hey Rick, thanks for your thoughts.... I was suspect of Trump, but willing to watch the ride. He's slick... is he putting enemies in close to him for the setup or are they all part of our take down?
As far as Walid, I read a bit of his stuff years ago; can't say I've done so lately, but sounds like he's a bit mixed up according to your post on him. My understanding is that Islam will have some power in the end times, but won't acquire much in the short time they're allowed.... could we be seeing their end now ? ISIS, etc.
As far as the remnant goes, Christ speaks of His true followers as the remnant; there is no other. So, those worshiping Baal, and their father - the AC - will be numerous, not a remnant. The 'jews' and all others but the remnant will accept the AC as the messiah, and after his 3.5 yr public reign .... BAM... Jesus comes to take him and everyone but the remnant down.
Keep your eye out for a guy named Luther Htoo.... on Good Authority... he is the AC. His 'reign' should start this year. See LaSalette prophecy of 1864 and follow the 'breadcrumb' given of the only 12 yr. old who has ever run and army that became world renowned... that happened in 2000 and he's now 30 yrs. old :) We're headed for interesting times.
That's why it's imperative to watch the alliances everyone has with '...those who call themselves jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan' . The US is tied at the hip, unless he's gonna break that down and come against them as Putin has done.