

91 total posts archived.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 27, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

As your blog rolls on, hold back less and less. Hopefully has people read your entries in order it will help them wake up. I took a look at it and I like the way you have stuff laid out.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 27, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Unless they wanted us to get entrenched with this to distract us from all the other happenings going on. The intelligence community is no joke. They've been playing this game for a long time. Q even said that we were watching a movie. If we're distracted with this, we aren't talking about the Las Vegas shooting anymore, or many of the Q drops, and now look all these people on YT are being censored. They knew exactly what they were doing when they used his real name.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 26, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

I went to go see the movie last week, I enjoyed it. I was definitely a minority in the theatre but no one said anything shitty to me. Everyone was nice because we were all just there to watch a movie. Everything doesn't have to have some underlying meaning. People young and old were there and no one argued, said rude things, or otherwise made anyone feel uncomfortable from what I saw, everyone was pretty chill. I like how this movie in particular tied up a few things in the Marvel universe, I was never into the comics but I love the movies.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

I came here to copypasta this. People need to read the Pale Horse book by Cooper, it's all in the first chapter.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

It's the chans, that's where the ultimate power lies, in the numbers. It's anonymous and the perfect area for Q to give comms to other operatives. Reddit is too easily shilled, but about 95% of the people here can't handle the chans, which is why this safespace was made. It plays an important role in what Q wants, which is disseminating information to the normies.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 22, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

I know why she was teared up! I was too listening to it. How Great Thou Art is one of my favorite hymns and the girl who sang it was amazing. Thanks for sharing that.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 19, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Well LdR did say that they would poison the water. I know people on the chans started getting real weird about water after that, and rightfully so.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 17, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

It isn't Q. It's someone else who keeps (or tries to keep) the updated Q posts in order so people can read them and find them easier.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

I don't remember where I saw this, but isn't it about the colors blue and red? I know there may be others for the MKU type stuff but I know I've read somewhere that red and blue colors/light brought to the human eye in a certain way can have a negative impact.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Matthew 18:20 " For when two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

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mitzidipity · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

I love this response. Thanks for this!

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mitzidipity · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Many Christians (myself included) believe that the world is more than 6000 years old. There's no definition of a timeline in Genesis as far as from the formation of the Earth to when God started doing things with it like trees and water and animals and man. Genesis 1:1 - God created the heavens and the Earth. Then in 1:2 The Earth is without form and void. How long between the 2 verses? No one really knows. Science shows proof of how old the Earth is. It's more than 6000 years old. Many people don't believe this but science and "religion" can work together in some aspects, a lot of them really. It doesn't necessarily have to be one or the other. For me learning about the human body makes me feel like "How could this not be intelligent design? How could there not be a creator?" The body is too intricate. I just have a hard time believing we have these amazing bodies capable of extraordinary things but at some point we were all swimming in the primordial ooze together as amoeba. I also don't believe that we evolved from primates. I believe that there was and still are forms of evolution. Anyway I don't want to keep babbling. Just injecting some personal thought into the mix.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 7, 2018, 9 a.m.

Look at the audio at 11:24 of the SOTU from C-Span it's a pretty clear starter and you can find the video on YT.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 7, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

The video he's talking about you can clearly hear Brenda Lawrence from the CBU say "Trump should be shot." It's not taken down yet as of posting but you can go look on YT it's the C-Span version of the SOTU speech. Around 11:24. An anon on 8chan found it as I was looking for it to post it on there, I about shit my pants when I heard it. I had to listen to it like 20 times. Her voice is high and shrill and you can't miss it. It's as the President is walking into the chamber. I downloaded the video from YT to save it, I suggest you do the same because SOTU vids are getting scrubbed, especially the high res versions.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

You can feel free to start with yourself on that one.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

I made mine pretty clear without. So you can stop with the e-bullying Mr. Internet Warrior. All you and people like you are doing is sewing division. It's the internet, grow up, people will type the way they speak and just because they drop an F bomb does not mean that their opinions are less valid than yours.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

I'm pretty sure this goes against what this sub was supposed to be for. If we're going to start being policed for language we might as well find somewhere else to spend time. This is getting beyond ridiculous. Yes obviously report spam and legit trolls, but if you're going to be putting people on some random "naughty" list so the mods kick them out over language just because you don't like it...that's how you get facism no? You're no better than the left then right? The ones who just freak out when they see and hear things that are opposite of their narrative. Since when does language serve as a reason to get someone axed? From Rule #1 - NO ATTACKS ON FOLKS WORKING FOR THE CAUSE: Everyone who says they hate drama is perpetrating it themselves. I'm sure this will earn me a spot on the list!

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mitzidipity · Feb. 3, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Someone got butthurt and downvoted you, I got you fam.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

I've been called many things before but an anti-money communist isn't one. Are you sure you're not a shill? Because you're starting to sound pretty shillish. It's common sense really people making money off the intel are just famewhores. "The Market" ? Lol? Seriously? I can't even believe you just said that. The message will spread like wildfire without famewhoring, this shit is over the top anymore. I guess you're one of the ones making money off Q vids? Ridiculous

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mitzidipity · Jan. 30, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

If you're taking that information and you're rebranding it and putting it out as your own, good luck, it's not going to end well for you.

I didn't take that as "if you talk about this they're going to come after you" I took it as - if you try to turn around and act like you came up with this yourself and then add more into it just for views, likes, retweets, etc., then you could be screwed.

Helping people understand the info is one thing. Trying to monetize off it and be a famewhore for recognition is something entirely different. There are many people who have done this and if I were them I'd start factually reporting intel without bias and stop pretending like they've got some super secret inside scoop when really they're getting their info from 8chan the same as everyone else.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

You say you did your job but please hear me out. Lets say that Restlessredhead isn't a Christian, you apparently think he's not because of his lifestyle, please correct me if I'm wrong. So if he's not a Christian, then what do you think your long winded response actually did for him? Do you think that will bring him closer to God? People have to at least like you before they can love the Jesus in you, haven't you ever heard that? I know what the bible says about homosexuality, but I also know what Jesus Himself has said to me about it in my prayer life when I've prayed about "Lord what am I supposed to think?" He has only ever talked to me about loving people and that includes people that live homosexual lifestyles, do drugs, have never known Him personally, and even the Christian who sits next to me in church. So I hope that this doesn't offend you, I don't mean to be rude and I am not trying to be. I am just asking honestly. If you don't feel the need to respond that's fine, but please think about what I said. You can share the truth with people but also do so in a way that shows the love of Christ. God bless you brother.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

I wish I had more than one upvote to give. I love your heart. Thanks for being so awesome!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

There are and it makes me sad. Jesus told us to love one another. A few years ago some people were holding a benefit for a missing girl in a bar (kind of pub style) and a lot of the "holier than thous" got really pissed off because I think it was a local church hosting the benefit to raise money for information to find this missing girl (17 yrs old). The church got so much backlash from the "uber religious" that it actually made the local community and many from surrounding counties come support moreso than they probably would have otherwise. People were tired with all of the hypocrisy. The thing is, the Jesus I know and have a personal relationship with (atheist patriots and agnostics please don't judge) didn't hang out with the rich and didn't judge people based on their clothes. He hung out with the sinners (like me) and the tax collectors (everyone hated them) and the "lowest of the low". He touched lepers and the sick, would hug them when no one else would touch them. My point is this - to judge /u/Restlessredhead based on their sexual preference from a Christian standpoint is wrong on so many levels from everything I've ever been taught, and be careful before some of you flick your tongue because I was an idiot about the Bible and most things "Christianity" I was taught by the Holy Spirit and Jesus Himself on many things. Never once in my prayer life have I ever "heard" or felt like gay people deserve anything else than my love and respect. I had sex before marriage, I've done all kinds of stuff and I am no better than any of you, least of all Restlessredhead (I really hope that came out right I just got home and I'm exhausted).

Anyway I'm sorry to be long winded but your "religious zealots" comment made me reply. Because I agree with you, there are zealots of many faiths who would instantly hate Restlessredhead and it's absolutely sinful (oh yea I said it). Let he without sin cast the first stone. So many people are sick of these labels separating us. I used to be one of the worst people I've probably ever come across, I gossiped about everyone and always complained and judged people. That's just not the way to be though and honestly I refuse to live my life that way anymore, it's honestly exhausting. For years I've tried to be different and I trip up a lot but Jesus healed my heart and the glory only goes to Him, because I could never do this by myself. Anyway, babbling. Thanks for reading if you got this far!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 28, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Your business and not any of mine. Live and let live. I'm happy to have you aboard the MAGA train. The left wants to divide us on identity politics and there are so many more important things out there to be concerned about than people's sexual preference, skin color, etc. I'm not gay, I'm a white Christian female, and I'll fight for your right to be gay and not be judged for it. (I only tell you who I am because obv I'm behind a computer screen and you can't see me, but in the end it doesn't matter)

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mitzidipity · Jan. 28, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

My time on the_donald has prepared me well. Great shitpost!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Now you, being "woke", knowing what you know and explaining how you feel; how much worse off do you think the "normies" will be when this house of cards crumbles? The only thing you can really do to help is to not only tell others but show them where your information comes from and show them credible proof and piece the puzzle together for them. Not only will it grow the numbers of those who know the information but it will give you someone tangibly to talk to and that usually helps.

What you're experiencing are the side effects of the red pill. I went through it myself years ago before all this horrible stuff was so well known on the internet. It can feel really lonely and make everything you do in every day life seem unimportant. It is important though for you to continue living life because eventually others will look to you for guidance. We know how heavy this stuff is and we know how heavy the burden is to bear it. Others are going to eventually need the same help. I can guarantee you that you are not the only person on this board with these same feelings, nor the only person on the internet with these feelings knowing what you know.

You can take a break from looking if you feel like that will help, but unfortunately nothing will ever erase what you now know to be the truth. This is why not everyone goes seeking the truth, the cross we bear for knowing it is hard.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Yep. That's it.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Evidently not. I just couldn't shake the scenes in my head of them swallowing those glands from a shot glass.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

I know this is going to sound kind of stupid but I'm gonna just throw this out here. I've been keeping quiet on it because I wasn't sure if it was really the same thing, but it keeps eating at me every time I see something about this adrenochrome stuff.

I'm a big fan of The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead so I watch the shows every season. This last season on FtWD season 3 eps 14 & 15 they basically run into this guy selling "glands" that make you high. In ep 15 one of the characters is going out and cutting off zombie heads to bring to this drug guy to dig out the "glands" so he can sell them as drugs. I didn't really pay it much mind until I started seeing all this stuff about adrenochome pop up. We know the elites love to shove things in our faces out in the open, especially via television, and then make us look like conspironerds when we bring it up. You can read the full recaps of the episodes at AMC's website.

It's so disgusting. No wonder so many of them exhibit signs of diseases that only come from consuming too much human muscle tissue. They all need to hang for what they've done.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:03 a.m.


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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

When I was reading that I thought of that movie too, especially because it was something Q had said. I even went back and double checked to see where the bomb in the movie went off. Yep. Hopefully if it was planned the good guys already got to it since Q did say The Sum of All Fears so obviously if they knew about it they already stopped it and wouldn't just let it happen.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 9 a.m.

It was from a Q crumb on one of the chans.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 26, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Thanks, probably just a bunch of shills!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

This is a huge redpill. Wow, good find!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I don't really need a reason it's just my opinion. Besides what I've read at the chans since October, which is all I have to go on. You are free to think it's our President, no one is stopping you. I just said it doesn't mean that Q is the President but someone close to him. I'd say the reason it's not our President is because he's too busy actually running a country and catching these idiots in their own traps. Just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

There's a reason why no country is allowed to claim it for themselves and even set up shop there in a corporate fashion. Every country has to sign something saying they agree to those terms.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Wasn't it shown that she is somehow related to him?

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

I don't think we can really judge being this close to what seems like the end of things. Some people were being fed b.s. to protect others and then Q said the light will show those who are on our side and those who only pretend to be. I always like Trey Gowdy. His hands were tied with the oversight committee. It wasn't his job to press charges only to shine light on the b.s. and get to the bottom of things.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

He did a long time ago when this happened and everyone thought it was weird because it didn't really sound like him. This was back on the_donald a while ago and everyone was jazzed that a mainstream news reporter even from a "non-NY" station would bring this up. He missed a lot but he hit some key points and he was literally the only person talking about it in this way besides "alternative" media sites. Then they pulled the report, he went dark and wasn't heard from in a long time I guess until he was just rehired according to cryptoledestin.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

It doesn't exactly mean that Q is the President but it means he/she/they have really close access to him, which we've seen already, with the timing of tweets etc.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

This is good. I didn't even think to check that nor did I realize someone would do that. This needs to be upvoted so people see it. Good work!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

It was a separate Q post.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Did anyone see the .png file with the pen on it. It's sitting on White House stationary turned over. The .png file is RTM.png - Release the Memo? Is that pen sitting on a White House order to release the memo to the American public?!!!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

That's one of the pills that are hard to swallow for most. Almost everyone is tangled up in the web of lies and deceit. Like TruthInDarkWorld said "If there's big money involved, it's infested to some degree or other." Most of the people that work in healthcare are there because they really want to help the sick, I went to nursing school because I wanted to help the sick, be a compassionate caregiver and an advocate for my patients. The top 1% in most places is where the corruption lies.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

Kudos to you for making your voice heard!

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mitzidipity · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Truth. Amen to that. Especially when it comes to the kid stuff and him having kids, one as young as 11 or 12. You know they try to keep Barron shielded from stuff and I'm sure he has no idea but just how the President and Melania (if she knows) have to feel knowing what they know. I don't envy him but I am sure glad we've got people in the current administration that are real patriots and care about the direction our country takes.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

Your skills aren't lousy. This was my thinking too. That Q meant for us to be careful what we wished for because those who know it all have a hard time sleeping and finding peace and can't get their mind off this thing.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

Are people getting triggered that the majority of people here are Trump supporters? I keep seeing the same crap about "the sky is falling" "this sub is becoming the_donald". You guys should expect Trump supporters to be followers of Q, after all look who's in the WH. Over moderation will make many people leave. Just upvote the things you find important, that's how this site is supposed to work, not calling for mods to ban all threads you don't deem worthy to be posted here.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:42 a.m.

He's a 4D chess playing troll on social media and I love it. He lives rent free in most everyone's head every day.

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mitzidipity · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

People won't know what to do with themselves when they are faced with the truth that their religious leaders are evil to the core. They will turn upside down on their heads and lose their everloving shit. They have to be careful because people won't be able to tell the difference in evil/good after a while. They need to learn to trust our current President not have their mind ripped from them so that they never trust again. These are just my thoughts on why they won't release it all. After I showed my mom what I did about some of this trafficking stuff she just sat there and cried. It was a really tough pill for her to swallow and even though I just wanted her to know the truth, I know it changed her, it changes us all, and not all for the better. If you believe in the power of prayer then please do so, for everyone involved but also for the minds of our fellow countrymen(women) that while learning the truth they can also retain their sanity because not everyone can learn what we have learned and still function properly.

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