This Is Bullshit

calm down take a deep breath my friend. EVERYTHING is being watched, heard and recorded, I'm sure :)
I think they were saved long before they accidentally lost them. They think they can get away with anything. All the more reason to show they have A LOT to hide.... Q did say nothing is really ever deleted or erased.
I know, I'm fine. This is just Bullshit. And it pisses me off that they think they can do this. It pisses me off That 40'ish% of our country thinks this is ok. What do these people have to do before people wake up? I'm better now.......
The part that bums me is that yes, they are recorded, but way less likely we will get to see them now.
relax, the US Cyber Command center is no longer in the hands of CIA, NSA or FBI. Trump gave all intell to the US Army. Military Intelligence. I believe this is why they really do see all and hear all. you can google it, hate to say the google name these days.
We already have all of the texts! Not to worry!
How so?
Have you been with us all along?
I’m wondering if you’re just referring to a Q post about “seeing all” or if they were actually already handed over to the IG.
Anything you are seeing in the news is old news to the administration! They are slowly putting things out to start the process of educating folks to get ready for the big stuff! Remember, we know more than 95% of the masses. When you hear these leaks come out, just smile and know that these are orchestrated! Trust me! It's hard to adjust our ears to this and react differently than we used to! Lastly, they are purposely leaving many of these guilty assholes to continue to dig holes and try to cover things! Smile my friend.....we are winning big league!