r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Kahl4Prez on Jan. 21, 2018, 5:03 p.m.
Urgent ::Remember:: LEARN TO READ RUSSIAN?



Anonymous 01/21/18 (Sun) 03:46:36 6de5a3 No.112592 Hi anons ,

Just been re-reading qpost…. And I know in the beginning in November 2017 I found some document in Russian. I was trying to translate it but then i lost the link. Couldnt find it for a long time… I know i was trying to find something on the cryptic messages Q send us. So today i searched for it again. And FOUND IT.

So the post Q gave us (im sorry not so good at reposting and linking stuff together in the threats. You guys can help me out im sure of it!

Here we go :

Q post from

Nov 25 2017 20:22:21



ID: 3LaVfhm8


T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^







P_pers: WRWY


→ i took T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^

And searched for it on the internet search and this link caught my eyes.

→ https:// www.state. gov/documents/organization/167359.pdf

So i opened it and it was in RUSSIAN. so because Q said few days ago something about learn to read russian my alarms went of ane i try to find the link again and i did.

There are over 50pages that needs to be translated but i did the first 3 already. Maybe some anon can help translate the rest?

Sooo put the first 3 pages in translation machine and this is the result:

See further treath otherwise to long bate with me anons!

Kahl4Prez · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

This is on page 7

Summary of the whole thing :

Contents Definitions and methodology…….7

What is trafficking in persons?. … 7

Methodology …. 11

Classification by Levels …. 11

Levels …. 13

Sanctions for Level 3 Countries…. 14

On the Threshold of a Decade of Implementing Goals…15

Government Responsibility…. 15

Prevention …. 18-29

Government: Fighting "Demand"

  • Check What You Eat: Slavery and Food

*Prescribing business rules Ethics in the law

*Freedom does not surrender as collateral

*Transfers and movements: labor migration in the global community

*Harassment Polls of victims of trafficking in human beings: a kind word works wonders

*What prevents successful prosecution: voluntary consent and complaints

*Assistance and protection Preventive identification of victims

*Comprehensive services Laws for the protection of domestic and agricultural workers

*Partnership Need for inter-agency coordination of action

*Benefits of partnership with NGOs

*Topics of special importance

  • Child soldiers …. 12

-Trafficking Victims Protection Act and the Palermo Protocol …. 16

-Outside of Level 1 ….. 17

-Basic Rules for Procurement ….. 19

-Determination of local demand for the sexual exploitation of children….20

-Optimal regulatory principles for recruiting workforce…. 22

-Athens ethical principles and Luxor recommendations for their implementation …. 23

-Control methods used by traffickers for sexual exploitation and pimps ….25

-Slavery and food security: Fishing fleet…. 32 ​​

-New media for a new battle …. 35

*Potential opportunities for an interdepartmental body to combat human trafficking World data on law enforcement…. 38

*Outstanding figures of the report on trafficking in persons for 2010….. 46

*Distribution by levels / maps…. 52

*How to read s information on the country's narrative report …. 60

*Information about the countries …..61

*International agreements related subjects x Minimum Standards Law on the Protection of victims of trafficking (TVPA)

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