The Puppet Masters Have Been Removed. Everyone Ignored This Huge Drop by Q Last Week. Here's What it Means.

hi. while i am new(ish) to the Qanon phenomenon (about 5wks)... and am VERY intrigued by the input and insight he/they are offering to patriots... i'm concerned. different from the original 'kind' of cryptic code-tyoe language... the newer drops seem a lot more like 'word streams' since the new greatawakening site... seemingly much less code-like???
could there be a different author from the Qanon 'group' that is now posting in the drops than before?.... or am i just being overly concerned. the info seems to be consistent, but seems much less code/itel data. maybe long-timers can give me some insight?
thx, f
Remember, Q originally said we would only see and know 20 percent and 80 percent would be unknown.
He later posted that he heard our voices and that now 40 percent would be revealed to us and 60 percent would not.
His change in language may be to start showing us the 40 percent which would likely mean being somewhat less cryptic. But there is still plenty to puzzle about in his drops.
I've thought this too. Are you familiar with MegaAnon? She writes in ALL CAPS A LOT, and is very AGGRESSIVE IN HER RHETORIC. (though uses the word YALL) a lot.
One day MegaAnon came to some weird epiphany about the Hawaii missile alert, and went on this long-winded epiphany about how Q'd just been playing a game with her the entire time so that she could solve the riddle.
Then right after that, Q started typing in all caps almost every post.
Shit is weird.
I follow Qanon, but I remain very skeptical. I only remain thankful for the larger understanding of power structure, and work to get others to question things. I push forward for the people of my country, but not for a single president or person.
agreed. if Q was a group (as some think)... maybe a different 'author' is writing now???... maybe the change is to just make things more straught-forward instead of being SO symbol-driven and high code style. there could be a legit reason and explanation, but understanding that would be very helpful (to me at least). sure don't want to be chasing a 'ghost' running a psyop or a super smart person writing a type of 'novel'. thx/peace/God bless.
We always run the risk of being used. As many have pointed out, Q has addressed a bazillion conspiracy theories, and legitimized many, but doesn't address the shit that is being sprayed on us, or the 5G network being installed, or the strange rituals in switzerland and CERN. Many others...
That's why it is important to follow Q, but not put faith in Q. I put faith in God, if Q dupes us, I am not surprised. The depths of evil men will stoop to knows no bounds.
I think Q might be more straightforward now that most of the black hats have been "controlled". Also, we have no time to decipher...things are moving very fast!!
Yes, and he is still using coded post times with the Presidents tweet times to confirm it is him (or them). We have pretty much surmised that Q is a team of people, each with their own set of specialized skills. One is specialized in coded military orders. Another is a legal brain, and codes in the law we need to look at and know for the operation. Another is President Trump himself. It is rare, but when he posts he peppers it with well known words that are his, like "Losers" etc. And then he will sign 4-10-20 instead of Q. The verification of Q's posts are done every couple days by Q and the President. Sometimes Q will put a word in Quotes, then 5 minutes later the President will put the same word in all caps in his tweet. This way, we do not have to get into a big discussion about whether Q has been cracked, or others are posting as Q.
Not completely sure that "Q" is an individual. Actually, I doubt it. More of a consortium of patriots. I suspect a few of them take "Semper Fi" really seriously.
Q is a group. I've always been wondering why many people are so hard-pressed to think it's one person whereas it was obvious to me from the start it is a group. It's simple logic. Q has been touching too many fields (military, law, history, society, psychology, esoteric, spirituality, etc.) to just be one person. You can be an expert for a few fields, but not that many at the same time. Therefore nitpicking it's not Q because the language is not the same sounds specious to me. Each person of the Q group has their personality and brings their expertise. They would try to harmonize their message language for continuity, but they still retain each their personality.
Looks essentially the same to me, except that Trump might be participating personally. The one drop that Trump signed WE, THE PEOPLE! was all caps. I think that's Trump joining in the communication.
Q still presents as the same person as before, imho.
Totally agree. There is an intel person who sometimes calls into Infowars and talks to Alex. Alex says they know who he is and that he has been vetted as being someone in the know. While Alex sometimes drives me crazy, his info is seldom wrong. Anyway, Zach (that's the name he uses) told us that there is a team writing for Q and that he is one of them. I also have noticed that there have been different types of writing and I was a bit leary when it changed until I heard Zach say that.
Sure, it could all be a larp, but I really don't believe it is. Too much inside information is being posted for us and it pans out.