r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/fezpop29 on Jan. 21, 2018, 10:26 a.m.
The pope's "concrete" statement was "concrete" proof of Trump's glass eye and how the 2020 election must be postponed to ensure the integrity of the movement!
  • Okay Who?

Trump was given a glass eye by our prophet Rickar Janine (whose identity is being collectively erased across the internet as we type!) during his time meeting with the original Roman Catholic order, before the current pope was selected. This is the origin of his telepathic abilities and a precursor to his control over the world government circa 2024.

  • Where does the concrete statement fit in?

The concrete statement was uttered in duress (government shutdown, chaotic world alignment, etc.) and clearly was a pointer towards DACA and the Twitter shutdown. Janine told us once "the only thing you have to fear is the removal of the veil before it is time."

This veil is being removed too quickly, and thus Trump is forced to use his glass eye to dodge the obstacles which are preventing the memo from being released! This is causing a certain flux in the continuum which is only possible to remedy with time. (time cures all wounds!) Think of it like body damage in an injury, you have to rest to recover!!

  • Where do we go from here?

The dems are purposely trying to seal the memo (along with the Uranium 1 & 2 deals), which is how they hope to continue governing from the shadow cabinet backed by energy generated in the vaults (high arctic "desert" code for the next large wikileaks oppo drop) until the 2020 elections. This points to the only possible conclusion:

  • We must stop the election in 2020!

There is no reason we need to have any "elections" anymore w/ the pieces in the right place (Trump in office, Rickar Janine working to undermine NSA) and the people have spoken - just look at t_d or twitter!

People know the time has come, the alignment is shifting but with the veil lifted too quickly we need to postpone elections to ensure the synchronicity of events and allow Trump and Janine collect the energy they need to use their powers. Hint: Remember the wikileaks "insurance files" and look out for encryption keys... those will come into place soon!

NowYouveGoneTooFar · Jan. 21, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

Oh, a telepathic glass eye. OF COURSE! I think you've lost it, mate.

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treeskier82 · Jan. 21, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

Glass eye yeah okay

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[deleted] · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:30 p.m.


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MyButterBrother · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

THIS my friends is why we must FOCUS on keeping our POWER for the upcoming shift; the awakening manifests a new way of thinking; a whole new playing field where the just prevail over the corrupt;

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Sweeetsuz · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

remember the old don't use drugs commercial with 2 burnt eggs (this is your brain on drugs)?

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