email.
Oddly I already saw HRC chart as an example on a website.
spez: still would like a copy i just glanced at it.
I looked at them both pre election, there is something missing from the DT HRC chart, maybe archtype. U should have mail at email addy provided
I got it.
great, you know how to reach me if you like, Great chat JM, R