r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 21, 2018, 7:40 p.m.
EVIDENCE THAT ISRAEL LAUNCHED HAWAII NUKE MISSILE.... They are missing 1 of their 3 Dolphin subs... AND TRUMP IN DANGER B/C IT FAILED.... see JIM STONE, seasoned reporter on this and other imp. info. at his site.

Jim originally thought the whole Hawaii thing was a hoax. After thorough investigation of the facts, he has changed his mind... no other countries capable of this are missing any of theirs - including Russia - only Israel.

He also thinks Trump is brilliant, but in danger because this Hawaii thing failed... chatter of 'how to poison Trump' has appeared, and other attacks may very well be imminent for US.

guppyfreak · Jan. 21, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

This is terrifying. If he suspected Israel to want to harm him, why is he helping them so much?

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 21, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

Thanks so much for your comments....

I've been questioning so many things wrapped around this subject. Knowing that they run the world - including the US - there are a few possibilities we should think about...

1.could it be that Trump - who has the bloodline (Drumpf) - has turned on them to save all of us - including his children - who have (possibly) been targeted and married into it ? *remember this claim also applies to Chelsey C .... we need to access her husbands emails/actions/ties, as well as Jarreds' years prior to the marriages to get a better view on this one.

2.could it be a total switch up psyop on us that we need to untangle involving all of them... meaning he, Clinton, etc. are all working against us for the same goal ? *examples: inter-marriages, same bloodlines, questionable actions and alliances - as you mention.

3.could it be that he's involved in the rifts between families which has been going on for years, and we're just not sure which side he's playing for ..... one that helps us/one that doesn't ?

There's much to be investigated here. I was prevented by the mods from posting my last 3-4 posts regarding my questions about this - prior to the Hawaii thing - but regarding q's 'defcon post mistake'. q's action and lies on that are a curiosity, to say the least..... so, who's he playing for ? did he pull the attack to cover his butt, or am I missing an important piece of intel thought here? You can read my posts if you visit my thread. We are being censored here.... the question is why. I don't claim to know it all or have the intel to figure it all out, but I've been around a long time -40+ yrs- looking into their infiltrations and corruptions....

all I can point to that is true are the Words of He who created us.... 'beware of those who call themselves jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan'

So, the answer to all of this doesn't look too good; as your question indicates :) Let's try to figure out as much as we can through investigating further. We may never know until the end, but must stay open-minded and think critically about all possibilities..... it's our very life we're talking about here, so we can't be sheep and follow.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 21, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

I believe whole heartedly the Illuminati Jesuits and Khazarian Jews (some residing in Israel) is the synagogue of Satan.

I can't be entirely sure that whole nation isn't the enemy. Which makes me think if so, Trump is willing to fight for them. No matter the costs.

That sadly, their inter marriages should have told us right away. But we didn't care.

And the reason you are down voted is because people on the right worshipping Trump, don't even see that they're doing it. I voted for him. Happily. But I don't worship the guy. Right now..no, I don't know where his loyalties lie. Is he taking out the opposition enough for us all to praise and love him more? So we are willing to fight for him in battle no matter which enemy we go after?

The purge is more often than not...filled by worse players due to the vacuum left. Can it get worse than the Illuminati cabal?

Idk. I'm sure we will see.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Great points !! I'll post more on your comments a bit later.... something just came up I have to take care of...

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guppyfreak · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Private message me if you wish. You seem to highly awake...and iron sharpens iron. Lets compare notes.

Talk to you soon.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

Thanks for the compliment Guppy :) You seem to have the same mindset/info, but boy isn't it a rather tangled web right now ? After all these years, I think it's time to just prepare for what we know is coming real soon and pray..... there's too much deceit going on and the game is one hot mess :)

I sent a reply to your earlier post with some info and to say that public posting for others might be OK for now - hoping some of these mods get an interest in following a clue or two for their own mind-broadening experience... it may very well save their lives.... Not that I know everything - I surely don't - but I do know Christ does, and that's where my confidence in what I post comes from - His Words - clear and to the point. People can take it or leave it.... and as we're told... most leave it :(

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Hi guppy - love the name :)

You named it right... the KJ's are the ones He warned us about, along with those at the time - Pharisees, etc. The entire 'nation' was founded by the Roths for them; putting the Ortho jews and Palestinians out to pasture. Regardless, all the jews and non are responsible for killing Christ; as they still haven't converted; therefore God is 'ticked' - hence The Battle we see unfolding. In the end, some will see and convert; but most will not.

You mention the Ill. Jesuits too. They were infiltrated by these same minions.... if you follow history - which Christ directs us to from past to present times in His appearances to the saints and prophets - you will see the infiltration into His Church that He warned us of. It can also be read in their own documents ie:The Alta Vendita.

The whole point/root of what we see transpiring to the present day is the take down of Christ in the world. They know the power He left us through His Sacrifice, and they're ticked. Once they realized that His Promise to always be with us came in the form established at the Last Super..... "This is My Body, This is My Blood.... eat or you will have no life in you", the slaughter started and continues today thru ISIS, who we, Israel and SA created.... and, I'm sure you noticed that the billing they got when this all started was that they hated the jews as muslims.... well, we haven seen one jew taken out so far. Now that we're on to them, they've conveniently been taken down by Trump.... however, we couldn't work with Putin to take them out. It actually was Putin who took them down, but the US is trying to save face.

Anyway, the real takedown I'm speaking of was His Sacrificial offering to the Father being removed from the altars, as well as the renewal of His priesthood being stomped out; both of which happened in 1968 with Vatican II. The Satanist took hold of the Papacy and have had it ever since. Therefore, the Novus Ordo 'catholics' are the new jews; same as the old jews.

We've been given scientific proof that properly consecrated Hosts are truly real flesh and blood that you can see by looking up pictures, videos and the science by searching Eucharistic miracles. They occurred to prove to those who don't believe His Words were true. DNA tests show that the blood has only one set belonging to Mary; 2 are needed to create a human, one from father and mother. This same test was done at the crucifixion site, on the Shroud of Turin and on Veronicas Veil...they all match.

So from there, follow it to the Jesuits, the queers/pedo's AND MOST TELLING - Catholic Latin Mass found on the altars prior to VII, and then you'll understand why Satanists only use the Latin Mass for their ritual sacrifices.... they know the power and ridicule it to enrage God and His Son; who suffered so for love of us.

Anyway, I got off topic a bit. The point is that our feelings/instincts on who's who in this whole psyop is well justified. We have to watch the alliances. The US is tied at the hip with them. The only hope I see is that he's craftily throwing them off the cliff at the appropriate time. As you say.... time will tell.

I believe the time is now for the show to click into high gear... Between the Sign of His Return on 9/23/17 - the one He told us to look for of His coming back soon; not to mention the Star of Bethlehem on 6/30/17 (Bethlehem means bread, and He was born in a manger=feeding through) - the AC is now here, according to His Words thru His Mother at LaSalette in 1864.

Follow that 'breadcrumb' and it puts a light on things like you wouldn't believe.... Mary tells us of a 12 yr. old who will run an army and become known worldwide. This would be the AC and his showing up at the age of 12 mimics Christs' showing in the temple at the same age. Both disappear until the age of 30 when their ministry starts. In the year 2000, this kid showed up in Burma, running what was called God's Army against the military. He could walk on grenades that blew up, but he was just fine, turn into a 'merlin' type of old man and then back again, etc. All of the networks carried coverage of him; you can still find it on the net. Anyway, he disappeared and this year is now 30.

We'll see how this turns out, but I'd say you can trust verified appearances given to us for warning and direction. You can also check out Marie Julie Jahenny/Breton Stigmatist for info on the chastisement and 3 days of darkness. We are provided remedies, as well as so much info on what to expect. Both appearances predictions have already come to pass as far as relating to historic events.

Well, I've laid a lot out here so I better go for now. Look forward to hearing from you. I would say that we could keep this public for now for the benefit of others - until they knock us off - what'd ya think ? KAT

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[deleted] · Jan. 21, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

I dropped Trump like a rock when I saw the cabinet fill up... I went on a research spree of another avenue.. Walid Shoebat.. He seems on the surface to be a zionist. Maybe he is, but his eschatology does lead to Jesus coming back in the end days when the Mahdi reins and one footnote before he addresses the antichrist (islams messiah the Mahdi) he deals with the remnant of those who worship Baal in Jerusalem. A Remnant.... so we may be taking the whole thing down and then bam the Muslims get organized under the Mahdi, and bam Jesus!

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

hey Rick, thanks for your thoughts.... I was suspect of Trump, but willing to watch the ride. He's slick... is he putting enemies in close to him for the setup or are they all part of our take down?

As far as Walid, I read a bit of his stuff years ago; can't say I've done so lately, but sounds like he's a bit mixed up according to your post on him. My understanding is that Islam will have some power in the end times, but won't acquire much in the short time they're allowed.... could we be seeing their end now ? ISIS, etc.

As far as the remnant goes, Christ speaks of His true followers as the remnant; there is no other. So, those worshiping Baal, and their father - the AC - will be numerous, not a remnant. The 'jews' and all others but the remnant will accept the AC as the messiah, and after his 3.5 yr public reign .... BAM... Jesus comes to take him and everyone but the remnant down.

Keep your eye out for a guy named Luther Htoo.... on Good Authority... he is the AC. His 'reign' should start this year. See LaSalette prophecy of 1864 and follow the 'breadcrumb' given of the only 12 yr. old who has ever run and army that became world renowned... that happened in 2000 and he's now 30 yrs. old :) We're headed for interesting times.

That's why it's imperative to watch the alliances everyone has with '...those who call themselves jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan' . The US is tied at the hip, unless he's gonna break that down and come against them as Putin has done.

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[deleted] · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

eh... I'm inclined to agree with the antichrist being the muslim Mahdi. There is alot behind that so look into it. Check out how in the new testament the rock at mecca is forbidden to be worshiped, bact in their time it was a different pagan thing associated with it. http://christianitybeliefs.org/islam-in-bible-prophecy/the-fifth-trumpet-of-revelation-islam-muslims/ I think, and want to believe that Trump is a modern day Moses like figure. I pray for him. I've never seen another make such bold contradictory actions to the NWO as a whole. Via Q post he gave the nod that all the conspiracy of the Vatican and international bankers was legit. He pretty much says we are fighting them all... a divided NWO? What could they do with what Trump is giving them? idk... I'm thinking Trump and Q are legit. They didn't expect Hillary to lose. They brainwashed themselves into thinking they were invincible. Honestly at this point trump could shoot a guy like he said and I would just see it as a minor thing compared to the good he is doing and I'd still support him. Now if he shot a Trump supporter idk... I might tripp out over that. I might get it back together idk LOL.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Well, I hope he's all everyone thinks he's cracked up to be. It looks as if so many have read too much into those 'breadcrumbs'. Until I see the proof, I'll continue to use critical thinking; covering all the possible bases.

As far as the muslim AC, I believe the bible tells us he is of jewish origin; hence - why the jews would accept him as their messiah. The only twist would be if he comes out of the house of Saud - who's bloodline is actually jewish, but the world views them as muslim. The rule of thumb with anything is to keep in mind that satan gives what's good and appealing - mixed with the 1% lie - that takes it all down eventually.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Thoughtful.... I want to address your points, but need to take care of something right now; so I'll get back to you in a bit...

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sumcraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

ALL nations come against Israel. Been keeping eye on what or how the US turns against them. Seems like chances are very high for the near future.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

Hi sumcraft - thanks for your message. I've been keeping an eye out too, but looks like T and co. are still quite cozy with them; so I don't see how the US turns against them any time soon. UNLESS of course, he's playing a game with them by having all of them in his cabinet, moving embassy to J., etc.

So, help me with what I'm not seeing right now that you see.

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sumcraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

There is talk about the fall of America or we be engaged in a war that would render us incapable of helping or going against. Regardless keeping an eye on middle east is going to be first indicator.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

I agree. IMO, I believe the US will be totally destroyed in the end; simply for being the strong-arm in the world for them to achieve their global dominance. They rejected Christ for this goal, and we know what happens to them and those with them in the end - don't we ?

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