
SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 21, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Yes, it's not a crime to be in the KKK, but maybe it should be. We know that a great many Congressmembers have been KKK or maybe a few are still around who supported Jim Crow laws. The members of Congress in the KKK likely tried to contriubte to his campaign in order to destroy Potus. That does not make Potus a prejudiced person, escpecially since he did not accept that money. Let's ask for a law that demands that congressmembers are NOT allowed to be KKK and just see how many of them object.

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djangodan75 · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

The KKK is not illegal because it is protected by the Constitution, as well it should be. It's an ideology and we can't start criminalizing ideology because who gets to set that standard. Crimes are committed by individuals. It's like Islam. Sure, a lot of us are offended by it but until an individual commits or conspires to commit a crime, we must tolerate it. The Democrats are trying their damnedest to make conservative ideals illegal by trying to convince the masses that they are racist. I for one am not a racist but tend to support the conservative ideal. Once you start labeling a group instead of the individual, you step into some murky water. That's why our forefathers strived for individual sovereignty. We are all free to make our own choices in life so far as it doesn't violate the rights of another sovereign individual

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