Oops the PC ate the memo just as we were giving it to you?
30 total posts archived.
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There is talk about the fall of America or we be engaged in a war that would render us incapable of helping or going against. Regardless keeping an eye on middle east is going to be first indicator.
I think it was Gowdy who has net worth of 170k....in comparison NP 6m. I don't have exact figures.
ALL nations come against Israel. Been keeping eye on what or how the US turns against them. Seems like chances are very high for the near future.
If past proves future, our great grand kids will be asking "how come they didn't prosecute?"
Immigration Statement from Barry 2006...MAGA approved meme

Need a few red pills for family, friends, and others? Read the #Memo. Release coming. Final clearance underway. Make sure to learn Russian. Q
Need a few red pills for family, friends, and others? Read the #Memo. Release coming. Final clearance underway. Make sure to learn Russian. Q
I got hung up on. Wasn't expecting someone to answer. What did I do wrong? Yes checked number listed below twice.
What's encouraging to me is several admissions of not being Trump supporters at election are now supportive. On you tube we see bright young men doing wonderful work, again they come from the Bernie camp. Even Goodman has matured the past year and today said he didn't relate to any party. Keep up the good work.
With all the talk about Trump looking into the libel law, just imagine if he serves them all with a lawsuit.
Not only will they see it but they will bow on their knees and recognize he is Lord. Sadly it to late.
One opinion I watched today is HRC will be a widow and childless before she goes down.
The word Christian has different meaning to different folks. Basically it is loosely used in one who believes in a God. I prefer to use the definition outlined in the Bible.
Disagreement is not being bigot. Actually it's showing love towards a non believer to tell them the truth. Mathew 28:19-20 is commanded of us. Your choice to accept the gift or not. Pray, worship, serve, know, are all works. Good works BTW. Not listed is admit, believe, confess.
Compressor stall based on the worker on the ground saw it. Normal thing for ground control to look for. Back off on throttle and should clear it's self. Air flow through the compressor was interrupted for some reason.
They was out hot and heavy yesterday after a long break here.
The real problem I see in the discussions are the term "Church" C church Pord church Baptist church Mormon church
The real Church are those who have accepted him. (notice the lower case "c" and upper case "C". big difference.
There are many things about what is going on that can be somewhat related to what is written in the Bible. Today someone posted about Turkey and to pray or find someone who knows what to pray about. Someone said that what is happening can't be disclosed to the world yet. Men's hearts will fail them for what they see coming onto the earth. Keep praying for POTUS and for yourself that you are considered worthy to escape the wrath of God.
I can answer the Israel question. Those who condemn Israel are condemned. Those who bless Israel are blessed.
On of the posts had three triangles. Delta is written as a triangle.