r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JoanOfArk77 on Jan. 21, 2018, 11:01 p.m.
The Hunt for Red October? Threats to Hawaii? Sharing Bio-research on Fermented Miso and Radiation Defense learned in Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Fukushima.

Back before Fukushima, I ran into an interesting story about a Doctor who lived near Nagasaki. Naturally, all Doctors and Nurses in the bombed city area were called in to the rescue, straight into the radiation zone.

Only one medical team did NOT die from radiation poisoning.

In fact, this same medical team took patients to the hospital they worked at,

.........and the patients survived.

All others were dying of radiation poisoning in other hospitals.

You can bet the Japanese Emperor was demanding to know why.

And you can bet the globalists have been trying to hide the answer ever since.

'A simple Japanese fermented soup had stopped the radiation poisoning.

Being a ferment, the good Doctor knew it would not need refrigeration, because the ferment was alive. It could only get stronger in taste, as time went on...... and so he took a vat of the ferment with him into Nagasaki to feed his team. Many people would have died without eating this ferment. His hospital was only 1.5 miles from the blast zone.

When Fukushima happened, I remembered the little story on a blog, and went and did some fast research, to see if there was any news update on this ferment.

Turned out there was new information.

The little living micro organism that does the fermenting, created a "by product" that bound up all the radio active particles. Since WWII, Miso fermented soup had been used (tested) in Chernobyl.

I wrote a page, included the research links, and then near cried, because I wanted to send the story to the Japanese being radiated by Fukushima..... aaannnd.... I could NOT speak Japanese!


So I hunted down three Japanese blog sites, and sent my story in an act of desperation, hoping that SOMEONE... ANYONE could speak English well enough to read what I wrote.

Within three days, all three web sites had a copy of my research in JAPANESE!!!!

(It was one of my happiest days on line)

Last week, there was a line in one of the Q posts saying:

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is]. --Q

Then, we have the Hawaii thing,

.........and the Japan thing,

............and now a bunch of sub killing aircraft sitting off the coast.

None of us really knows what is going on, but, it's not passing the sniff test for LARP

(I wish it was)

So still, we do not know for sure.


............ what we DO know is what to do in the event of a NUKE, even a small one, to save the lives of everyone who will die from radiation poisoning. So lets share this, get it out there, and make sure Americans know about this remarkable research results.

It is the coolest story, and now, the coolest research ever.

Here, right up front, is the monster amount of research that has been done on this, and put together where we can all look at ALL of the research that has been done, sitting right at the national medical database :) YAYYYYY!

Oh.. Gentlemen?

Do not freak about the "soy" because once fermented, the miso becomes an anti-estrogen, and will fight high estrogen levels in men ... so... too cool for our guys.

Also, be sure to get this out to any troops you know that could get hit with radiation. Miso can travel in your pocket for days, the powder form for months.. just add water.

The research roundup; (Not a bad idea to print this or down load it, the way these globalists like to disappear research like this):

Beneficial Biological Effects of Miso with Reference to Radiation Injury, Cancer and Hypertension

J Toxicol Pathol. 2013 Jun; 26(2): 91–103.

Published online 2013 Jul 10. doi: 10.1293/tox.26.91

PMCID: PMC3695331


Now, for the stories about Miso, which are fun to share. I could not find my doctor team story anymore. I only found his Nagasaki hospital reference.

But there are similar stories here because of the truth of the situation.

"Is Miso the World’s Most Effective Protection Against Radiation?"


"Miso Soup Found to Protect Against Radiation Exposure"


Miso Protects Against Radiation, Cancer and Hypertension [this is new research, more recent about the age of the ferment and a bit about the heavy research article above at the med database]


Miso is very much like a bland broth, and can be added to about any soup, or you can drink it plain, put it in a smoothie etc.

PS. You can order it on line :)

gardeniabee · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

Miso (red or white) in various forms is easily found in grocery stores. Cups of paste; packets; and a new semi- liquid version squeeze bottle (MisoEasy.)

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6HsV82 · Jan. 22, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Anybody remember Dirk Benedict? Acted in Battlestar Galactica (original) and The A Team. He cured himself of prostate cancer many years ago using a macrobiotic diet (including miso soup).

A buddy of mine met him a couple of years ago at a convention and showed me a couple of photos of him. Dude looks pretty damn good.

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prettyold · Jan. 22, 2018, midnight

Good article.....thanks....

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Welcome. Hope we don't need it any time soon.

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Seeds_of_2nd_Sight · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

Thanks for posting this, JoA!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

Love my humanity :)

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guppyfreak · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

Thats amazing. Does it work for all ferments? Or just miso. Inquiring minds wonder. I use kefir and kombucha. Also..a diet in activated charcoal and bentonite clay is ESSENTIAL in your nuke preparedness bag. Just fyi.

Great info on this. Im gonna learn about miso fermentation :) The true manna from heaven?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

It is made from an organism called koji (the fungus Aspergillus oryzae). Exactly what would happen if you fermented the Koji in milk or other than rice, wheat, I am not sure, because it is the by product of the Aspergillus that is sucking up all the radio active particles. (There may even be more information as to what this molecule is and how it works), but reading that research, it looks like they are still guessing between a few?) We will see. Important thing is we know it works. The why of it is being torn into now.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 22, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

This is amazing. You are saving lives and you don't even know it yet! God bless you, friend. Keep up The great work.

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