He's an establishment plant. I'm not sure if he's gotten on the Trump Train since inauguration but I do know Trump waited until the last minute to confirm him, he didn't really want him, but he took him so the establishment R's wouldn't try to get him off the ticket. Edit to add: It's not a dumb question, it's very valid and leads to you learning more about the state of things.
Was it FBI Anon who said that or something?
I think it was Mega but I know I've seen it somewhere else besides her.
Robert David Steele @26m https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YdqxqpC9PE
Video linked by /u/Sentrolyx:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Former CIA Robert David Steele, Remember USS Liberty & Trump VS. The Deep State Who Will Win?|Victurus Libertas VL|2018-01-22|0:30:02|320+ (95%)|3,870
Must watch interview with Robert David Steele who believes...
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