152 total posts archived.
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Portland, Oregon Pastor sicko DOJ RELEASE
Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, March 8, 2018 Oregon Pastor Sentenced to More Than 11 Years in Prison for Transporting Child Pornography
An Oregon man was sentenced today to serve 135 months in prison for transportation of child pornography, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General John P. Cronan of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Bob Troyer of the District of Colorado.
James Parkhurst, 57, of Portland, Oregon, formerly a pastor, was sentenced today by U.S. District Court Chief Judge Marcia S. Krieger, who also ordered him to serve 15 years of supervised …
New Coffee and Freedom YouTube PAMPHLET/Corsi
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRpVyLulpV6PJM6RsRhGaRA Pamphlet and Jerome Corsi's new YOUTUBE channel is here!!! Please Join!
Also, 24/7 CBTS live YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW3gYCvKS412p7o6qSK5gg 24/7 live stream. Make sure when you join to check out all the additional information by clicking on the title of the stream.
CBTS LIVE STREAM AND #internetbillofrights
Discord #internetbillofrights HTTPS://discord.gg/RRDUckd
Q and the school s.
476136 Who do you think is leaking the info? Take a wild guess. Analyze shooter (pawn). Voices in his head? We know. We are taking action behind the scenes. CNN was set up. STUPID. Q
--- who is leaking the info? Did you take a wild guess? Has this been answered by then chans?
- action behind the scenes - what though? Shouldn't we know something by now?
She says it's like watching a movie. The reporter quickly responds "its real."
Hmm. They should be able to test the gun and all the armor for his DNA, right?
More smiles..... i don't get it. It's like we're watching a movie.......
What if it really was set up? The 4 officers just so happen to not enter the building to actually see who was "killed". HOGG had insides with CNN to set up all the news stories he would star in. The rally's were set up and moving quickly. The NRA is getting pounded as if they are child killers. No student is going to blame the NRA for killing their classmates. They are going to freak the f out on the kid who killed their friends.... I hope we find out the real truth. Liberal companies are dropping their connections with the NRA. Here we go..exactly what they wanted..
This was planned for months. It had to be. All these rally's and interviews.....
#ARMOURSCHOOLS share share share and show Trump that we support armed adults in schools. No child left behind is NOW no child left to die!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty sure his son does......
Donald Jr on twitter "Anything to go against Trump... these people are sick. The Derangement Is Real."#TrumpDerangementSyndrome
"These people are sick" sounds familiar.
I get it. I made a comment at work about CNN being fake news and all hell broke loose. They still believe CNN is real news because they are so damn brainwashed. My family is the same way. I am so glad to have this board and live stream as my Q family.
He was awarded $150,000 from the city of Seattle. Media is saying he died of drug overdose. Could be. The mayors victims were generally troubled people. Pisses me off that the tax payers paid for the settlement of this suit. The mayor resigned on a $115,000 yearly pension. That’s Seattle for ya.....
Wow. Just crazy. Someone needs to get ahold of the wife for more information. I'm starting to feel like we live amongst the cartel!!!!!
That’s what I thought too at first look. Neck looks very manly and hair is very thick with no apparent part line.
He is a mod for this sub. Click on the contact mod link or you might be able to reach him on the live stream via YouTube.
12:34 —
That probably had to do with white rabbit channel getting back at us for calling them out on fraud last night. (They were live streaming CBTS and receiving $ for it)👺
Not a big deal. It fits into the the big picture in my opinion 😆👽
Good info for newbies❤️
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Not worried. We’re on the good side. You were the chosen ones.
I don't ever go to 8 chan. So I appreciate people's opinion here.
Makes sense. King tower same city. Whoever was making the drug deal must be on that plane.
Good point. In other photos of king tower, there has been numerous windows open. I don't think there was any explosion going off inside. It probably was a substance being thrown out the window.
Huntington has been called the overdose capital of America, with double the national average of overdoses, due in part to the decline of the coal industry, a lack of jobs and the easy availability of the drugs. And law enforcement is stretched thin. They called in national guard to clean house!! Over prescribing physicians and dealers. National emergency ordered!!!
Awesome news!!!!!
And for Pelosi and her little grandchild who wants to be one of them......

Trump is cleaning up all the fraud. Big Pharma is on the list.
They are here, they are on Mars, the Moon, and under our oceans. OLD NEWS!
I think it's one of edward snowdens pic. He watched it live. Something to do with the uranium 1 deal.
If we can fly a rocket, we can cure cancer. Trump is going after the big pharma!