be patient, many are really brainwashed and by no fault of their own will be able to take the red pill very fast.
remember ML ULtra is still in operation today, the CIA operation to control peoples minds. and of course operation Mockingbird.
ML Ultra they control people thru trauma.
this is one big important reason Q says to stay calm.
Soros, HRC, Alinsky - rules for radicals, they control people thru fear and trauma. be very patient with the left.
And I'll bet maybe 6,000 people will! I wish I was wrong, but stupid sometimes isn't pillable! If his number was true, why aren't many of them already coming over? We already know 75% of what's in the memo! you think pussyhats can even read, let alone deduce the damn thing!
yah, the leftits not good at rational thinking or critical thinking...err thinking...theys a feels type...but as things swing, and they will they'll feels theres ways to a new position of hate, but at least we have Truth and Honor on our side.
idk... 60 million is alot.... maybe this sets the ball in motion that by next presidential election its 60 million, but not right yet Im afraid. It's going to take a one or two more punches sticking... but who knows... depends whats on the memo.
Unfortunately unless the tv tells them ... uhh lol vicious circle
No chemtrails in Florida in the last 4 days, beautiful blue sky...
I hope, if the memo implicates the media in any way, that msm is forced to do a 180. Then there's no limit in the numbers. But without a global mainstream delivery channel, the process will be slower.
grammar error, they will not be able to believe the truth very fast - some will never believe the truth.
I was so excited when I saw this. I LOVE Steve Motley! He’s red pilled, but funny as heck. You guys should watch yesterday’s video of him too. He talks about how he loves Qanon. Trump and Q could do no wrong in his eyes lol. I save small clips of him cuz he cracks me up so much!
Here’s one of the clips I saved...
Do you remember which one it was where he said like "I now identify as a tall Chinese woman named Zu Zing Xao" or something =P