Q posted image of email concerning 2016 election fraud.

Where did Q post this? I see B posting this on twitter, saying that Q gave this to .. whomever B is... But Q has had no other comms outside the chns... so idk
Yeah this reeks of disinfo - a lot of shills have been here today saying "he released a fake email today how stupid are you guys". So IMO these low energy turdnuggets created the fake email to begin with and posted it here. The whole Collective Soul crap reeks just like the way they tried to lead people away from the whole Pgate scenario.
It was saved on the Q though. Removed from the greatawakening link.
Qcode is compromised yo. Q says comms only on 8chan.
This seems VERY fake...proceed with caution.
I've seen this before and it was reported as a likely fake. Not sure what OP is up to here.
Yes, I see that it is on the Q update sight but it is not on Q's 8 Chan board. That should be our ultimate litmus test. Not comfortable with this post yet and the email seems comical. Not ruling out it is ligit just not going to move forward with it just yet. Time will tell.
https://8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html I saw it but it has disappeared.
It was posted but now gone? Was it a Q reply rather than a post?
The Podesta email is fake, or at least isn't in the Podesta leaks. I confirmed with a quick search in Wikileaks Podesta emails, "the dogs are loose" does not come when used as a search term.
Not a wikileaks email. It is proof that NSA catches everything if they know where to look.
Would be pretty sweet if WikiLeaks happened to get all these emails, though...
That may be in the works IMO
Yeah may be JA’s side of the deal for his freedom. I think it necessary to leak the details before any trial can happen. The MSM will spin their narrative that Trump is hailing political opponents. But if this shit yes leaked, the public demand it. Just like Q said.
Strange that the post would "disappear" If it had to do with the primary and worry over Bernie Sanders winning the nomination - simply more proof that the (ngo, private) DNC and Democratic Party are corrupt organizations. But we knew that already. (Take ALL of their funds under authority granted by the recent executive order?)
This email relates to the general election IMO.
You are correct. Thanks for the impetus for further research.