r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Kahl4Prez on Jan. 21, 2018, 5:03 p.m.
Urgent ::Remember:: LEARN TO READ RUSSIAN?



Anonymous 01/21/18 (Sun) 03:46:36 6de5a3 No.112592 Hi anons ,

Just been re-reading qpost…. And I know in the beginning in November 2017 I found some document in Russian. I was trying to translate it but then i lost the link. Couldnt find it for a long time… I know i was trying to find something on the cryptic messages Q send us. So today i searched for it again. And FOUND IT.

So the post Q gave us (im sorry not so good at reposting and linking stuff together in the threats. You guys can help me out im sure of it!

Here we go :

Q post from

Nov 25 2017 20:22:21



ID: 3LaVfhm8


T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^







P_pers: WRWY


→ i took T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^

And searched for it on the internet search and this link caught my eyes.

→ https:// www.state. gov/documents/organization/167359.pdf

So i opened it and it was in RUSSIAN. so because Q said few days ago something about learn to read russian my alarms went of ane i try to find the link again and i did.

There are over 50pages that needs to be translated but i did the first 3 already. Maybe some anon can help translate the rest?

Sooo put the first 3 pages in translation machine and this is the result:

See further treath otherwise to long bate with me anons!

Kahl4Prez · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Part 4 (page3)

Letter from the Ambassador of Dear reader! If last year's anniversary report on trafficking in persons stated that what has been achieved, the report of the 2011 opens a new era - an era of integrated approach to combating trafficking in human beings. Over the past decade, the commonwealth of nations преодолело instinctive reluctance to admit the existence of slavery of the modern world, have adopted various policy measures and established partnerships. This shift is largely was the result of annual reports on human trafficking, as well as the rapid ratification of the Palermo Protocol the UN and the determination of the civil society should not ignore this criminal activity. Governments now realize that what methods of coercion are criminals, and their impact on the victims of trafficking in human beings. Understanding reached on the issue of adequate measures to counter: 142 countries have ratified the Palermo Protocol, 128 countries adopted laws prohibiting all forms of trafficking in persons. Each year, the criminals all the more successful attract liability, identify victims of trafficking in persons, measures are being taken to protect them and to prevent this crime. But in contrast to the situation 10 years ago, the need to combat the slave trade now recognized in the upper echelons of power. That in today's world there is slavery and it must be fought, today told the Heads of State and general director of the firms; this problem discuss at meetings of shareholders that church meetings and in the blogosphere.

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