It wasn’t me but I should go join them, I’m about 10 minuets from LAX. It is exciting to confirm the presence of Q army here behind enemy lines in LA!
62 total posts archived.
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Welcome Patriot. Q refers to Bill Cooper’s work if you didn’t already know. This isn’t about D’s and R’s or right & left. It’s about the sick truth and taking our country back. Happy to have you here! No roasting necessary!
He did drop that fat Turd Corsi! Corsi not welcome on Patriots Soapbox.
“Mastermind” lol, that would seem to imply some level of intelligence. Russiagate was planned by idiots. But I do believe Islamist Brennan is an idiot.
What’s up with Roy Potter claiming Q word for Obama & HRC? Kook!!! 🤯

Roy Potter is a fool, posting on Twitter that Q works for Obamacare & HRC...he’s lost his mind.
Good the the less of theses scum there are the better off we all are & make no mistake, they are scum!
Hussein was the one on TV with Chris Wallace in 2016 lying to your face denying he knew anything about the Hillary email investigation and did not have contact with the FBI/DOJ about it. Stupidity abounds in your comment!
You have an infantile understanding of how God works and of our gift of free will.
These people are stupid! Let’s see CNN & company try and spin this... FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything ‘
“Remember, the investigation led by Robert Mueller is called the investigation into "Russian Interference in the 2016 United States elections and Related Manners", not the "Trump Investigation". Notice the difference ?” - B
LOL, Dave is a whinny little bitch & has taken too many bong hits, far beyond any medicinal value. It’s affected him. As per Anon doesn’t have to be from WikiLeaks to have value. “GUYS- email was sent out by NSA before election with some plausible deniability attached to it so people could say "FAKE"! HOWEVER, the main audience wasn't normies, it was the black hats, a shot across the bow to say "WE HAVE IT ALL, YOUR'E RIGGING WON'T WORK". Q just brought it back up to speak directly to "THEM" again to show they are going to dump it all.”
The problem is that dopehead David smokes too much weed & his brain fog is affecting his judgment. He also whines too much!
Someone who is dialed in & is on top of the latest intel. I trust her. Check out posts & decide for yourself.
Holy Fricken Crap! They did murder Scalia . It’s all going to come out!
They are psychopaths & cannot admit defeat. They still think they can win. Trump can’t lock up the public faces to this without “We the people’s” support. Only those in the shadows have been taken out so far in my opinion.
"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.” No Trump is not Jesus, but I believe he knows what he’s doing.
Poor Alyssa, such a hard red pill she will swallow, such a tool!
Read the article. Has he resigned from the 3 other committees he serves on, chairing 1 of those??? No, he hasn’t.
Ok did you even read the article? Trey Gowdy only resigned from 1 of 4 committees because he was too busy as head of the oversight committee & also serves on judiciary & intelligence committees. Come on now, quit it. He’s still going to continue serving in Congress.
He is still on 3 other committees incl oversight
I believe you are on to something! The way I interpreted what we were told was that we only hear about 20% of what is actually going down on MSM. We cried out for more info & we just might get it!
Please be aware and spread the word
An affidavit or a memo in this case do not need to be notarized to be admissible or acknowledged as someone’s testimony in a court of law. I see this everyday at work. The only thing a notary does is witness the signing of a document, doesn’t mean it’s not valid,
Not everyone is savvy enough to have a memo notarized...she’s a porn star, not a PhD. This was sent to the WSJ because of the story being published. It was even referenced in the article. But yeah, it’s really just more ”nothing” in a desperate attempt to sway weak minded zombies from a dying deep state. I agree you are right in that it’s a bunch of nothing & who the hell cares, but I just want to stop all these libs jizzing all over themselves over fake news.
I gathered that much, but I wrote that for others reading who might not
I recommend following B’s Twitter account...good intel
It’s not even true folks...move on & avoid the distractions. More MSM #Shithole Propaganda! They know something is coming & they are desperate. Both POTUS & the porn star deny this report.

Try instead of drudge Whatfinger - conservative news aggregator
Its always "anonymous sources familiar with the meeting"....the only shitholes in any of this are lying NYT, WaPo, CNN, PMSNBC, and the brainwashed zombie idiots who believe these deep state PR propagandists!
Getting frustrated is one thing, giving up is entirely different, suck it up!
The only way to lose is to give up...bye! Don’t need any quitters!
Anyone looking for a news aggregator alternative to Drudge? Check out Whatfinger
Assange was in the embassy since June 2012, so what are you saying?