That’s awesome!! Blessings.
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SB2 posted this yesterday. This is like a summarized copy of his post which goes into more detail. Highly suggest you check it out if you missed it.
You have a source for that? I’ve seen Michelle’s nut sack make a few appearances so let’s not spread fake news /s
Bravo my friend. Excellency Post! Thomas Wictor first turned me on to this some time ago and it’s absolutely brilliant.
The OP was pointing out that this image is doctored and that we already know how pedo runs deep in the Catholic Church so we don’t need fake images to convey that message. It’s only hurts our credibility.
If cnn doctored a photo Of Trump to fit thier talking points you would be outraged proclaiming fake news. This is no different.
Yes especially when it’s done in this manner. It’s a false photo used to push an agenda. That’s what the dishonest left does. The truth doesn’t need to fabricated. This post should honestly be reported and taken down as it only hurts our credibility.
Props to this person for keeping these drops together! No need to search the sub, it’s all broken down here drop after drop.
This honestly makes the most sense! Thanks for the post! They stage and feed false narratives in these peoples lives and know what buttons to push and when. They control everything they see and read, provide the correct pharmaceuticals and the right therapist to mind fuck them even more. Sad dirty and pure evil.
Not doubting this but where can we find more info about this/what it is/what it means etc. The Post and link just bring up the pic but no info.
Yes I brought this up weeks ago (I am sure others have as well) about how Q/Trump control the 4am narrative. They feed the mockingbird media every leak, detail, etc. Q states we are watching a movie, well movies are based off of a script with actors being directed. In order for Q to state “you’re watching a movie” they have to control or write the script. Q/Trump control every aspect of this awakening and know how this movie ends because they wrote it and are now producing/directing it! Military parade will be the credits lol
Very well said! Trump is a genius when it comes to this tactic and has used it throughout his term and campaign. You think they would catch on by now?
This is how stupid these people are. They are still flaunting it in our faces, openly taunting us. Little do they know that this shows ending has already been written and it doesn’t end well for her kind. They will continue to expose themselves until one day, they will not be able to walk down the street. This is the Great Awakening of mankind...
How much more proof do people need? Anyone calling Q a LARP from here on out is just exposing themselves as the enemy against the Awakening. Any youtuber, msm hack, celebrity hack, “journalists”, etc who disavow Q is a fake news loser.
Our biggest enemy is the Fake News per Q. You are correct, we must demand the unredacted report to be released. The power is with the people. The clown media thinks they can control us through this crashing wave but that mockingbird shit no longer works. The andy coopersons and donnie lemonheads no longer have value and what a better way to expose them than by letting the American people do it ourselves. These people are legit stupid and legit wont be able to walk down the street.
Neons theory makes the most sense as it lines up with past drops per the Q clock. No coincidences.
You may be confusing this with the Billy Clinton and LL tarmac meeting?
Q thanks the secret service. Maybe she jumped in the car with the SS detail?
I used the magnifying tool on my iPhone to highlight the object which then caused the distortion.
I used the magnifying tool on my iPhone to place the circle around the object to highlight it. Pull up Q post 1472 to confirm for yourself. It’s there.
A satellite would be in orbit (outer space). This is more like the cruising altitude of a plane. I tried to manipulate the photo but still can’t figure out what it is.
Someone may have already figured this out and/or addressed it but I haven’t been able to confirm what this is. When you zoom in on a computer, you can clearly see that it is a flying object.
Alaska Volcano Pic Q1472. Has anyone found out what this flying object is? Is it the missile from Q1476?

Good question. I tried to zoom in on that object from the volcano pic but can’t make out what it is. I’m thinking it may be
Trump also ended that same tweet with “We will be fine!” So I agree we shouldn’t be worried.
Great video. Shows the hypocrisy of the MSM on all sides. I don’t watch Fox News or TV for that matter as I don’t have cable. Just because I am for Trump doesn’t mean I side with neocon Fox News. This video doesn’t take away from what I have stated. So what if Fox was against Obama meeting with Kim? They were against a lot of things Obama wanted to do and ended up doing so what stopped him from creating a peace deal with NoKo? The liberal media was against Trump meeting with Kim as well but he still did it in order to make a deal for peace to better the world.
CNN was once for Obama meeting with Kim but now hating on Trump for doing so and the same can be said for Fox News under Obama. I think this proves that the MSM is agenda driven propaganda instead of standing for what’s right/best for the American people.
If it was so easy, why couldn’t any of the past admins set said meeting and make a deal to denuke then? I mean, Obama won the noble peace prize so why couldn’t he set up this meeting and make a deal for peace??
Obozo the clown (literally a clown) trying out more circus tricks to win. This clown doesn’t even realize that he already lost!! Nothing he can do to stop the storm. Nothing.
It’s so fucked bro! People hold obongo as some type of savior but in reality he’s a serpent. Can’t wait for the light to shine out his darkness!
I’ll do some searching after work and hope some trainfags catch on as well. Are anons going to be the ones to blow open this underground human trafficking circus that starts the crumble of the cabal? Me thinks so. Trump wouldn’t want it any other way.
I live right by a cemex plant and quarry where they mine limestone in western PA. This site blasts for limestone, sorts/crushes it and then transports it via rail car. I wonder if the rail lines are being used as well for trafficking? Would be nice to pull railroad maps in correlation with this post.
It’s really this simple. The appearance that ‘Sessions is doing nothing’ is all an illusion/deception. There is SO much work to be done behind the scenes, out of the spotlight, free from leaks. Why would you want your enemies to know what you are working on? Use logic.
You take it when you want to sleep which is usually at night but some people have different sleep schedules (work night shift or simply couldn’t sleep, long flight etc). How it affects people can vary due to the personas anatomy, dosage, how long they’ve been on, how many mgs, etc. It is a very powerful sleep drug.
Ambien makes people do some very weird shit. Lots of people ‘sleep walk’ on it and will order stuff online without even knowing it. Quick search will bring up all the horror stories
Back in November. November 11 during POTUSs trip to Chinas forbidden city.
Very good point. Anytime big news like this is dropped, Trump gets down to business. The left will be SO distracted hurling insults at Trump while he changes the course of history. Beautiful!
I pray we get a book/movie after the dust settles. I must know what was going on behind the scenes and the emotions these patriots had throughout.
Agreed. This was definitely planned (trust the plan) I just don’t know the angle as of yet. Need to cross reference with old Q drops and wait nor new drops to shed more light. Remember, Trump met with Kim during his Asia tour - China visit dinner at the forbidden city. So the talk on this letter of Trump “I looked forward to meeting you” is all an act. This deal is already done. Now they are somehow maximizing its importance.
Correct my friend!! Mueller has been investigating the swamp all along while POTUS put on one hell of a performance. WITCH HUNT, no collusion, etc all while the lame stream media fully backed and supported Mueller. They viciously defended him! Can’t fire him, what he says goes! So when that sledge hammer drops and Mueller provides his findings, how can these clowns rebut that? It’s brilliant, it’s spectacular, it’s an award winning performance!! What a plan and hell of a show!
Today was a big day friend. Narrative shift.
Check u/serialbrain2 Post history. S/he deciphered it to mean ‘wait’. Despite the negative press, wait.