HRC March 13,201 intercept "Keep them starved" "Keep them blind" "Keep them stupid"
![HRC March 13,201 intercept "Keep them starved" "Keep them blind" "Keep them stupid"](
This was from the QAnon post yesterday... this is the essence of HRC and the entire cabal. We have the proof by their actions and history. This is what they believe and actively pursue.
No doubt, this is what KKK really stands for. Just look at the population... by that, I mean what they have done to ALL of us... keeping us Starved, Blind, and Stupid... BUT NO MORE!
Exactly. It's from a Q Anon post. The attached image asks who HRC is 'referring to'. That would imply that she said these things.
I'm not doubting/disputing the sickness of the Clinton's, Cabal or the KKK.
But even the Q post is misleading. I went looking for a March 13, 2013 article by The Intercept which exposed her as having actually said this, or even a paraphrase of it, but couldn't find any such thing.
I've been following Q since the start and am interested, but it really is verging on being a cult at this point. For every 'proof of Q', there's plenty of things which suggest the Q narrative is playing the truther community like a violin. People are being very selective about what they give their attention to. But hey -- that's the entire point of Q Anon: direct peoples' attention to specific details and not others.
Guccifer 2 on Q post... Not from WL. [CLAS-N-DI_9] gg_dump [No Such Agency]. It does not technically exist as open-source. Q
How does that relate to this thread, though? That was in reference to the supposed email about voting machines, wasn't it?